Mallorca relaxes the running of the bulls, but for whom?


Hoteliers and restaurateurs are less optimistic

The relaxation of the impending blockade in much of the Corona Spain hotspot has hardly caused applause in Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands. Hotels have been allowed to reopen for the first time in two months from Monday, and restaurants and bars in the outdoor area can accommodate guests again. But the weekly “Mallorca Zeitung” says: “Almost all the houses will remain closed.”

“Not completely clear” safety regulations

It is feared that almost no customer will come. “Why should we open when there are no flights for our guests to arrive?”, Quotes Christoph Gräwert, director of the 900-bed Samos hotel in Magaluf. Furthermore, “it is not yet clear what safety standards we have to comply with.”

Hoteliers await instructions

The Majorcan Hoteliers Association FEHM also announced that they were waiting for more precise instructions. The central government had previously announced that, along with the Balearic Islands, another ten out of a total of 17 “autonomous communities” could enter “phase 1” of the reduction plan on Monday, including the Basque Country and the Canary Islands.

Other regions have to wait

In other regions, such as Catalonia or Valencia, relaxation is only allowed in some areas. The Catalan province of Barcelona, ​​like Madrid, must remain in “Phase 0” for now. The small Canary Islands of El Hierro, La Graciosa and La Gomera, which are barely affected by the virus, and the Balearic Island of Formentera have been in “Phase 1” for a few days.

The so-called state of alarm has been in force throughout Spain since March 15 and at least until May 23. As part of the third-highest level of emergency, there is also a strict exit ban, which was only lifted a week ago.

After all, the weather in Mallorca is currently more stable than on the mainland

TVNOW documentary: hour zero part 2 – race with the virus

The corona virus keeps Germany and the rest of the world on hold. After the successful first part of the document “Zero Hour” two weeks ago, the authors in the second TVNOW document “Zero Hour – Race with the Virus” compare the various measures of individual countries around the world with the current recommendations of the researchers. .

You can find more information in our podcast “We and Crown”.
