Lower Saxony dares to open for the first time in the crown crisis | NDR.de – News – Lower Saxony


At: 04/17/2020 04:41 p.m.

NDR 1 Lower Saxony

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Claudia Schröder from the crisis team was able to explain the first cautious relief in the crown crisis on Friday.

There’s a bit of relaxation in the restrictive restrictions during the current crown pandemic: Claudia Schröder, deputy director of the crisis team, released on Friday the details of the new regulations already introduced on Thursday by Minister of Culture Grant Hendrik Tonne ( SPD). These included the opening of stores with a maximum size of 800 square meters, the restart of face-to-face classes in schools and emergency care, a prudent relaxation of the prohibition of home visits and care facilities and outdoor meetings. However, the “Ordinance of Lower Saxony on the restriction of social contacts to stop the Crown pandemic” is still in force. Public events are prohibited until May 6 – major events with 1,000 or more participants even through August 31. There are also no changes in the area of ​​gastronomy and leisure facilities.

Crown regulation settings

On Friday, Claudia Schröder, from the state government crisis team, will explain the details of the amendments to the Corona regulation. There are a total of eight change areas.

Retailers can start again

From the beginning, Schröder made it clear: “The contact restriction still applies.” Contacts should remain “to a minimum”. Of course, the 1.50 meter clearance regulation also applies to stores up to 800 square meters, which can reopen from Monday. These stores include retail stores, outlets, auto and bike workshops and workshops, cell phone stores and the book trade. Weekly markets will be allowed without restrictions in the future. Still closed: swimming pools, cinemas, amusement parks, casinos, sports facilities, gyms and playgrounds. Hairdressers, beauty salons, and driving schools, areas where the minimum necessary distance cannot be maintained, also remain in accordance with the Closed amended regulation. This also applies to therapeutic treatments without a prescription. In the medical field, the use of midwife services has been added, which is now expressly permitted.

More information

04/17/2020 04:00 p.m.

When does school start again? What are the requirements for business? You can find the familiar details about the crown decisions of the federal and state governments here.

Schools: home lessons are compulsory

As already decided by the federal and state governments and announced on Thursday, the gradual opening of schools and, therefore, also face-to-face classes will begin on April 27. Then the final classes should go back to school. The 4th grades will follow on May 4th; in subsequent weeks, the final and transition years of the next school year, for example, grades 12. However, physical education continues to be excluded. For classes that have yet to wait, the following apply immediately: home schooling is required; Until now, home classes have remained voluntary.

Emergency care expands

Another innovation: emergency care is expanding a bit. This means that all-day schools can also offer emergency care for their normal hours. The time interval of 8 a.m. at 1 p.m. continues to apply to all other schools. There are no other professional groups that can take advantage of this offer for your children. However, the goal is to increase the number of children in emergency care from three to eight percent.

Schröder also emphasized on Friday that the prerequisite for further relaxation of school operations was that
Control of the infection process continues to go as well as it lasts.

Family members can visit palliative patients

The cautious first steps toward reopening are also found in call centers. Therefore, palliative care residents can be visited by people close to them, provided that hygienic distances can be guaranteed at the facility. However, the admission stop for new patients will remain, Schröder said.

More information

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School in Lower Saxony starts again on April 27: first with the final classes, then gradually the younger students follow. Classes will be different than before Corona.

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The coronavirus has also led to massive restrictions in Lower Saxony. Now we look to the future: there are first signs of relaxation. School starts again.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony |
Current |
04/17/2020 | 3:00 pm.

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