Lower Saxony in snow clearing mode – Storm surge expected in Baltic Sea | NDR.de – news


Status: 08/02/2021 3:53 pm

Snow and black ice create significant obstacles to traffic, especially in southern Lower Saxony. There are more restrictions on many rail lines throughout the North. There is a storm surge warning for the Baltic Sea.

On the motorways 1, 30 and 33 in the Emsland and Osnabrück districts, as well as in the county of Bentheim in Lower Saxony, there is initially a driving ban until midnight for trucks over 7.5 tonnes due to the persistence of snowfall and ice. Cleanup services are still in use on many highways in the state and snowdrifts are occurring. Some state and district highways are closed or not passable. Heavy snowfall also temporarily paralyzed traffic on the A7 near Göttingen. Additionally, trucks standing on their sides obstructed traffic.

Not only for Lower Saxony, but also for Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg is warned of slipping. In the north of Schleswig-Holstein, especially in the district of Schleswig-Flensburg, there were snowdrifts. In Großsolt, several vehicles were trapped in a snowdrift, as a police spokeswoman said. In Tarp and Freienwill, snowdrifts were the bane of several car and truck trips. On the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), drifts of snow made it difficult for drivers.

You can know the current situation on the streets around the clock in the NDR traffic service.

NDR television broadcasts tonight at 8.15pm. “NDR Info Extra: Snow and slips in the north”. The 15 minute special will be moderated by Thorsten Schröder.

More snowfall has been announced

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), especially in southern Lower Saxony between Harz and Solling, there may be more snowfall until tomorrow morning; According to the forecast, 15 centimeters of fresh snow could arrive. Although the new snowfall in southern Lower Saxony is not as strong as it was on Sunday, the snow that has fallen so far will hardly be able to clear so quickly by then. Sometimes the snow in Lower Saxony is already between 30 and 50 centimeters high. In parts of Schleswig-Holstein, in and around Ostholstein, the DWD expects snow with heights of up to 18 inches from Tuesday evening.

Storm surge warning for the German Baltic Sea coast

It also remains stormy, especially on the coast. The Hydrodienst Hamburg gave a storm surge warning for the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein, in particular the Bay of Kiel and Lübeck. During the day and also at night on Tuesday, the water levels would be expected to be one meter above the mean water level. In Lübeck and Travemünde the water of the Trave spilled over its banks in the early afternoon. To the west of Rügen, water levels of up to 80 centimeters above mean water level are expected, east of Rügen up to 60 centimeters. In Greifswald and Stralsund, peaks can occur as high as 75 centimeters above the mean water level.

Massive new restrictions on rail traffic

Two snowy Erixx trains are stopped at a train station.  © erixx GmbH

More than one train was stopped by heavy snowfall.

the Deutsche Bahn largely stopped local traffic in Lower Saxony and Bremen on Sunday due to the onset of winter. And I still do icy spots, frozen overhead lines and snowdrifts, many stretches are impassable. Therefore, many restrictions will remain in effect until at least Tuesday morning. However, some trains between Bremen and Hannover are supposed to be running today, and traffic on the Hamburg-Cuxhaven route could also hold.

Lower Saxony railway operator In the early morning, metronom announced that some trains could run again between Hannover and Göttingen, between Hannover and Uelzen there are only partial restrictions and delays. Traffic should also re-circulate between Lüneburg and Hamburg and between Hamburg and Rotenburg-Bremen, in some cases with delays. On Sunday, the company was only able to temporarily maintain traffic on the Hamburg-Lüneburg route. Both of them enno connects Wolfsburg-Braunschweig-Hildesheim and Wolfsburg-Gifhorn-Hannover, as well as According to the operator, train traffic was not possible on the erixx routes on Monday.

Snowstorm at Osnabrück main station © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jonas Walzberg

AUDIO: Winter weather allows rail traffic in the north to “freeze” (3 min)

Long distance traffic is also affected

There are also massive restrictions on Deutsche Bahn’s long-distance traffic, which, according to Deutsche Bahn, in some cases will continue through Tuesday night. There are no long-distance trains between Hannover and Berlin or between Hanover and Dresden. From Hamburg, connections to Dortmund / Cologne, Hannover, Frankfurt and Munich, as well as to Kiel, Lübeck and Westerland, have been canceled.

Furthermore, long-distance traffic between Germany and the Netherlands was paralyzed by the weather. Intercity trains between Hannover and Norddeich-Mole, as well as between Münster and Norddeich-Mole, are still not running. Connections between Hamburg and Berlin would remain, the railway said. But there could be flaws. Passengers can use the Rail direct line (0 8000) 99 66 33 report on the current situation.

At train stations in regions hardest hit by the onset of winter, Deutsche Bahn provided permanence trains for stranded commuters, for example in Hannover. There is no loosening of the situation due to new snowfalls.

School dropouts in Lower Saxony also on Tuesday

Due to the onset of winter, as it is today, tomorrow there will be no face-to-face classes in general and vocational schools in many districts and cities, especially in the south and southeast of Lower Saxony. The districts of Emsland, Goslar, Hameln-Pyrmont, Northeim and Peine, as well as the district of Bentheim, had announced it in the early afternoon. Home education was not affected by the cancellation of face-to-face classes, municipalities reported. You can find an overview of the affected regions here.

Ferry traffic to the North Sea islands is severely restricted

Due to the strong east wind, many ferries to the East Frisian islands are still canceled. Among other things, the ferries to Juist, Langeoog and Wangerooge are affected. Boat traffic to Norderney is restricted due to low water levels.

There are also restrictions on ferry traffic to the North Frisian Islands. Ferry passengers are urgently advised to inquire about current cancellations and postponements online on the shipping company’s website prior to commencing their journey.

Scandlines can also cancel trips

the The ferry shipping company Scandlines canceled all voyages between Rostock and the Danish Gedser until tonight due to the severe storm from the east. The company announced that regular hours are expected to resume from 8 pm Ferry traffic between Puttgarden and Rødby was maintained.

Snow accumulates also in SH – cold in Hamburg and MV

The snowstorm had already caused disabilities on Sunday. In parts of Lower Saxony, road cleaning services could barely keep up. In parts of Fishing and North Friesland in Schleswig-Holstein, the icy east wind piled up snowdrifts. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg, the low “Tristan” made itself felt especially in icy winds. While no snow fell in the Hanseatic city, there were at least a few drifts of snow in the northeast.

Freezing temperatures until the weekend

The new week continues with regional snowfalls. The German Weather Service (DWD) warned of heavy snowfalls of up to 18 inches and snow accumulations since Tuesday night, especially in Ostholstein and neighboring districts. Temperatures remain extremely frigid: in the Göttingen area, for example, lows of -14 degrees should be expected on Wednesdays. But also in Neubrandenburg it remains very cold with down to -10 degrees and in Hamburg with -9 degrees on Friday.

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NDR Information | Current | 08.02.2021 | 06:00

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