Many ski areas have to close now


The number of infections in Switzerland is among the highest in Europe, but there have been hardly any government guidelines. That is changing now, because the health system is reaching its limits.

Several Swiss cantons are now closing their ski areas due to corona infection numbers. Other measures taken by individual cantons also go far beyond the protective measures that the Berne government had prescribed at the national level on Friday. Starting Tuesday, restaurants, cinemas, museums and sports clubs are due to close, but shops and ski areas may remain open despite criticism from outside.

The cantons of Zurich, St. Gallen, Lucerne, Schwyz, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Zug, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Uri have still announced that they will close their ski areas from Tuesday. Corona’s situation does not allow them to continue operations or even start operations, explained the Lucerne governing council.

Switzerland: the healthcare system has reached its limits

In contrast, the ski areas will initially remain open in the cantons of Bern and Valais. The government of Bern asked the population to be careful. He announced that he would close the ski resorts if the situation in the hospitals worsened. Other cantons, such as Graubünden, wanted to decide before Monday whether to open the ski areas during Christmas.

Relative to the number of inhabitants, the number of infections in Switzerland is among the highest in Europe and the healthcare system is reaching its limits in many places. However, the federal government and cantons have so far been cautious. Only last week were public events banned and a curfew was introduced for restaurants at 7pm, but there were exceptions.

The Swiss Society for Emergency and Rescue Medicine warned of a third wave crown on Saturday. The amount will depend on people’s behavior during the upcoming holidays, said board member Aristomenis Exadaktylos of the Keystone-SDA news agency. Uniform rules are needed across the country: “Otherwise we will only play cantonal virus ping-pong.”
