Markus Lanz: “We act like in a textbook,” says Lauterbach


IOn Markus Lanz’s ZDF talk show, SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach commented on the so-called “breakwater blockade” decided on Wednesday.

“I think it’s a huge success, you really have to say it. Germany came out of the first wave better than many other European countries. And the question now is: can we repeat that? Because we are in a slightly better position than neighboring countries. And with today’s result, I think we can do it. That was also the goal. The closure of the breakwater basically means that it can break the second wave that is approaching, that is, this exponential growth, for as long as possible. And then exponential growth shouldn’t be that far away, ”Lauterbach said.

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They acted in accordance with a concept that the renowned British University of Warwick recently helped develop. Virologist Christian Drosten and Lauterbach suggested applying the concept from the beginning. The concept only works “if you do it too early”.

“Now, so to speak in the textbook, you can say that we acted very consistently from the beginning on the upstream branch of exponential growth,” Lauterbach emphasized.

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It is remarkable and something special that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) was quick to support the concept, that it was only “a few days old”, and that the procedure was decided so quickly.

When asked by Lanz if he had made the confinement even more difficult, Lauterbach said no. The original concept also included the closure of schools, and some experts defended it as well. Lauterbach has always been of the opinion that schools should not be included in the package.

Kretschmann: Imposing a second block “is much more difficult”

Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) spoke with Lanz about the measures and the issue of school closures.

Kretschmann also emphasized that one should not have to wait any longer. It was also important to adopt uniform rules: “This is important for people, they want uniform rules that apply to everyone. I hope that builds trust, because everything only makes sense if people participate as well. There we can make many decisions, most of them have to comply with them. Only then will it work. “

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In his opinion, the imposition of the second blockade was even more difficult than the first: “After the easing, having to go really strong again is much more difficult,” said the green politician.

When asked why it was decided to keep the schools open this time, Kretschmann said: “We know this put families under enormous stress. Enormously. We hardly organize it anymore. “

Kretschmann emphasized that the measures were in no way designed to be permanent. “Things are limited. That also stops again. At the latest, when the vaccine arrives and we are all vaccinated, it will stop ”. No one should be afraid that one continues like this. “We definitely won’t do that,” he said. This confidence could also “revive a little. And then we can do without things for a time that we would otherwise like to do. “

Lauterbach: “That doesn’t mean they can break into the apartment”

Lanz also spoke with Karl Lauterbach about his controversial statement that in the current emergency, the inviolability of the apartment should no longer be an argument for the lack of controls.

Lauterbach emphasized: “I did not mean to say that you can enter the apartment.” In the past, when there were riots, it was normal for the police and the law enforcement office to call the home. Consequently, officials would now have to intervene if private parties were held with dozens of people at the confinement. “That doesn’t mean they can break into the apartment. But let them come there, come out and say, it must be over now. “

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Kretschmann made clear that concerns about the introduction of a surveillance state due to the pandemic, as expressed by historian Yuval Noah Harari in the WELT interview, are unfounded: “We are free people ourselves! We are proud of the fact that we live in a free state. ” One is “happy when that is over. And then we are happy that the conditions are free again ”. Because: “What’s good about having to make such rules for people?

Chancellor Merkel and the prime minister agreed on Wednesday the most drastic steps since the great spring close. For example, hotels, restaurants, cinemas and theaters should close for the entire month of November starting next Monday. Unlike the spring, schools, nurseries, and stores must remain open. There is strong criticism of the approach of the federal and state governments, among others, from catering companies, popular sports and cultural representatives.
