“Maischberger. Die Woche” (ARD): “The third corona wave is here and can no longer be stopped”


In “maischberger. die woche ”in the ARD, Karl Lauterbach (SPD) comments again on the Astrazeneca corona vaccine: the risk must be accepted.

  • At ARD the president of the CDU speaks Armin laschet on state elections and crown politics.
  • Karl Lauterbach criticized in “maischberger. The week “the suspension of the Astrazeneca vaccine.
  • To contain the Crown-Pandemic health professional holds another Emergency shutdown by inevitable.

Berlin: The talk usually starts in Sandra maischberger with a brief review of the political and social events of recent days. Yesterday, on the other hand, the broadcast started directly into the roughly 25-minute one-on-one conversation with the CDU president and the NRW prime minister. Armin laschet. After this CDU fault in the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg there was no grateful appointment for the politician. After all, it is not only the serious losses in the southwest of the republic, but also the Union Mask Affair and the rumbling Crown-Politics to the debate, and that in the year of the super elections 2021.

The Catholic wants the discussion about the Archbishop of Colonia Woelki Laschet Left to the Church, but to the poor electoral results of the CDU it has to express itself. “We lost”, there Laschet a, but the competition in no way would have won. Maischberger you want to know if the reasons for poor performance Crown-Management to lie. “Of course no one is happy at the moment,” he says. Laschet. When the Astrazeneca vaccines Through the Paul Ehrlich Institute, he believes that politics has a duty to be cautious and regrets the inconsistent approach in Europe. Clarification of the pandemic should not be driven by party politics.

An overview of Maischberger’s guests at ARD

Armin laschet CDU party chair
Karl Lauterbach Health Expert (SPD)
Ilkay Gundogan Professional footballer, Manchester United
Ulrich wickert Daily topic moderator
Alexandra Föderl-Schmidt SZ Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kristina dunz Capital Correspondent RND

“Maischberger. Die Woche” (ARD): Armin, Laschet, Corona and the CDU

As the person in charge Maischberger the minister of health Jens spahn for optional – Laschets Wingman of the presidential candidacy. But Armin laschet prefers to pass on errors in the vaccination order to the European Commission. He sees a specific problem in the “gigantic vaccination bureaucracy” with complicated regulations. You have to “approach vaccination in a pragmatic way” and roll up your sleeves. Get excited Sandra maischbergerin regards to the forced openings of schools in the Düren district. Laschet indicates the necessary consideration. To avoid endangering the well-being of children, nurseries and schools must be the first to open and the last to close, of course, in accordance with all safety concepts. Its implementation is criticized Maischberger forcefully: “It just doesn’t work.”

After Laschet, the guest commentators have their say. The moderator of the topics of the day for a long time is on the podium Ulrich wickert, the deputy editor-in-chief of SZ Alexandra Föderl-Schmid and with Kristina dunz the deputy director of the RND capital city office. Wickert I would take the Astra vaccine right away and diagnose regarding the stumbling crisis policy: “We fell asleep as a country.” The group continues with the question of whether the suspension of the Astrazeneca vaccines was politically or medically motivated, and on the CDU matter about Purchase of masks. The corresponding declaration of honor is ridiculed, including the code of conduct of the Union faction Kristina dunz: “Of course that has to do with the election year.”

“Maischberger. Die Woche” (ARD): Karl Lauterbach, Corona, the third wave and Astrazeneca

The Paul Ehrlich Institute recommended the suspension of the Astrazeneca vaccines due to an accumulation of “serious thrombotic events”. Of the eight known cases in this country, three were fatal. What’s behind it and how does the decision affect that? Impfcampaign out of? The SPD health politician and the eternal guest of the talk Karl Lauterbach in any case, I would have preferred a continuation of vaccinations with a parallel review of the vaccine. Because of the very specific side effects, he suspects a connection to the vaccine, but notes that complications are rare. The risk must be accepted: “It is a safe vaccine.”

maischberger. the week at ARD

The March 18, 2021 broadcast for viewing in the ARD Media Library.

In the middle, the Manchester football professional reports. Ilkay Gundogan from his Covid disease last september. He felt worse than ever and the family was worried. Also for this experience he voted Gundogan for vaccination. The call comes Karl Lauterbach good pass. In the end, he paints a grim picture of the state of the pandemic: “The third wave is here and it can no longer be stopped.” Lauterbach see two options. There is a quick and hard but brief block, or a long block after the delay. The commentators’ corner assesses the situation in a similar way, but softens the finding a bit. We will know more soon. (Christian Horn)
