Markus Söder bei Lanz: Accommodation bans? “That will now also end piece by piece”


Germany Markus Söder in Lanz

Accommodation bans? “That will now also end piece by piece”

| Reading time: 4 minutes

Several federal states are abolishing housing bans

The number of new infections in Germany in one day has risen to more than 7,000. As for issues like housing bans, the federal states have yet to find a uniform regulation.

In “Markus Lanz”, Markus Söder warns that Germany is “in the middle of the second wave”. When Chancellor Merkel said tough announcements were needed to avoid “disaster,” she was speaking the right language. Restrictions for hotspot vacationers “are not the point.”

reThe controversial accommodation ban for travelers from areas with a particularly high number of infections will be lifted soon, according to Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. Restrictions for Corona hotspot vacationers “are not actually the important thing in the fight against the epidemic. That will now also come to an end little by little, “said the head of CSU on Thursday night on the ZDF program” Markus Lanz. “

This is also due to the fact that the courts partially take advantage of the bans. With a view to Bavaria, Söder said: “It will also be our case that we let the phasing out piece by piece”, but the prerequisite is that people adhere to the new stricter restrictions. Until now, tourists from areas with particularly high corona numbers have only been allowed into a hotel if they can present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old.

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Söder warned that Germany was “in the middle of the second wave.” When Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) says tough announcements are needed to avoid “disaster”, she is speaking the right language. The question now is: “How do we protect the sensible from the unreasonable few?” The federal and state governments had decided to expand the requirement for masks, limit the number of guests at private celebrations, contact restrictions in public spaces and a curfew for restaurants.

The accommodation ban was highly controversial at the Prime Ministers’ Crown summit at the Chancellery on Wednesday, because countries like North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia are not implementing it at all. The federal and state governments did not reach an agreement and postponed the issue until November 8. On Thursday, the courts of Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony overturned the respective bans. Saxony and Saarland canceled the rule. However, on Thursday evening, the Higher Administrative Court of Schleswig-Holstein rejected an urgent request against the accommodation ban in the state.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig wants to adhere to her ban on entry and accommodation for citizens of Corona hotspots. The Higher Administrative Court has confirmed so far in each lawsuit, “that we, as a high-tourism country with millions of tourists, have good reason to say that we have to keep travel under control,” said the politician of the SPD on the ZDF show “Maybrit Illner”. “So I am optimistic about our rules.”

But the head of government can imagine relaxing the particularly harsh rules. In the future, the quarantine requirement or a second corona test after five days may no longer affect entire regions like Berlin, but only “high-risk areas” like Berlin’s badly affected district of Neukölln. “That would be a solution,” Schwesig said.

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Talk show “Maybrit Illner”

Söder regretted that the results of the federal-state meeting were not comprehensive enough. In view of the rapid increase in the number of infections, the Bavarian Prime Minister warned that a new lockdown is closer than many believe. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) told the “Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine” (Kassel, Friday): “We must not wait until the clinics are full.”

Professor Michael Meyer-Hermann, Head of the Department of Systems Immunology at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig, was disappointed with the results of the Bund-Länder round. “We have indications that the virus is spreading uncontrollably,” he told the ZDF “Heute Journal” on Thursday night. Therefore, he issued a “big warning” on Wednesday at the Prime Minister’s Conference at the Chancellery. “The measures that have been taken are not what I expected,” said Meyer-Hermann.

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Tracking infections can no longer be guaranteed in many places. “The population just has to understand that now it is about the sausage,” said the expert. People would have to restrict celebrations much more and avoid traveling, if possible, and constantly wearing a mask. The professor showed no sympathy for the grumpy masks. “It’s a little complicated”. The alternative is a lockdown that many small businesses would not survive. It would be much better if people always put on a mask when they left the house, Meyer-Hermann said in the ARD “Tagesthemen”.

The infection researcher would refrain from banning people from so-called hot spots. “I think this is a violation of human rights that is very radical,” Meyer-Hermann said. This step should be considered very carefully. Instead, it relies on the knowledge of the population. Previously, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, had introduced a cordon off of risk areas. CSU chief Söder said in “Markus Lanz”: “I think that’s excessive and inappropriate.”

According to an ARD “Morgenmagazin” poll, the different measures and regulations in the federal states do not have much public acceptance: a good two-thirds (68 percent) favor more uniform regulations for Germany. According to a Forsa poll for RTL, a large majority of citizens (74 percent) do not have the impression that the federal government and federal states are working well together to contain the corona pandemic.
