Lübcke murder case: Arson attack in Kassel by Antifa against the co-defendant’s car


Markus H. acquitted

Lawyer Björn Clemens (left) speaks with his client Markus H. in one of the last days of the trial before the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt (file photo)

© Boris Roessler / dpa-Pool / dpa

In the murder of Walter Lübcke, Markus H. was acquitted as an accessory. Antifa doesn’t care. He carried out an attack on H.’s car in Kassel.

Kassel: a small car that was sold on Monday night in Kassel Waldau Industrial Zone has burned, heard Markus H., the co-defendant acquitted of the trial for The assassination of the Kassel regional president, Walter Lübcke. For arson has a Antifa group known.

On Thursday, three days after the attack, H., 46, was charged with the Accessory to murder to the district president Lübcke paid out state. H. was only charged for a violation of the gun law Sentenced to a suspended sentence of a year and a half.

Attack on co-defendants in Lübcke trial: confession letter from Antifa

On the website to the left, Indymedia.org, one day before the verdict was announced Confession letter published. There it says that the Antifa Monday night the car that Markus H. had set on fire Release of custody They have used. The group holds H. jointly responsible for the murder of Lübcke, regardless of the outcome of the trial.

The car was in the front zone due to the fire. completely destroyed state. The police estimate the damages at 4,000 euros. A Mini parked next door was also damaged by the heat.

Attack on co-defendants in Lübcke trial: police do not rule out political motive

According to police spokesman Matthias Mänz, the criminal investigation department is investigating arson. The police did not provide information about the injured man. In political motive it is not excluded, according to Mänz.

While Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt the main defendants in the Lübcke murder case, Stephan ernst Sentenced to life in prison, Markus H. was acquitted of the most serious charges. However, his reaction to the sentence surprised observers at the trial. (Ulrike Pflüger-Scherb)
