Mario Götze: sensational transfer to Bayern? Flick clearly positions himself to return


Mario Götze moving to Bayern Munich? There could be a return. There are rumors of a phone call, now President Hainer has spoken.

  • By Mario Götze is with us after an unfortunate season Borussia Dortmund No club since July.
  • The 2014 world champion apparently wants to be in the Bundesliga stay.
  • When he returns to FC Bayern? Apparently Hansi Flick has already called, President Herbert Hainer is now also taking a position.

Update September 23 at 10:27 pm.: Hansi Flick commented on Mario Götze, who is currently without a club, returning to his old club FC Bayern. “Currently it is for us no option. You have to leave it like that, ”said coach Hansi Flick in an interview with Sky Sport News and thus closed the door for a possible transference sensation.

The Bayern coach got with him 28 years finally “always animated contact I had ”and made a phone call, as Flick also pointed out at the press conference. However, this applies to a host of players the Nationallf’s longtime assistant coach knows from his time in the DFB. “With Mario most notably“Said Flick,” because you had a difficult time, you need special support. ”

Update as of September 23, 1:30 pm: Is By Mario Götze a problem with the heads of the FC Bayern? After the coach Hansi flick He probably spoke to the 28-year-old on the phone, said the FCB president. Herbert Hainer to Bild100 sport on the subject of Götze.

“I don’t know all the Hansi Flick phone calls,” Hainer said. “We have not yet discussed this in the Supervisory Board. The sports management, in which I have full confidence, will undoubtedly build a good squad.

After numerous outings, the Munich team wants to add staff again. Then why not Idol? The fact that your first attempt at FC Bayern did not bring the expected advance. Hansi Flick tried me Thomas muller and Jerome boateng also that he has the ability to put national players back on track. In any case, a personality to be followed with great interest.

FC Bayern: Hansi Flick called Mario Götze – Will there be a sensational transfer?

Update on September 23 at 9:10 am.: What was speculated in recent days is becoming more concrete! By Mario Götze could for FC Bayern change – apparently there was already a phone call between coaches Hansi flick and the hero of the World Cup.

According to information from Sports box Flick called Gotze last week, saying it wasn’t his first call. The coach would like to have reinforcements for the Munich team after the departure of Thiago. Götze would have a great advantage: as it is not a club, it does not cost a transfer. Hasan Salihamidzic and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Your against a transfer, the risk and pressure would be too great.

The 28-year-old could be a possible replacement for Thiago, already in his second phase at Borussia Dortmund he was often used in central midfield.

Mario Götze to Bayern? “It has to fit”

First report of September 21: Dortmund – By Mario Götze looking for club since July. Borussia Dortmund He did not want to extend the expiring contract of the world champion. Now the new season has started and Götze still doesn’t have a new club.

Six years have passed since Mario Götze and his Door of dreams in the final of Rio Germany to the World champion done. Two years later he returned to BVB, and this summer whoever made the most money was allowed to find a new club. Instead, the offensive player changed advisors twice this year. *

After months of silence, Götze was now speaking in the image about his future plans. So far I have not found a suitable club. “I want to consciously give myself the time I need to make the right decision. There are many aspects that play an important role for me. I need to feel that I fit in with the club, the coach and their philosophy. The corona pandemic also plays a role. “And what you must not forget: Corona is creating a special situation that everyone has to adapt to.”

Mario Götze declares the Champions League title as a goal

The financial aspect only plays a secondary role for Götze in a new contract, the decisive and really important factors would be the athletic ones: “I want to compete, prove my worth at the highest level and show that I can help all the teams. Me nostalgia to Soccer is very large. “Anyway, Götze is ready if a new club knocks on the door. “I train in six days, always in a different way: after more than ten years as a professional, I know my body very well and I know how I can and should stress it.” In addition, there are regular units with your physical trainer Martial Arts and Yoga They are in the training plan.

Despite the World Cup and numerous championships and cups in Germany, Götze still has big goals and wants to win more titles, preferably those Champions League. “The Champions League is the coolest competition there is for a footballer. Our triumph in the World Cup was also incredible. But you do the daily work at the club level, and there is nothing greater than this trophy, “said Götze der image.

Götze plays with the return of the Bundesliga and talks to Bayern coach Flick

Gotze can also stay in the Bundesliga present. “The Bundesliga also belongs to Europe and I never said that I had to leave the Bundesliga. There are several ambitious clubs in Germany ”. According image-The information was even on the team planning sheet with Götze FC Bayern. “I do not know anything about that. But of course Bayern is a great club with a great coach, ”said the former Bayern star.

With the current FCB coach Hansi flick connects Götze with the 2014 World Cup. “I have been in contact with Hansi since the beginning of the national team. We have had a very good relationship ever since and exchange ideas regularly. He has a lot of experience and is a good advisor ”. The triple winner actually looks for other types of players besides Götze. Will there still be a sensational reunification? (ck) * is part of the national network Ippen-Digital
