Local traffic warning strikes on Monday: where buses and trains fail


Next round of strikes on local public transport: buses and trains are canceled in many places in Bavaria on Mondays and sometimes also on Tuesdays. Regional and S-Bahn trains are not affected.

Although there was an agreement on Sunday in the collective bargaining conflict in the public service. Public transport in Bavaria is not included, however a different collective agreement applies here.

Verdi’s union calls for higher wages for drivers

The Verdi union wants to increase pressure on employers before the next round of negotiations. Verdi criticizes the “massive refusal to accept” from businessmen. The union demands higher incomes, better working conditions and a 35-hour week for around 6,300 drivers.

In addition to a one-time Corona payment of 300 euros, employers also offer a 3.5 percent salary increase. But Verdi doesn’t go far enough with this offer. In view of the driver shortage, work must become more attractive.

The warning strikes on Bavarian public transport at a glance:



  • According to Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG), the metro should initially remain at the depot on Monday morning. The MVG hopes to be able to gradually put individual lines into operation if enough drivers refuse to call a strike.
  • The trams are also on strike.
  • Buses must run every 20 minutes on as many lines as possible.
  • The S-Bahn is not affected by the strike.
  • According to Verdi, the warning strike in Munich will end at 8 pm


  • Massive failures are expected in the regular services of Ingolstädter Verkehrsgesellschaft (INVG) and Airport Express.
  • The Ingolstadt city bus (SBI) is also on strike. This will also lead to restrictions in the neighboring communities of Gaimersheim, Lenting, Hepberg and Kösching.

According to Verdi, only employees of public employers in local transport will strike in Upper Bavaria on Monday, not, as in other regions of Bavaria, those of private bus companies.

All information about the warning strikes in Upper Bavaria here.



  • According to Verdi, union members should stop working on Monday from midnight to midnight.
  • According to Augsburger Stadtwerke, massive restrictions on bus and tram lines are to be expected. Based on your assessment, local transportation is likely to be largely stopped.
  • An emergency schedule could not be drawn up because there was no information on how many employees the strike calls will follow, he said. It’s also unclear how many vehicles could even be deployed. Municipal utilities ask passengers to be prepared for this and to plan other options in time.


  • There will be warning strikes on Monday and Tuesday at the VG Kirchweihtal bus company. Some lines are supposed to run, but most connections in Kaufbeuren and Ostallgäu will probably fail. The lines of other transport companies should not be affected.

Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate

Passau and Regensburg

  • City buses are on strike in both municipalities, in Regensburg also on Tuesday. S-Bahn and local trains should also run as planned there, as a different collective agreement applies to them.

All information about the warning strike in eastern Bavaria here.



  • Buses, subways and trams must remain in the depots from 4 am There will be no replacement offer due to the increasing number of corona infections and the staff situation. Not even based on the Nightliner network. This is how the VAG writes in a message.


  • Infra and its bus routes will be affected. However, with a reduced strike schedule, attempts should be made to maintain public transport. With mainly private transport companies, buses should run every 30 minutes on the basis of a modified NightLiner network, according to below.

Lower Franconia


  • There is a two-day strike. On line traffic, there are massive restrictions, as announced by municipal companies. Those affected are the employers ‘associations of the private Bavarian bus industry (LBO), but also the municipal employers’ association (KAV) and thus all the city’s bus traffic, as it is called.


  • According to Verdi, the strike is supposed to be starting at 4 am on Monday and ending at midnight. According to information from Stadtwerke Schweinfurt, canceled trips and massive restrictions can be expected on the entire route network. School traffic is also affected.


  • Warning strikes in the private bus industry were also announced in Würzburg for Monday. But these were canceled again. They want to do justice to the passengers during the difficult situation in Corona. The Würzburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrs-GmbH (WVV) announced after negotiations between management and employee representatives of NVG Omnibus-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH,

All information about the warning strike in Lower Franconia here.

Upper Franconia

Coburg and Bamberg:

  • All bus traffic will be canceled on Mondays and Tuesdays. In Bamberg, bus drivers are employees of the municipal public services. The local transport collective agreement applies to them.

All information about the warning strike in Upper Franconia here.
