Markus Lanz (ZDF): Markus Söder praises his Corona strategy – after counterattack, remains silent


In Markus Lanz on ZDF, there is a lot of talk about Corona in Austria and Bavaria and too brief about old and young.

  • Markus Lanz’s guests at ZDF discuss the Corona crisis.
  • The moderator mainly talks about the situation in Bavaria. Markus Söder.
  • Here it goes Markus Lanz South don’t go through a statement.

Mainz – let’s get started Markus Lanz I’m ZDF The border images run and speak of the “European spirit.” A spirit that he sees in danger from the new regulations on the borders of the Czech Republic and Austrian Tyrol.

Doing long Markus Lanz on the situation in Bavaria with the Prime Minister Markus Söder speak. Too long. Because in the studio they sit with the mayor of Flensburg, Simone Lange, the epidemiologist Gérard Krause and Kai Lanz, the 19-year-old founder of the youth ministry program “Krisenchat”, three guests who want to discuss hot topics. And like the audience has to wait an unbearable time.

Markus Lanz (ZDF): “The borders are not narrow,” says Söder

No appeased Markus Söder: “The borders are not narrow.” This had Markus Lanz apparently feared. It just tightens the controls and testing rules, because the Czech Republic and Tyrol are now officially “mutation areas”. Furthermore, the same mechanism can be observed in all parts of Europe today: if it is loosened too quickly, the numbers are already rising again.

Simone Lange can briefly join the conversation at ZDF intervene with a suggestion from Flensburg and the Danish border area experiences: In Denmark, the government is making sufficient testing capabilities available, while the German strategy remains follow-up and not preventive. Already changed South again: this Danish strategy is exactly the Bavarian.

Exchange of blows between Markus Söder and Markus Lanz in ZDF

There follows a long exchange of blows between Markus Lanz Y Markus Söder I’m ZDF, in which Lanz alludes to test breakdowns in Bavaria starting in the summer, he sometimes wonders how he should succeed against counties like Tirschenreuth with an incidence of 333 – uniformly low numbers like the highly touted new 35 mark in To reach Bavaria. Markus Söder for all for sure until you get to a sticky point with the claim that Germany has survived the pandemic better than other countries so far. That leaves Markus Lanz Don’t get away with it: “In view of the many deaths, we should refrain from saying that we are doing better than the others.” South then nods silently.

Markus Lanz (ZDF): one in three children is mentally affected by the crown crisis

The other guests can finally join a conversation. Markus Lanz I’m ZDF turn on. Kai Lanz reports worrying figures such as a study by the Eppendorf University Clinic in Hamburg, according to which one in three children is currently psychologically stressed. However, there were too many psychological problems among young people even before the crisis, Kai Lanz emphasizes. The epidemiologist Gérard Krause, for his part, watches over the elderly and sick in homes, which are not yet sufficiently protected.

In view of this situation, it is incomprehensible why an oversized section is devoted to hairdressers of all things in the resolutions of the Prime Minister’s Conference. There is an emotional debate about hairstyle as part of one’s dignity, how Markus Söder put him on the defensive. This is Markus Lanz “It got too high on the shelf.” The most important question is “whether people can die with dignity. It’s hard for me to talk about hairdressers in this context, ”he says. Markus Lanz.

Talk to Markus Lanz (ZDF): A second Ischgl seems to be just around the corner

A panoramic back to the beginning of the ZDF-Shipping with Markus Lanz brings a change to Vienna to correspondent Corinna Milborn, who stands in a bobble hat in front of the empty Stephansplatz in Vienna. Sure, curfews are in place in Austria, but otherwise they are currently being relaxed because Chancellor Sebastian Kurz feels the mood in the population is leaning against the measures.

While children in schools diligently stick cotton swabs up their noses with so-called nasal piercing tests, the conditions on the ski hills in Zillertal Tirol are incredible. “A week ago, the district of Schwaz would have been cordoned off, Tyrol refused,” reports Corinna Milborn in Markus Lanz. Sure, now it’s winter holidays in Tyrol, many have second homes here and when it comes to skiing, the imagination rises even among strangers. Training sessions from ski instructors or would-be job seekers already turned out to be vacationers. A second Ischgl seems to be just around the corner.

Moderator Markus Lanz exchanged blows with Markus Söder (CSU).

© Screenshot / ZDF

Markus Lanz (ZDF): The proportion of corona mutations is alarmingly high

Markus Lanz streaming time is now running on ZDF From that. Gérard Krause quickly presents his most important concern: It is problematic to focus on a single number with the incidence value, you always have to include the capacities of the hospital or the vaccination situation. That is much more complex than is often shown. “As a doctor, I don’t treat the lab results, but the patients,” says Krause.

Simone Lange can confirm this from experience: incidence is currently declining in Flensburg, but she has just introduced tightening and has therefore encountered a lack of understanding among the population. Because apparently not enough is known that local hospitals are currently reaching their load limits and the proportion of Mutations it is alarmingly high. The situation in hospitals and homes cannot be addressed only with tests and vaccines, adds Gérard Krause im ZDFthat you also have to make sure you have good technical staff and equipment. “These are organizational things that were a problem even before the pandemic,” says Krause.

Markus Lanz (ZDF): young people who “are about to take their own lives”

It is probably significant that one of the most important points is only at the end of the ZDF-Shipping from Markus Lanz will be discussed in detail. Kal Lanz tells how the crisis chat he founded works, in which children and young people can go to about 200 volunteer psychological counselors 24 hours a day. “He also deals with extreme cases, with young people who are about to take their own lives,” says Kai Lanz. It is also important to inform children and young people about their rights in the face of domestic violence: What can their parents do and what cannot they do?

Kai Lanz is disappointed that so far there have been negative reactions to the crisis chat from the government and especially from Franziska Giffey’s family ministry. Simone Lange makes the comforting offer that crisis chat can be networked with local offers; In Flensburg, for example, there is the website Y Markus Lanz supplemented by the suggestion that the conversation be ZDF continue: “Sit here until the Family Department calls.” Next time should Markus Lanz But then let your namesake speak first. (Teresa Schomburg)
