Manuela Schwesig (SPD) shows completely changed after cancer cure


Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has recovered from breast cancer, and talks about the past few months, when she was a corona crisis manager in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania despite the disease.

  • Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has it Cancer therapy finished.
  • Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania I was in Breast cancer he fell ill.
  • Despite the illness, she worked at the Crown crisis * Follow.

Update May 13, 2020: The joy and relief at the news of Manuela Schwesig’s successful cancer therapy is great, not only in the field of Social Democrats. SPD Secretary General wrote on Twitter Lars Klingbeil: “I am so relieved and happy with all my heart that you are well again!” Chancellor Heiko Maas Posted on Instagram: “I am very happy for and with her. How you fought in the past few months was incredible. You are a role model for many, dear Manu. ” Your SPD Ministerial Colleague Hubertus Heil tweeted: “The most beautiful news of the day!”

He too Young Union of Bavaria He said on Twitter: “We are very happy! All the best!” And the CSU Minister of State Dorothee Bär He added: “What wonderful news, dear Manuela Schwesig. All the love and blessings of God continue.

First registration May 12, 2020: Schwerin – Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has beaten cancer The therapy for his disease was over, Schwesig said Tuesday in Schwerin. The 45-year-old Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania He had released his breast cancer disease * in September 2019.

Manuela Schwesig on breast cancer disease: “The toughest fight of my life”

Schwesig said she was happy and grateful to have survived cancer therapy, even if there was no guarantee. Residual risk stay. Therefore, she will continue to receive medical treatment and monitoring.

Manuela Schwesig (SPD) talks about her cancer.

© dpa / Jens Büttner

“It has been the toughest fight in my life so far,” said Schwesig, who continued his position despite the illness. The last few months have not left her without a trace. In the coming weeks, she wanted to do rehab to regain her strength. The cabinet meeting on Tuesday should be the Deputy Prime Minister and the Home Secretary. Lorenz Caffier (CDU) conduct.

“Wonderfully rescued by good powers … Thanks for the great support in the past few months,” Schwesig tweeted Tuesday:

Manuela Schwesig also continued to work on the crown crisis, and unilaterally welcomes the country in case of relief.

The SPD politician had received medical treatment and initially appeared less frequently in public. But she continued working. And that is Crown pandemic He also met Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, it was Schwesig as Crisis manager Present.

Schwesig recently welcomed countries Loosening of the crown * they can follow their own ways, their reason: Infection situation * and the needs are regionally different. “The situation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is different than in North Rhine-Westphalia * or Bavaria *.

The head of government emphasized that basic standards were also needed at the national level, which had also been established. This included maintaining the Minimal distance *, the Mask requirement * just like him “Emergency braking” *. In this way, it is possible to maintain an outbreak locally and combat it without paralyzing the entire Federal Republic.

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