“Love Island” (RTL2): After the unpleasant action of the grandson of Minister Henrik, even the RTL2 spokesman shocked


“Love Island” candidate Henrik is causing drama again on Love Island. This time, however, he might have gone too far. Even the RTL2 spokesperson is horrified.

  • Candidate Henrik caused drama again on “Love Island.”
  • After a nasty action by the politician’s grandson, numerous tears flowed from one of the candidates of the fourth season.
  • Now there is Loudspeaker “Love Island” Simon Beeck to: Even he had pity.

Mallorca – Henrik is divided as a candidate for the RTL2 dome show “Love Island”. Some celebrate him for his laid-back, “steady” manner and his own-invented “Schlonzo” slang. Others think he is wrong and arrogant. Henrik’s former flame is guaranteed to be in the second category Aurelia, with which the 23-year-old was “coupled” for almost two weeks, measured in the time of “Island of Love”, which is almost an eternity.

Still declared Henrik time and again that he does not find Aurelia so attractive, at least physically. After glamping (short for glamorous camping), she also went to the blonde. Garnet Sandra met, it was about Henrik. A few days were enough for the first to fall Kiss. The problem: at home in the “Island of love” -Villa Aurelia was still waiting, whose feelings for the Womanizer were obviously already deeper than what was good for her.

“Love Island”: Candidate Henrik is causing a lot of drama on Love Island, even RTL2 spokesperson is shocked

The “Love Island” candidate Henrik is causing drama again, even the RTL2 spokesperson is dismayed.


When the Grandson of the former CDU politician Gerhard Stoltenberg during the Mating ceremony decided by Sandra as his new partner in “Love Island”, followed as expected in Aurelia Rush of emotionthat had been washed. When he apologized, she just said, “You can put that elsewhere. Disgusting that. “And:” What you’ve done is just untrue and it’s disgusting. ”

However, it really only escalated between the two after Mating ceremony. Henrik had the decency to go with Aurelia wanting to talk about the matter again personally, but did not need to wait for understanding of this. Incidentally, the same was true for both television viewers and Loudspeaker “Love Island” Simon Beeck. In an interview with RTL2 even the radio host admitted that Aurelia’s emotional outburst had not left him completely indifferent.

Candidate Henrik in “Love Island”: RTL2 spokesperson is shocked after the unpleasant action of the politician’s grandson

“How are you supposed to feel if you give it your all for two weeks and then get traded in two days?” Asks the rejected lover in the “Love Island” interview box, the legitimate, if rhetorical question. Meanwhile you’re rolling The crocodile tree on the cheeks. It is not an easy situation, even for the above. Irony filled with Simon Beeck, who admits he found it extremely difficult to find a suitable narrative for the dramatic scenes of the mating ceremony. “When Aurelia’s heart broke, mine broke too. Without foolishnesses! […] I would have loved to go to the village and hug her tightly, “said the 40-year-old. RTL2.

The situation was for Aurelia especially so bad because they and Henrik just a few days earlier they had gotten closer than any other couple on “Love Island.” You made good use of me. […] You screwed me up a lot, “he accuses Henrik in a private conversation. He seems to be completely horrified by that and replies that it is not true. Then Aurelia counterattacks:” And what was that in the Private suite? “.

“Man doesn’t do something like that”: RTL2 spokesperson criticizes “Love Island” candidate Henrik for unpleasant action

Which neither Aurelia nor Henrik had officially confirmed so far: the two had slept together a few days before, something that the 23-year-old in the Island of love actually he strictly refused. The way Henrik parted ways with Aurelia shortly after shocked even “Love Island” spokesperson Simon Beeck: “No matter how naïve she found Henrik. A man just doesn’t do that to a woman. And neither does a woman with a man. At least he had one guilty conscience“.

It may be true, but Henrik, who defends his brothers, continues to defend his decision. “Island of love” explains: “It’s different with Sandra than with Aurelia. It wakes me up in the morning and I’m so happy! I don’t regret anything with Sandra because it was the right thing for me ”. For Aurelia, that doesn’t make things better. We have to give the 23-year-old credit for being able to overlook her pride and not Henrik’s new flame. Sandra blamed the situation. “My feeling for you is just neutral. And all my hatred and anger is only against him ”, he explains to the blonde. Garnet. When the tears flow again soon after, Aurelia even allows Sandra to hug her.

After a nasty action: Henrik causes Zoff and drama in “Love Island”, and receives criticism

There are only a few days until the grand finale of “Love Island”. Fans of the dome show can watch it on TV for free on RTL2 or live broadcast on TVNow. Jana ina He returned to the island of love. After becoming infected with the corona virus, the 43-year-old was in quarantine. Now Jana Ina is back for the remaining days and thus resolves her replacement. Cathy hummels since.

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