Macron angry with Corona adviser: “I’m fed up with these scientists” – foreign policy


Emmanuel Macron is apparently angry at France’s top crown scientists because they would recommend nothing more than lock himself up to reduce infections.

While Chancellor Angela Merkel (65, CDU) only seems to listen to such virologists, the French president is fed up with it …

“I was crazy as a child. He told us: You annoy me, I am not going to jail, “French media quoted a former friend who had criticized him.

The president decided to “emancipate himself from epidemiologists” who insisted on a new closure in France at the end of January due to mutations of the virus, the third.

Prime Minister Jean Castex (55) also was in favor of the French re-closing all bulkheads as a precautionary measure, which Macron rejected “narcissistically”, as the magazine “Le Point” currently writes in a long portrait of the president. .

The surprising result: almost three weeks after this lonely decision, the number of new infections in France is slowly (but uncertainly) declining, most recently below 200 in a week (per 100,000 inhabitants).

The situation is gradually improving in French hospitals, although according to the Health Ministry, up to 25 percent of corona infections are currently due to the corona variant in Britain.

“I am tired of these scientists”

Macron will die Menschen in Frankreich nicht einsperrenPhoto: Ludovic Marin / dpa

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Macron doesn’t want to lock people up in FrancePhoto: Ludovic Marin / dpa

Macron’s reported tantrum is not the first of its kind. In a meeting with health experts earlier this month, he was reported to have said: “I am fed up with these scientists not answering my questions about other variants except with one scenario: that of re-closing.”

The chairman of the government’s crown scientific advisory council, Jean-François Delfraissy (72), warned in a television interview that there was an “acute need for action” due to the spread of new variants of the crown.

“We will probably have to impose new curfews,” said the adviser. Britain’s variant of the virus threatens to bring with it “the equivalent of a second pandemic.”

However, the French employers’ association Medef and the chambers of commerce demanded that as many shops be left open as possible.

An attitude that Macron followed. And that’s certainly to the delight of freedom-loving Frenchmen, although, according to a recent poll, 60 percent say they don’t trust their government’s crisis management.

Schools and kindergartens remain open

There is still a strict curfew, every day starting at 6pm, and an urgent reminder to work at the home office.

Schools remain open, however, in view of the growing number of variants of the virus, but under now stricter conditions: schoolchildren from the age of six must wear masks, classes are closed for a week due to a case of corona.

But the decision to keep educational institutions open would have to come, after all, “l’école à la maison” pushed many parents to the limit just under a year ago, also with anger …

“The cost of these restrictions for children is considerable. There are more and more hospital admissions for mental illnesses: depression, suicide attempts (…) We can also speak of an epidemic (…) Children get sick from being locked up ”, explains Robert Cohen, spokesman for the French. Pediatric Association.

Restaurant owners in France suffer and cheat

But the French temple, restaurants and bistros remain closed! Although: blackout curtains, a tip for like-minded people and secret guests after dessert make a lot possible! It is not only in Paris that staunch folks know where they can go out for dinner if necessary, although this is strictly prohibited.

However, many restaurant owners are so desperate that they risk getting caught, including a hefty fine.

The French business newspaper Challenges wrote in August about the first closure in the spring of 2020 that individuals would also have received customers at home “against payment”.

Then the pressure in the boiler increases slowly, especially in the kitchen.
