Lockdown: Prime Ministers struggle with range of motion restriction


KTwo hours ago Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and federal state heads of government agreed to an extension and tightening of the crown lockdown when prime ministers presented other approaches for their countries on Tuesday night. With the new special rules for hotspots in particular, the points of contention become apparent after the supposed agreement.

So shall Lower saxony really determined restriction of freedom of movement at critical points cannot simply be implemented. A separate justification for proportionality is necessary as the Higher Administrative Court has already warned of other restrictions, Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said on Tuesday evening in Hannover. “For us, this is part of the testing program to determine if and when the regulation applies, preferably not at all.”

With both the introduction of a curfew and the ban on firecrackers, the court demanded valid justification that mere reference to federal-state decisions was not enough for judges, Weil explained.

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as well Baden-Württemberg The decision to tighten some measures against the corona pandemic is still open. The restriction of freedom of movement at critical points in the crown is not initially planned, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann said. “We must first arrive at reliable values ​​next week in order to make a decision.” More recently, the number was just over 200 in just two districts in the Southwest, and slightly less in two others.

Saxony-Anhalt The state government will only decide in the coming days if and how the range of movement in the country will be limited to 15 kilometers around the place of residence due to the tense situation in Corona. “We have to see how we do this in practice,” Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) said after a cabinet meeting in Magdeburg on Tuesday night. The cabinet will examine whether, in addition to the prevailing infection situation in the place of origin, those of the destination can also be used for such restrictions. The goal should be to really exclude all avoidable activities.

Under the new resolutions, people in counties with a very high number of corona infections will face a drastic restriction on their freedom of movement. From a 7-day incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, federal states should take local measures to limit the range of movement to 15 kilometers around the place of residence.

Kretschmann also wants to reopen primary schools and kindergartens in Baden-Württemberg from January 18, contrary to federal-state resolutions. Openness is the goal if it is justifiable in view of the corona infection figures, said the green politician. For high school students, there will only be distance learning in January.

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In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania According to Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), students in graduating classes should be able to go back to school next week. These include students in grades 10, 12 and from vocational schools, as Schwesig said Tuesday night in Schwerin.

In addition, the Prime Minister announced the resumption of face-to-face classes for primary school students from January 18 who live in areas with fewer than 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. This currently includes the city of Rostock and the district of Rostock. It was not initially clear what a specific implementation would look like, such as class sizes.

15 km radius of movement in Thuringia only recommendation

Following the agreement of the federal and state governments on the crown restrictions, citizens of Thuringia are initially not required to restrict their radius of movement to 15 kilometers around their place of residence. The mobility restriction “will be added to the catalog of recommendations for districts,” Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) said Tuesday night after a cabinet meeting in Erfurt. Thus, it could be ordered by regions with an incidence of seven days greater than 200 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Ramelow had already proposed the 15-kilometer rule based on the Saxon model on Sunday, also in response to a race at Thuringian winter sports resorts. However, SPD and Greens ministers expressed concern. The cabinet agreed that access to Thuringia’s winter sports resorts could be restricted or prevented to avoid large gatherings of daytime tourists, Ramelow said.

Thuringia currently has the highest infection levels in Germany after Saxony. The value of seven days per 100,000 residents was 242 on Tuesday.

Schools and kindergartens should largely remain

According to the federal-state resolution, schools and daycare centers should remain largely closed until at least the end of January or only offer limited operation. Merkel and the prime ministers agreed to extend the lockdown rules that have been in place in the federal states in the federal states until the end of the month. How things will continue in February will be discussed again on January 25.

In the context of restrictions on schools and daycare centers, the federal and state governments have also agreed to double the number of children’s sick days for parents this year.

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opinion Schools in the pandemic

“The operation of nurseries and schools is of utmost importance for the education of children and for the compatibility of the family and the work of parents,” it says in the joint decision document. It also points out the negative consequences of closures for educational biographies and the social participation of children and young people. However, the measures should run from December 13 to the end of January according to the latest decision by the federal and state governments.

At the time, Merkel and the country’s leaders had expressly agreed to an exception for final classes in closed schools. In theory, classes facing exams could continue to go to school. As always, the states themselves regulate the specific procedure in schools and nurseries, because it is their own responsibility. For example, daycare centers have not been closed everywhere during the previous closure. Instead, parents were asked not to bring their children.

“Doubt if the bow won’t stretch too far”

The president of the German District Assembly, Reinhard Sager, criticized the tightening of the crown blockade. “I have my doubts whether the restrictions on movement and the bans on contact with more than one person outside one’s home will not exceed the arc,” Sager told the Funke media group newspapers.

“In any case, we are causing problems for a large part of the population, on whose participation we depend,” said the CDU politician and district administrator of the Ostholstein district. Particularly in rural areas, restrictions on freedom of movement had a particularly strong effect. Sager also classified the continued school closings as “largely”.
