Lower Saxony: Another warning hits the public service | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 09/30/2020 7:14 am

Warning strikes in the public sector continue in Lower Saxony. According to the union ver.di, employees of hospitals and nursing homes are now being asked to stop working.

More than 20 facilities are affected, including the clinic’s hospitals. Hannover Region as well as hospitals Lueneburg, Wolfsburg Y Osnabrück. “Employees of the public services of general interest and especially the health system were applauded for their performance in the corona pandemic,” said Stefanie Reich of ver.di. But when it comes to collective bargaining, employers no longer want to hear about improvements and recognition, they don’t go hand in hand. ” Osnabrück A warning strike march with city employees, municipal utilities, Sparkasse Osnabrück and the clinic is scheduled for today.

Ver.di demands 4.8 percent more money for its employees, but at least 150 euros for a period of twelve months. In mid-September, the second round of negotiations was still unsuccessful. Negotiations will continue on October 22 and 23.

On Tuesday local traffic stopped

On Tuesday, there were warning strikes in the public service in Lower Saxony. Focus were Hannover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Goslar Y Göttingen. According to estimates by a Üstra spokesperson, around 400,000 passengers were affected in the state capital alone. Transport companies had previously advised their guests to switch to other means of transport. In cities, the increased volume of traffic caused some traffic jams. A Hannover police spokesman said there were no major adverse effects on the road in light of the announcements. The travelers would have prepared well.

Local traffic will be included in a national framework collective agreement

Ver.di requires entry into a national framework collective agreement for a total of 87,000 local transport employees. Local public transport is also part of the public service, but the union’s demands have nothing to do with current collective bargaining.

Ver.di: “strong” participation

The union called participation in the warning strike on local transport on Tuesday “strong”. Employees are disciplined and wear respiratory masks, a spokesperson said. Employees are asked to report to warehouses during normal shifts.

Additional Information

A train with a strike warning sign in the window © imago images / Die Videomanufaktur

The ver.di union called the turnout “strong.” Apparently the travelers had prepared well for the strike. plus

Public service protesters at a Ver.di strike.

1 minute

The ver.di union calls for more salaries for public sector employees. During the warning strike in Lüneburg, trade unionists protested in front of the town hall. 1 minute

A sign that reads: This company is on strike.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

Following unsuccessful collective bargaining, the public service has announced warning strikes. Nurseries, swimming pools or offices could close as of Tuesday. More on tagesschau.de (20.09.2020) externally

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/29/2020 | 6:30 a.m

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