Local Elections In NRW: CDU Advances According To Forecast, Greens Strong


Municipal elections in North Rhine-Westphalia have to do with power in municipalities. But it is also a test of political humor in the days of Corona. All developments here on the live ticker:

6 pm.: Forecasts

According to the forecast of infratest dimap on behalf of the WDR, the CDU will once again be the strongest force in local elections at the national level, with 36 percent in local elections. The SPD is losing significantly and only reaches 23.5 percent. The Greens rise to 19 percent. The FDP is at 4.5 percent, the left lands at 4 percent. The AfD reached 6 percent. Very Important: This is a forecast based on a pre-election poll of 15,000 eligible voters in 180 constituencies across the country.

There are also forecasts for two large municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia. In Cologne incumbent Henriette Reker (without a party) is clearly ahead in the mayoral elections with 48.5 percent. Andreas Kossoski, SPD challenger, achieved 24 percent. Jörg Detjen from the left 7 percent. Volt candidate Olivier Fuchs 4.5 percent.

The forecast for the council election in Cologne is as follows: Greens 29 percent, CDU 20.5 percent, SPD 20 percent, Left 7 percent, FDP 5.5 percent, Volt 5.5 percent.

According to the forecast, SPD candidate Thomas Westphal is leading with 35.5 percent in Dortmund. Andreas Hollstein, applicant for the CDU, ends up with 25 percent. According to the forecast, Daniela Schneckenburger of the Greens will achieve 23 percent. Utz Kowalewski on the left has 5 percent, Michael Kauch (FDP) 3 percent.

In the council election in Dortmund, the balance of power looks like this: SPD 30 percent, Greens 25 percent, CDU 23.5 percent, AfD 6 percent, Left 5.5 percent, FDP 3.5 percent.

5:28 pm.: Various electoral failures in Duisburg

Not all went well in the local elections. Duisburg example:

5:10 pm.: WDR reports on all channels

The national special “Wahl 2020 – Decision on NRW” will begin on WDR television at 5.45pm. At 6pm, WDR publishes an infratest dimap forecast on the national result of local elections, as well as forecasts for the cities of Dortmund and Cologne. A first extrapolation for the OB elections in Dortmund and Cologne should be between 6.30 pm and 6.45 pm There will be a national extrapolation around 7 pm A first projection for the municipal elections in Dortmund and Cologne can be expected around 19.30 hours.

On the radio, the special broadcast “WDR 2 municipal elections – the West has voted” will be reported in detail from 6 pm to midnight. On the microphone: Johanna Horn and Ralph Günther. In addition, six special editions of WDR 2 are planned in local time with current reports from council and district houses every half hour. In WDR 5, elections from 6 pm to 9 pm are the determining issue. The special program “WDR 5 special – NRW has chosen” is moderated by Julia Borutta.

5:00 pm: Votes NRW. Forecasts, projections, results, reactions

14 million citizens of NRW are called today to decide on the power in the municipalities. From 6 pm you will find here all the forecasts, projections, intermediate results, results and reactions. Very important: Those who queue in front of the polling station at 6pm should still be able to cast their vote.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on September 13, 2020 at 6:00 pm
