Lockdown Zoff in Anne Will
SPD Vice President Schwesig insults the EU Commission
Now Corona has also completely infected politics: sharp debates, bad accusations, serious mistakes. That’s why Anne Will summoned her squad of speech workers to a special shift on short notice. Topic: “Small Vaccine, Highly Contagious Virus Mutations – A Difficult Start to the New Year!”
• Pure Haseloff (66, CDU). The Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt drastically increased the blockade two days ago.
• Manuela Schwesig (46, SPD). The head of government vowed to the people of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Friday that he would take even tougher measures: “Stay home, don’t meet anyone!”
• Frank Ulrich Montgomery (68). The director of the World Medical Association is often critical and is right.
• Prof. Melanie Brinkmann (46). The virologist already knew two weeks ago: “We will not be where we have to go on January 10!”
• Martin Knobbe (48). The journalist (“Spiegel”) wrote the book “Blockade – How Germany narrowly escaped the catastrophe of the crown crisis”.
A clear objective, but there is still a long way to go: How objective is it today? The Zoff-o-Meter is ready for a lot!