Lockdown Zoff at Anne Will: Schwesig insults the EU Commission *** BILDplus content *** – politics


Lockdown Zoff in Anne Will

SPD Vice President Schwesig insults the EU Commission

Lockdown Zoff on Anne Will: Schwesig insults the EU Commission
Photo: ARD

Now Corona has also completely infected politics: sharp debates, bad accusations, serious mistakes. That’s why Anne Will summoned her squad of speech workers to a special shift on short notice. Topic: “Small Vaccine, Highly Contagious Virus Mutations – A Difficult Start to the New Year!”


Pure Haseloff (66, CDU). The Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt drastically increased the blockade two days ago.
Manuela Schwesig (46, SPD). The head of government vowed to the people of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Friday that he would take even tougher measures: “Stay home, don’t meet anyone!”
Frank Ulrich Montgomery (68). The director of the World Medical Association is often critical and is right.
Prof. Melanie Brinkmann (46). The virologist already knew two weeks ago: “We will not be where we have to go on January 10!”
Martin Knobbe (48). The journalist (“Spiegel”) wrote the book “Blockade – How Germany narrowly escaped the catastrophe of the crown crisis”.

A clear objective, but there is still a long way to go: How objective is it today? The Zoff-o-Meter is ready for a lot!
