Live Ticker of US Elections: +++ 04:31 Majority of Democrats in Congress Insured +++


Unsurprisingly, the US Democrats have defended their majority in the House of Representatives and, according to the latest forecasts, can firmly build more than half of the 435 seats. Various US news stations and portals have added at least 218 seats to newly elected President Joe Biden’s party since Friday. This number is likely to rise as decisions have yet to be announced for around a dozen seats. In fact, since election night on Nov. 3, there has been no question that the House of Representatives will remain in the hands of Democrats.

+++ 03:10 The first lady also keeps her distance +++
Some images are more expressive than many protagonists would like. After several law firms turned their backs on current US President Donald Trump, recent photos show First Lady Melania is also keeping her husband away. The presidential couple visited the grave of an unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, on Wednesday. Melania hooked up with a member of the military instead of her husband. He took a few steps in front of his wife, his face extremely tight.


No pas de deux: the president of the United States, Trump, and the first lady Melania keep their distance.

(Photo: imago images / ZUMA Wire)

+++ 01:03 vaccine later: New York threatens Trump with a lawsuit +++
In response to US President Donald Trump’s announcement that New York would receive a possible vaccine later than other US states, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke on CNN shortly thereafter. Cuomo assured that a vaccine would be approved in New York at the latest in the rest of the country: “There will be no delay.” According to him, the drug should be delivered in New York as in other states. The investigation by the New York panel of experts is taking place at the same time. New York Attorney General Letitia James threatened to sue the federal government if the state does not receive vaccination doses for now. More recently, the companies Biontech and Pfizer announced that their vaccine offered more than 90 percent protection against Covid-19 disease. They want to provide 50 million doses of vaccines this year and about 1.3 billion in 2021, worldwide. The vaccine must be given twice to be effective.

+++ 00:30 online mockery: Why does Trump suddenly have gray hair? +++
Donald Trump’s first public speech in more than a week caused much to talk about: The president of the United States stood in front of the cameras in the rose garden of the White House with unusually gray hair. Viewers around the world wondered where the Republican’s blond toupee suddenly went. A wave of questions erupted on social media about why the 74-year-old no longer dyes his hair. Trump did not respond after his appearance on Friday. It did not allow questions from invited journalists on this or any other topic. On November 6, the headline had been seen wearing a distinctly blonde hair color at his last press conference thus far. Days later, there was a wreath-laying ceremony on Veterans Day: In the pouring rain at Arlington National Cemetery, Trump’s hair color on Wednesday looked less blonde than before, but not as gray as on Friday. asked a Twitter user, referring to Trump’s defeat in the election. Another joked that Trump now wants to be like his victorious challenger Joe Biden.
Read more about it here.

+++ 23:53 “Immediately”: Biden calls for drastic measures from cornona +++
US President-elect Joe Biden has called for immediate and urgent government action against the accelerating spread of the corona pandemic. After a meeting with his Corona Council of Experts, Biden stated in a written message that the facts presented by medical professionals were alarming. The crisis requires an immediate and decisive response from the Washington government, Biden said. Unfortunately, this does not exist yet. “I am president-elect, but I won’t be president until next year,” Biden said, with a view to taking office on January 20. “The crisis did not respect any date on the calendar, now it is accelerating.”

+++ 23:14 Trump: the vaccine will not be delivered to New York at the moment +++
According to President Donald Trump, a corona vaccine, which is expected to be available soon, will not initially be delivered to New York state in the US Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo does not trust the Washington government and wants to examine the drug separately. “So we won’t send it to New York until we have permission,” Trump said. The current president of the United States indirectly criticized Cuomo for his announcement a few weeks ago that his own experts would verify the safety of an approved vaccine. Cuomo had justified this with concerns that Trump could use a fund for political purposes and prematurely distribute it to the population.

+++ 10:41 pm Trump: “This government does not want a shutdown, but who knows what will happen in the future”
President Trump spoke about fighting the corona pandemic at his press conference and said he was pleased with the prospect of a vaccine soon. He only indirectly commented on the choice. He said his government would not issue a blockade, but no one knew what would happen in the future. “Who knows what will happen,” he said. Some observers saw it Almost admissionwho lost the elections. Trump dropped the allegations of election fraud. He read most of his words and only occasionally deviated from his script and was generally wary of his circumstances.

+++ 10:12 pm Obama: It bothers me more that Republicans are participating +++
Former President Obama is concerned that Republicans will not stop Trump and his unproven fraud allegations. Trump doesn’t like to lose and never admit defeat, he said. But: “I am even more concerned that Republican officials, who clearly know more, are participating and talking to him. It is one more step towards delegitimizing not only the next Biden administration, but democracy in general, this is a dangerous way. ” Obama spoke on CBS’s “60 Minutes” talk show, which will air Sunday. The station published a clip beforehand on Twitter: Obama was interviewed on the occasion of the appearance of his memoirs.

+++ 21:37 Trump is considering a large pro-Trump rally in Washington +++
Although President Trump lost the election, he still got 71 million votes, so he still has many supporters who also believe his claims that there was election fraud. They want to demonstrate for him in Washington on Saturday. And Trump is now tweeting that he is considering “come and say hi.” It is comforting to see the “tremendous support.”

+++ 21:05 Next setback for Trump’s lawyers +++
In Michigan, Trump’s attorneys suffer a setback: A judge dismisses the claim that the count at a Detroit polling station must be independently investigated from the outside. As the Washington Post reported, Judge Timothy M. Kenny said there was no evidence of fraud. If the electoral process were thoroughly vetted, it could take so long that Michigan would not be able to send its constituents to the Electoral College on time. That could undermine confidence in the elections. So far, Trump’s lawyers have had little success, for example, in Pennsylvania. .

What Happened On The US Election Ticker Before, Read Here.
