Lower Saxony plans further relaxation NDR.de – News


At: 04/30/2020 08:01 p.m.

Hi lower saxony

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Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) is pleased with the opening of the playgrounds.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) is satisfied with the federal and state governments planned relaxation of the crown rules. These are results that can be seen, Weil said Thursday night at the state press conference. The federal and state governments had previously agreed at a nearly four-hour exchange conference that playgrounds, museums, and other cultural institutions also Open zoos across the country soon. In Lower Saxony, the regulations will take effect from May 6, according to the State Chancellery. Then the next change to the Corona Regulation will go into effect. Services can also take place again, but only if strict hygiene and contact rules are observed.

Because: “Municipalities can open playgrounds again”

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) reports that an agreement on playgrounds was found in federal-state consultations. Municipalities can reopen them from May 6.

Short-term discussions on the opening of playgrounds.

Because he emphasized that he was particularly pleased with the opening of the playgrounds. Before discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of federal states, she did not assume that a mutual agreement would be reached. The country will now speak “very quickly” with municipalities about the type of playground, Weil says. According to his ideas, municipalities should be “relatively broad in scope”.

More information

04/30/2020 07:30 a.m.

Lower Saxony, together with two other countries, proposes a return to tourism in three phases. The industry is happy. It could start on May 7, with zoos.

Relaxation beyond national decisions.

In addition to decisions at the national level, the state of Lower Saxony is planning further relaxation. Weil announced a cautious first step in the direction of opening up the tourism sector: Starting in the middle of next week, secondary homeowners and long-term campers should also be able to stay in their weekend or vacation homes. for tourist purposes. More relief is provided for movie theaters and car washes. There are also sports concessions: contactless sports such as athletics and tennis, as well as outdoor sports facilities, are allowed again from May 6, provided a minimum distance of 1.50 meters is maintained.



04/30/2020 6:30 p.m.

Prime Minister Weil (SPD) reports on federal-state consultations. Playgrounds, museums and zoos are open from May 6, further relaxation is announced.
Video (13:59 min)

“It must have perspectives for all areas”

The areas of gastronomy, hotel and possible new openings for kindergartens and schools were left out of the talks between the federal government and the state. These “big problems,” Weil said, will be discussed at the next branch next Wednesday. Until then, the effects of the latest easing, in particular trade openings, should be visible in the infection numbers. “We have to point out perspectives for all areas,” urged the Prime Minister.



Hi lower saxony

04/29/2020 7:30 p.m.

Hi lower saxony

Vacation homes, campgrounds, and restaurants may reopen starting May 11, subject to strict rules. This is what the Minister of Economy, Althusmann, is aiming for.
Video (01:58 min)

Coalition partner criticism

The coalition partner slightly criticized: CDU parliamentary group leader Dirk Toepffer called “disappointing” that the reopening of hotels, restaurants and leisure facilities has not been addressed. The Minister of the Economy, Bernd Althusmann (CDU), had previously spoken about the relaxation in the area of ​​gastronomy since mid-May and the opening of hotels and pensions from the end of May / beginning of June. Because he emphasized that additional measures could only be taken in a reasonable proportion, “this can only be done in a general concept.” If there were no such agreement at the federal level, then a decision would only be possible for Lower Saxony, Weil announced.

Stephan Birkner speaks to the media.

Birkner: Governing an Ordinance Issue

NDR Information

The head of the FDP parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament, Stefan Birkner, called for the state parliament to have more say in Corona’s requirements in the NDR news interview on Thursday.

More information


The federal and state governments have agreed to relax: Playgrounds, zoos and botanical gardens should be allowed to open, Chancellor Merkel said. More information at tagesschau.de

At present

04/30/2020 08:00 a.m.

At present

Starting May 6, services and religious gatherings in churches, synagogues and mosques in Lower Saxony will again be possible subject to conditions. This was announced by the State Chancellery.

NDR information: current

NDR information: current

Poland eliminates the quarantine requirement for travelers. In Germany, playgrounds, zoos, museums and other cultural institutions can reopen under certain conditions. More Corona news in the ticker.

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Hello Lower Saxony |
04/30/2020 | 7:30 pm.

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