Live ticker of the US elections: +++ 01:23 Maas wants to reintegrate the US into the WHO +++


Following Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential elections, Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas is betting on the early re-entry of the United States into the World Health Organization (WHO). At the Paris Peace Forum, Maas said he was “sure” that Biden would keep his promise. French President Emmanuel Macron and other politicians called for global access to a possible corona vaccine. Strengthening the “multilateral health architecture” also requires WHO to be more capable of action, Maas said at the conference with representatives from numerous countries. Under US President Donald Trump, the United States began its exit from the WHO. His rival Biden had promised to reverse it after his election victory last week.

+++ 00:31 High-ranking US election officials see no evidence of fraud +++
Senior officials in the US electoral authority see no evidence of fraud or other irregularities in the presidential elections. The Nov. 3 elections were “the safest in the history of the United States,” federal and state government officials noted in a joint statement Thursday, contradicting President Donald Trump, who declared that he was defeated by the opposition candidate Joe. Biden does not want to acknowledge and denounces an alleged massive electoral fraud.

+++ 23:48 Election Supervisor Raffensperger in Georgia quarantined +++

+++ 11:17 PM Senate could vote on Trump Fed candidates next week +++
Given a shrinking majority in the Senate, US Republicans could vote next week on two of President Donald Trump’s candidates for the Fed. A spokesman for Republican Senator John Cornyn confirms such considerations, which the Bloomberg agency had first reported. time. Republicans really only wanted to vote in the House of Congress if they could be sure that controversial candidate Judy Shelton had a majority. However, they could lose control of the Senate in two second-round elections in January. Most of Shelton was already in doubt before the election.

+++ 22:29 The Republican Governor recognizes Biden as the winner of the elections +++
Another major Republican acknowledges Biden’s election victory. Ohio Governor Mike deWine said Biden is president-elect. This is how the winner of the elections is called until the inauguration. DeWine also said that Trump had the right to go to court. The courts are the best place to judge the facts. “We should all take a deep breath”, told “The Hill”. There is a procedure for “all of this” that must be followed.

+++ 22:07 More Republicans are calling for intelligence briefings for Biden +++
According to the “New York Times,” a growing number of Republican senators are publicly speaking out against the fact that the election winner, Biden, has yet to receive intelligence reports. After James Lankford on Wednesday, four other friends from Trump’s party reportedly did, including his close ally Lindsey Graham, who answered the question with a simple “yes.” Influential Senator John Thune had also spoken out in favor of intelligence briefings, as had older Republican Charles Grassley and moderate Susan Collins, who congratulated Biden as one of the few in their party for her electoral victory.

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