Live Ticker of US Elections: +++ 10:49 Republicans Fight in Georgia +++


Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is resisting calls for his own party to resign. The Republican explains that the accusations are “ridiculous” and that there will be no resignation. His fellow party members, two senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, accused him of mismanagement and lack of transparency in a joint statement on Monday and called for his resignation. “We believe that failure must be revealed, even if it is in his own party,” said the two Republicans who are currently in the US Senate for the state of Georgia. They did not provide any specific information about the alleged misconduct. Georgia’s electoral vote is likely to be for Republican Joe Biden, who leads with about 11,400 votes. An unpleasant surprise for Republicans, for whom Georgia has historically been a safe bet in the election.

+++ 10:30 am Two more confidants of Trump Covid-positive +++
Two confidants of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, who followed the vote count after the American elections in the White House with the president on Tuesday, are infected with the corona virus. Both building secretary Ben Carson tested positive, as did Trump’s adviser David Bossie. His illness is particularly troublesome for the campaign team, as he must lead the team that will lead the legal battle against alleged irregularities in the elections. If you can keep the main paper is open. The 55-year-old has now isolated himself, according to NBC News.

+++ 09:55 Senator Graham: “Democrats cheat” +++
After counting 98 percent of Pennsylvania’s votes, future US President Joe Biden now leads there by 45,000 votes. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a loyalist of Trump, has his own statement on the defeat of his party.

“The Republicans win with their ideas. And we lose the elections because (the Democrats) cheat,” Graham said in an interview with US station Fox News.

+++ 09:07 Trump complains: vaccine message too late +++
After the outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump, initially responded with “SO GOOD NEWS”, “so good news” to the news of the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine, he has apparently now concluded that that it was a plot his person must act.

In a series of additional tweets, Trump accuses the pharmaceutical company Pfizer involved of not having “had the courage” to publicize the success before the election. Even the FDA is not doing well with Trump. I should have announced the results earlier. He sees a political motive behind it: “The FDA and the Democrats didn’t want me to have a vaccine hit before the election, so it came out five days later,” the president said on Twitter.

Read more about it here.

+++ 08:14 EU MPs: Biden’s election weakens populists +++
European MPs from various political groups hope that Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the United States will end the rise of Europe’s national populists and conservatives. “Joe Biden’s victory is a good sign for all EU forces defending basic values ​​and the rule of law,” says Katarina Barley, vice-president of the European Parliament, the “German publishing network”. Trump tried to divide the EU with his support for right-wing populist governments. “Joe Biden, on the other hand, has already criticized the anti-democratic developments in Poland and Hungary,” continues the SPD politician. Orbán and Co. could no longer depend on Washington’s support in the future. Liberals and Greens spoke out similarly in the European Parliament.

+++ 07:52 US Chief Prosecutor Protest Investigation +++
Richard Pilger, a senior attorney for the Justice Department, resigned from his job in protest. The election crimes attorney disagrees with Attorney General William Barr’s new line. The minister allowed on Monday to investigate the allegations of irregularities while the count is still in progress. In an email, attorney Pilger said that with the new regulation, the ministry was waiving the 40-year guideline of not initiating fraud investigations before an official result is available. The pilgrims don’t want to support that.

+++ 07:07 Fox News hides Trump spokesperson +++
“I can’t keep showing you this,” explains Fox News host Neil Cavuto, and then the station interrupts the broadcast of a press conference by Trump’s spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany. . He previously claimed that Democrats welcomed fraud and illegal voting and therefore prevented the check counting.

“Fox News,” the station that President Donald Trump could almost blindly trust for four years, continues to distance itself, as the Washington Post reports. Host Cavuto told viewers that the station would continue to report as soon as Trump’s team provided evidence of their allegations. When the president himself presented his fraud allegations at a press conference last week, Fox News was still on the air. Several other US broadcasters had stopped broadcasting that press conference prematurely because Trump did not provide proof of his serious allegations.

+++ 06:19 After Biden’s victory, the climate protectors breathe easy +++
Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election drew an audible sigh of relief from climate activists and scientists. His victory was “the first step in preventing climate catastrophe,” said Greenpeace International Director Jennifer Morgan. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) implored Biden to now have a chance to save “the American people and the world” from uncontrollable global warming. In fact, the American Democrat has already announced the return of the United States to the Paris Agreement and a billion-dollar climate protection program when he takes office in January. Biden wants to convert America’s power supply to be climate-friendly. Over the next four years, he plans to invest a total of two trillion dollars (1.68 trillion euros) to make the United States carbon neutral by 2050 and therefore on track to implement the Paris Agreement.

+++ Trump attorneys file Pennsylvania lawsuit +++
The campaign team of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has filed a lawsuit against the counting of votes for alleged electoral irregularities in the federal court of Pennsylvania. The reason given in the complaint is that the vote-by-mail system in Pennsylvania “does not have the necessary transparency and verifiability” that apply to voting at polling stations. Voters would have had different criteria “simply based on how they cast their vote, and we believe this two-tier electoral system resulted in potentially fraudulent votes being counted without proper verification or scrutiny,” said Matt Morgan, attorney for the Trump Campaign. A court order is to prevent challenger Joe Biden from being declared the winner in the US state.

+++ Insider: Lawyers Candidates for Key Biden Government Positions +++
The first favorites emerge from holding key positions in the future administration of President-elect Joe Biden. According to internal sources, attorney Sally Yates has good prospects of becoming the new Justice Minister. She was deputy director of the department before Donald Trump moved into the White House in 2017. According to the source, Xavier Becerra may be another attorney for the post of Minister of Homeland Security. Thus, the son of immigrants from Mexico and the California Attorney General is seen as someone who could campaign to reunite the immigrant families that were separated under Trump. Outgoing Democratic Senator Doug Jones is poised to be the next attorney general under discussion. In addition, the names of politicians who already held high-ranking positions under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, such as Tom Pérez and Lisa Monaco, circulated for this position or that of Secretary of Homeland Security.

+++ These four states have not made a decision yet +++
The presidential election decision is still pending in four states. There, as in other states, poll workers continued counting votes on Monday.

  • Georgia: The state in the southeast has 16 votes for the electoral assembly. Biden led by a 10,621 vote lead on Monday. If you count a good 98 percent of the vote, that means 49.5 percent for Biden and 49.3 percent for incumbent Donald Trump.
  • North Carolina: The East Coast state sends 15 voters. Here Trump led by 75,421 votes after Biden was ahead at the start of the count. After counting about 98 percent of the votes, Trump reached 50.0 percent. Biden had 48.6 percent.
  • Arizona: There are 11 voters in the southwestern state of the United States. Biden continued to lead just ahead of Trump. Biden’s clear lead at the start of the count has been reduced to 17,131 votes. With this count of about 98 percent, Biden had a 49.5 percent stake, ahead of Trump at 48.9 percent.
  • Alaska: In the sparsely populated state of the far northwestern United States, three votes are available for the electoral assembly. With about 52 percent of the votes counted, Trump had a clear advantage of about 54,600 votes. The incumbent represented 62.2 percent and Biden 33.6 percent.

+++ US special envoy for the fight against the Islamic State leaves office +++
Following the electoral defeat of US President Donald Trump, his administration’s special envoy for the fight against the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) leaves office. He would like to thank James Jeffrey for his “outstanding” work, said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Pompeo named the coordinator of the fight against terrorism, Nathan Sales, as his successor.

+++ You can read what happened before here. +++
