Loosening of the crown of countries: what is allowed and what is not yet


There will be more loosening, but 16 federal states have different priorities for loosening the crown. Where will the restaurants open again? What can you visit What about schools? An overview of the rules.


After services, zoos, and a hair salon, many other areas of everyday life will relax in the coming weeks. The green-black state government has put together a five-stage plan for this. From now on, sport without physical contact is allowed outdoors. Outdoor sports facilities, driving schools, massage and cosmetic studios, and music schools may open. The pools remain closed for the time being. The ban on visiting hospitals is relaxed. The five person limit no longer applies to meetings with the extended family in private rooms. This group includes grandparents, parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren. Members of another household can also visit.

The cookout service should be operational again on May 18, and indoor areas are expected on May 25. The plan also plans to reopen hotels and other hotels on May 30. This should also apply to campsites and amusement parks. After the Pentecost break in mid-June, all students in Baden-Württemberg should at least return to school at least temporarily.


In Bavaria, there is now a contact restriction instead of the previous exit. Initially, it is allowed to meet members of the closest family (“straight relatives”) or a person from another household. From now on, “individual sport without much contact” will be allowed again in the open air, for example, tennis, athletics, golf, sailing, aviation. You can also travel in the hallway.

All stores can now reopen under certain conditions. This includes the mask requirement and the distance rules. Zoos and museums open again, music and driving schools are allowed. School lessons are expanding, as is emergency care for children with special needs or with special educational needs. Childcare is also partially allowed again. A maximum of five foreign children can be cared for at the same time. Visiting a permanent registered contact person or family member with fixed visiting hours in clinics and homes has been possible since Saturday.

Restaurants can open their outdoor areas again on May 18, the indoor areas a week later. Hotels may resume operations on May 30. Distance rules and strict hygiene requirements apply to all areas.


All stores have been open since Saturday. After the hairdressers, other services to embrace the body can now be offered, for example, in the cosmetic studio. Sun and tattoo studios as well as massage practices can also reopen. Music schools and libraries should also be opened then. Starting May 15, restaurants and cafes will be able to serve guests again, but only from 6 a.m. at 10 p.m. Hotels from May 25. Buffets are not allowed.

Sports clubs may resume their outdoor training operations on May 15. Outdoor and beach pools in Berlin should be allowed to reopen starting Monday, May 25, subject to conditions. From now on, other classes will also be taught. The goal is to give all students face-to-face classes with reduced hours no later than May 29. The outdoor areas of the zoo, the zoo and the botanical garden are again open to visitors. Adult education centers only open from May 31.


All stores have been allowed to reopen from Saturday, and playgrounds also invite you to have fun. Members of two families can also meet from there, they can also come from another state. Stores for body-related services, such as beauty salons, are now reopening. Club sport is allowed again under strict rules.

On May 15, restaurants, cafes and pubs will follow if distance rules, access restrictions and restricted opening hours are observed. In addition, permanent camping and rental rooms are possible again. Club sport is allowed again under strict rules.

Schools should gradually open more until the summer holidays. From now on, 5th grade students in elementary and special schools may return to class. Also, free teachers, for example for tutoring, and music schools can teach children and youth again individually. Kindergartens remain closed, except for emergency care. There is still no specific date for the general opening of nurseries. However, nurseries offer emergency care for parents in systematically relevant professions. Starting May 18, the group size in daycare centers will expand, but they must still meet an upper limit.


Compared to other federal states, Bremen continues on its cautious path of relaxation. The “Zoo am Meer” in Bremerhaven has been open since May 8. Museums in Bremen can receive visitors again as soon as they have a hygiene concept. Music schools, adult education centers, as well as cosmetic and nail studios, can start operating in accordance with hygiene standards. Non-contact outdoor sports are permitted, as are places of worship.

Starting Wednesday, May 13, retailers can now receive customers, regardless of the size of the sales area. It is not until May 12 that Bremen wants to discuss a plan for the restaurant and hospitality industry. On May 13, contact restrictions should be relaxed. Then members of two households can go out together again. The ban on visits to nursing homes and hospitals is also being relaxed.

Elementary students should be able to return to school starting May 18. A plan for high school students is still being developed. Emergency care should be expanded, but should be kept to a minimum.


Museums are open. Individual outdoor sports are also allowed. However, further relaxation will take effect no later than May 13. The Hamburg Senate wants to pass a new legal regulation the day before. When Hamburg restaurateurs can open it is unclear. According to the NDR, Monday May 18 is under discussion. The Senate also wants to comment Tuesday. There may be fewer seats available in restaurants due to crown separation rules.

The specific schedule for daycare is not yet clear. But there should be other options for care. What is certain is that starting May 25, all students will return to school, but only for at least five or six hours a week at first.

Popular festivals, biggest sporting events, biggest concerts, festivals, town, city, street, wine and shooting festivals are still banned in Hamburg, at least until August 31.


Popular sport has been allowed outside and in the hallways since May 9. No showers or toilets can be used. Members of two households are allowed meetings. All stores can reopen. The rule is: one customer for every 20 square meters. Cultural institutions such as theaters, operas, concert halls and cinemas have allowed visitors to re-enter from Saturday. The following applies: ten square meters per visitor, where visitors sit, five square meters per person must be available. Since May 4, a relative has been able to visit a resident in a home or clinic for one hour once a week.

Since May 9, childcare in the private sector has had the option of founding childcare groups of up to three families. Kindergartens must offer limited regular operation in addition to emergency care beginning June 2. Lessons for other students are scheduled to begin on May 18. Colleges and universities can hold face-to-face events again from May 9, but they can decide for themselves.

On May 15, restaurants, cafes, breweries, hotels and campsites can receive guests and tourists. Then fitness studios, amusement parks, and indoor playgrounds can reopen. Pools and saunas, on the other hand, remain closed for the time being.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Cosmetic studies, massage practices and other “body related services” are once again allowed, as well as mass sports under the open sky. The catering trade has been allowed to open under certain conditions since May 9. Museums, nurseries and schools follow step by step. All children should be able to return to daycare until May 25 with restrictions. Schools will gradually open to other classes beginning May 14.

Starting May 15, a permanent caregiver can visit a relative in the nursing home one hour a day in compliance with hygiene regulations. Driving schools may also reopen, starting May 18, boat rentals, bicycle rentals, and beach chair rentals. Starting May 25, tourists from other federal states can also travel to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, unless they come from high-risk areas.

Starting May 18, family reunions, weddings, and funerals can be held in private with up to 25 people. Large events can also be held within a limited framework, subject to approval, with a maximum of 75 people indoors and 150 people outdoors. From the end of June, big events with up to 500 people outside and 200 people inside should be possible again.

Lower saxony

All extensive outdoor facilities, playgrounds, and parks are open again. The distance rule of 1.50 meters applies. Now you can also visit museums, exhibitions, galleries, monuments and services. Emergency care in kindergartens and schools will be expanded, but should continue to be reduced as necessary. Private care of up to five children is allowed again subject to conditions. Many of the so-called body-related services can also be offered again, under strict hygiene requirements. This applies to manicure, pedicure and cosmetic studies as well as massage practices.

Long-term campers and second-home owners can now reside in their respective locations. This now also applies to the islands. And also: Whoever wants to visit life partners, parents or children with their first place of residence, who works permanently on the island, as well as journalists, doctors, nurses, dentists and veterinarians can or can go there again. Cuxhaven’s beaches are gradually opening up.

Starting May 11, the catering business will reopen, with an occupancy of 50 percent indoors and outdoors. Each guest must provide their name and phone number in order to track down the chains of infection. Holiday homes can be reoccupied. The hotels will continue on May 25, also with a maximum occupancy of 50 percent.

North Rhine-Westphalia

Children can now conquer playgrounds again. Recreational and non-contact leisure sports are also allowed. From now on, a whole series of additional improvements are applied in NRW: all stores can open. Condition here: Only one person can reach ten square meters of commercial space. Restaurants can receive guests. In addition to strict hygiene requirements, a distance of 1.50 meters applies. Open buffet meals are not allowed.

The apartments and houses can be moved again, the campsites are accessible. You can also open amusement parks, boat rentals, you can visit fitness studios and dance schools. Smaller concerts and outdoor performances are allowed. Many students return to school, but take turns teaching.

The outdoor and indoor pools can be visited from May 20. Bars, pubs, discos, nightclubs and brothel businesses, on the other hand, remain closed, as do massage and tattoo studios and cosmetic salons. Hotels can receive guests again on May 21. On Pentecost, on May 30, the thermal baths and wellness facilities will also start operating again. Also beginning May 30, trade fairs with a limited number of participants may take place again. Cinemas, theaters, operas, and concert halls may also open in late May.

In the Coesfeld district, the loosening was largely postponed for a week due to the large number of new infections at a meat company.


Starting this Monday, museums, exhibitions and galleries, as well as architectural and cultural monuments can be opened in Rhineland-Palatinate. However, not everyone can be seen immediately. The state museums in Mainz, Trier and Koblenz do not intend to open until Friday. On May 13, gastronomy, adult education centers, cosmetic studios or solariums can be reopened. Hotels are scheduled to continue on May 18. Leisure and popular outdoor sports are allowed again, but there are no competitions yet. The next classes will return to schools on May 25. Beginning June 8, all students must return to schools at least every day until summer break. There will also be more facilities soon for the nurseries.


All stores in Saarland have been open since Monday. In addition to hygiene regulations, the following condition applies: one customer for every 20 square meters of total area. Museums, zoos, animal and leisure parks, playgrounds, as well as hairdressers, cosmetic salons and educational facilities are again accessible.

Gastronomy should be allowed to receive guests again by May 18 at the latest. For hotels, fitness studios, trade shows, swimming pools, massage and tattoo studios, bars and clubs, as well as cinemas, there are no stipulations yet. There is a great need for discussion in childcare. Parents in particular hope that the state government quickly decides here.


In Saxony-Anhalt, visitors can go back to nursing homes and nursing homes. From now on, residents can visit again under special conditions and with safety precautions. Residents can only receive one visitor per day for one hour. In addition, visitors must wear nose and mouth protection, which is provided by the facility. This is to minimize the risk of infection.

Children have been allowed to play on playgrounds since May 8. Starting May 15, vacation homes, vacation apartments, and campgrounds can again welcome local guests. Visiting tourists from other federal states is prohibited. An opening here is scheduled for June.

It will be decided on May 12 when the restaurants can open again. So far, May 22 has been announced, the CDU parliamentary group advocated May 18. There is no distinction between outdoor and indoor catering, as well as a maximum number of guests. However, existing contact restrictions, no more than five people per table, distance requirements and hygiene measures would have to be observed.


On May 15, beer gardens, pubs, restaurants, vacation apartments, and hotels may reopen with strict restrictions. Unlike other federal states, hotels should have no occupancy restrictions. Campsites can also open, but without shared showers.

Starting May 18, family members from two households can meet again. All stores can open. Theaters, operas, cinemas and concert organizers can start operating again. Gyms, dance and music schools, driving schools, and outdoor pools may also reopen. In the coming days, it will become clear how things will continue with amusement parks and spas. Further relaxation is also planned for nurseries and schools on May 18. Details will be announced on Friday.


Starting May 9, several people can meet if they belong to two households. This applies to both public and private spaces.

Starting on May 18, a whole host of relaxation activities will go into effect – everyone can return to Schleswig-Holstein, but individual places shouldn’t be overwhelmed. The Halligen can also be entered again. Restaurants can reopen indoors and outdoors until 10 p.m. There are no capacity limits. Companies must ensure that hygiene and authorization standards are respected. You can also open hotels, pensions and holiday apartments, as well as parking spaces for motorhomes. Events with a “seated character” with up to 50 people and services are allowed again. Additionally, fitness studios, driving schools, and movie theaters can begin operating again on May 18.

Preschool-age children and children with special needs should also be cared for in groups of up to ten children in day care centers. Starting June 1, all children will have the opportunity to be restrained in daycare. Then the facilities will be 55 percent full. Until summer break, all students will have the opportunity to go to school with restrictions. Until then there is no regular operation. Starting May 25, all elementary students will be able to participate in classes with restrictions.


16,000 fourth-grade students in Thuringia must return to primary schools this week. Occasionally, third graders return. For ninth and eleventh grades, as well as for some vocational students, everyday school life is slowly starting again.

On May 15, the hotel industry can start operating again. This applies to restaurants, restaurants, camping sites, holiday apartments, holiday homes and hotels. In the current season and until August 31, 2020 there will be no indoor theater and orchestra performances. Visits to prisons should be possible again at the end of May at the latest.

A series of decisions is also left to the municipalities. For example, they may open pools at their own discretion. With regard to nurseries, a plan must be drawn up before June 2, which the municipalities must implement. Cities and counties must decide at their own risk whether and when they can become effective. In the Greiz district, which is particularly affected by the coronavirus, the ban on visits to hospital care centers should continue. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the district office. Additional decisions on how to deal with the pandemic should only be made after a special working group from the Ministry of Health made recommendations on Tuesday.
