LIVE-TICKER Coronavirus – Tourism Commissioner Bareiß does not rule out holidays in Europe


Germany continues to loosen

Germany begins the new week with further relaxation. In the first federal states, bars are reopening, schools are gradually filling up with more children, and even visiting the gym is no longer a problem for some places with appropriate rules. Read here what is now valid in your state.

You can read all the information about the corona virus here.

TVNOW documentary: what we learn from the crisis

What lessons can we learn from the biggest post-war crisis so far? We speak to experts. Was the state too inconsistent? Did schools close too quickly? What to do with hamster mayhem? And what is the real reason thousands of tourists are stranded around the world? See the TVNOW documentary: “What we learn from the crisis”.


12:28 PM – SPD asks for clarification after Corona outbreak in Coesfeld, NRW

The crown outbreak at a meat factory in Coesfeld will be a problem on Wednesday in the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament. The SPD wants to hear from the responsible minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) on the work and health committee since the authorities learned about the infections among workers in the slaughterhouse and what they have done to contain them.

“Authorities should have been informed of the first cases of infection since mid-March,” SPD spokesman for the labor market and health policy Josef Neumann said Monday, according to a message. “What have health authorities and the state government done since then to prevent the spread of the virus?” Minister Laumann had to be asked what responsibility he had for these conditions.

As of Monday, 230 cases of infected workers were known to exist at the Westfleisch plant, which is currently closed by authorities. All slaughterhouse employees at NRW are tested for the virus.

12:15 p.m. – Café in the square again: Corona loosening in some parts of Spain

05.05.2020, Spain, Palma: on the day of the reopening, a waitress serves coffee to two guests on the terrace of a bar in Palma. As of Monday, in phase 1 of the relaxation of the crown measures, bars, restaurants, shops.

The next stage of loosening of the crown began in parts of Spain, including Mallorca.

© dpa, Clara Margais, vco

A “café con leche” in the street cafe, shopping in the fashion store and a visit to the museum: in some parts of Spain, the next stage of the coronation began on Monday. Ten of a total of 17 “autonomous communities” were allowed to advance to “Phase 1” of the de-escalation plan, including the Basque Country, Galicia, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. In Mallorca, for the first time since the strict ban on going out in mid-March, people sat outside bars again; however, the tables must be at least two meters apart and the number of clients is limited.

The Madrid region, which was particularly affected by the corona pandemic, initially remains in “Phase 0”, in which only exit restrictions are slightly loosened and small shops are allowed to open progressively.

12:00 pm. – Insider: CDU country leaders insist on speedy opening of borders

According to experts, a clear majority in the CDU Presidium spoke at a change conference for the rapid elimination of existing controls on German borders with neighboring EU countries. Several prime ministers have raised the issue, according to the CDU. The clear tenor was that fast opening was considered very desirable, but at the same time security standards had to be maintained. It is important to return to “Schengen normality” in coordination with neighboring regions. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) extended closings and partial border controls last week until May 15.

11:55 am – The number of new deaths in Spain decreased

The number of deaths from coronavirus reported daily in Spain has fallen to its lowest level in seven weeks. The Ministry of Health reports 123 new deaths. It can be shown that a total of 26,744 people died as a result of infection with the new virus in Spain. The number of confirmed infections increased by 3046 in 24 hours to 227,436.

11:30 a.m. – BKA chief draws attention to violence against children

According to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the police received no more evidence of violence and abuse in the family than usual in the crown crisis. However, these data must be interpreted with extreme caution, BKA chief Holger Münch said in Berlin on Monday. . The dark field is large and conditions in the crown pandemic could contribute to intensifying family conflict.

At the same time, children are less in contact with people like educators, teachers or pediatricians that they can usually turn to, Münch said. It is possible that Corona’s requirements led to an increase in violence, which the police are currently unable to observe. It is important for people around the children to remain alert despite the physical distance and to contact authorities if they are suspected, Münch said.

10:55 am – infection rate rises above critical value again

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of reproductions was 1.13 on Sunday. This means that ten infected people infect 11 other people. The value is again above the critical mark of 1. The RKI has repeatedly emphasized that for the pandemic to decrease, the number of reproductions must be less than 1. What does the contagion rate really mean? Read more here.

10:35 am – Austria prepares a tavern aid package

The Austrian government wants to help local gastronomy with tax cuts through the crown crisis. For example, the sales tax on soft drinks will be reduced, says Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. In total, a € 500 million aid package will be prepared for restaurants. In Austria, the restaurant trade can reopen from May 15, subject to conditions.

10:10 am – French government warns of caution

Commuters, who wear protective face masks, walk on a platform at the Saint-Lazare train station in Paris, the first day the use of masks is compulsory on public transport, after France began a gradual end to a blockade national due to coronavirus di

Relaxation leads to haste on the Paris metro


At the start of gradual relaxation after around eight weeks of confinement in France, Health Minister Olivier Veran called for caution. If virus infections increase sharply again, the government will take blocking measures again, Veran tells BFM television. He was not surprised by the recent discovery of new sources of infection in the country. This shows that one has to live with the virus. “The more vigilant we all are, the fewer groups we will have,” says Veran.

9:55 am – Many industries are cutting jobs

The crown recession, according to a survey, will cost jobs in many industries. In April, 58 percent of companies in the catering industry, 50 percent in the hospitality industry, and 43 percent of travel agencies decided to lay off employees or not extend fixed-term contracts, according to the survey. Institute financial statement published on Monday. In the automotive industry, it is 39 percent. “From now on, the crisis will hit the German labor market,” said Ifo expert Klaus Wohlrabe. On average, 18 percent of companies had already cut jobs.

9:35 am – The number of infections in Coesfeld increased further

In the Coesfeld district, the number of infections increased further after a crown outbreak at a meat company. A district spokesman said 780 infections were reported Sunday in the district, 35 more than Saturday. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the number of new infections in the district was just under 96, and therefore significantly higher than the specified upper limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents in the past seven days. Many of the loosening of the crown requirements, for example for restaurants and shops, planned from Monday onwards, will be postponed in the district for a week, as the district announced.

Those affected in the Coesfeld district include 230 people infected from the Westfleisch plant. 952 of the approximately 1,200 employees have already been evaluated there, a company spokesperson said. The location remains closed.

8:45 am – Experts: Corona crisis could promote vaccination readiness

FILE - 05/11/2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bielefeld: ILLUSTRATION - A syringe is held in front of the letters

Will the Crown crisis reconcile opponents of vaccines?

© dpa, Frieze Gentsch, frg dul wst jai

Many people anxiously await vaccination against the new coronavirus. But there are also opposing views: At weekend protests against state measures to combat the pandemic, there were also opponents of the vaccination. According to expert Bernd Harder of the Society for the Scientific Study of Para Sciences, the corona crisis could, in the medium term, induce vaccination skeptics to rely more on vaccines in the future. “Because they see what a world without vaccines could be like.”

8:25 a.m. – Tourism representative Bareiß does not rule out holidays in Europe

In the “ntv-Frühstart”, the federal government’s tourism commissioner, Thomas Bareiß (CDU), defended the existing travel warnings until June 14. “I hope that we can open the borders step by step and that we can go on vacation not only to Germany but also to Europe,” says Bareiß. Many countries would expect it, as does Germany. Around three million people work in tourism in this country. There are currently talks with European tourism experts and security concepts are being worked on at the site, the tourism official said in an interview. At the same time, however, it attenuated the expectations of the national tourism industry. “Sales will not be as strong as last year.” You have to see which companies are affected by the long-term pandemic now and what other government subsidies are needed.

Bareiß also advocates that the reservation date be the benchmark for possible overcrowding in hotels.

8:15 a.m. – Interpol chief warns of trade in counterfeit corona vaccines

Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock warns that criminals could take advantage of the development of an effective drug against the coronavirus. The illegal trade in counterfeit products will increase if there is a drug in sight that promises cure or relief, Stock said from the German Press Agency. The same can be seen with counterfeit medical products like protective masks or disinfectants.

“There will be another great wave, a global wave, if we move forward with a vaccine,” said the secretary general of the international police organization.

8:05 am – New Zealand restaurants and cinemas open again

New Zealand is loosening most restrictions in the fight against the new coronavirus. Starting Thursday, the reopening of restaurants, cafes, cinemas and shopping malls will be allowed, as announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Travel within the country would be allowed again. Schools are slated to reopen next Monday, bars only on May 21. The meetings would be limited to a maximum of ten people.

07:55 – Chief of FDP Lindner: “He has not shown good sensitivity

The participation of the Thuringian FDP head of state and short-term Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich in a demonstration against Corona’s requirements has also caused outrage in his own ranks. “He did not show good sensitivity in these demonstrations. And with this action he weakened the FDP’s arguments,” said FDP President Christian Lindner in “Guten Morgen Deutschland.”

Kemmerich participated in protests in Gera on Saturday against restricting public life to curb the coronavirus. The images showed how he ran close to other protesters without a face mask. “If you are serious about your concerns, protect yourself, keep your distance, wear a mask. I also blame Mr. Kemmerich,” Lindner said.

07:15 a.m. – qualification bonus for Abi 2020?

FILE - May 9, 2014, Lower Saxony, Hannover: Students sit on the Abitur exam. The first Abitur exams begin on May 11, 2020 in History. Photo: Picture Alliance / Julian Stratenschulte / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Grades 2020 bonus grades?

© dpa, Julian Stratenschulte, jst lre jol hoh jol

The Association of German Universities is demanding a degree bonus in the event that this year’s Abitur turns out worse than the average in recent years as a result of the Corona crisis. “There should be no downsides to the Abitur 2020 class,” association president Bernhard Kempen told newspapers from the Funke media group (Monday). The special conditions in which the Abitur is celebrated this year must be taken into account. Corona virus should not devalue a full year’s resume.

“If student performance turns out to be significantly worse than the average for the past few years, I hope to make up for the disadvantages,” Kempen said. Everything else is unfair.

7:05 a.m. – Spahn demands constant action on the site

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has called on state and municipal authorities to take consistent measures in the fight against the coronavirus. “We need the courageous and comprehensive approach on the site,” Spahn stressed Sunday night in the ZDF’s “Today Journal”. It is very important to quickly understand all infections and isolate contacts. Only if the counties acted immediately, could the numbers be prevented from increasing again across the country.

The federal government largely gave federal states a free hand last week to relax crown requirements. However, one type of emergency mechanism was agreed: according to this, strict restrictions should be applied again in the region in question if more than 50 new infections are registered for every 100,000 inhabitants in a week.

There are now five locations in Germany where this upper limit is exceeded. Interactive maps of Germany with the current virus situation can be found here.

7:00 am – Current figures for Germany and the world

Country Infected Dead
Around the world 4,102,955 282,719
USES 1,329,799 79,528
Spain 224,350 26,621
Britain 220,449 31,930
Italy 219,070 30,560
Russia 209,688 1,915
France 177,094 26,383
Germany 171,879 7,569

According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 171,879 coronavirus infections have been reported in Germany. According to reports, at least 7,569 people infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have died across the country so far. Around 145,600 people have survived the infection. As for other countries, experts also expect a large number of unreported cases in Germany.

Source: Johns Hopkins University

6:45 am – First NRW gyms open at night

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the first fitness studies reopened on Monday night after their crown break. Shortly after midnight, the first athletes returned to work in the Kalk district of Cologne. The McFit chain opened its doors there, as well as elsewhere in NRW at 0.01 a.m. “I think everyone yearned for that,” said McFit founder Rainer Schaller. At the same time, he emphasized that it was important to comply with the requirements stipulated by the policy.
Last week, NRW cleared the way for the reopening of gyms on Monday. However, strict requirements apply. There must be a sufficient distance between the devices used, for example, the showers remain closed.
You can find here how an expert classifies hygiene requirements.

6:20 am – Why do men receive COVID-19 more frequently?

May 9, 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: Numerous passers-by are located on Schildergasse, one of Cologne's main shopping streets. Photo: Marius Becker / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A European study claims to have found an explanation for why men are more susceptible to COVID-19.

© dpa, Marius Becker, mb nic

A European study claims to have found an explanation for why men are more susceptible to COVID-19. The results, published in the European Heart Journal, showed that men’s blood has a higher level of a key enzyme called ACE2 than women’s. According to the report, the coronavirus requires ACE2 to penetrate cells, multiply, and pass into the lungs. Find out more about the study here.

06:10 am – Isn’t the vice president of the United States quarantined despite Corona’s contact?

United States Vice President Mike Pence says he does not want to quarantine as a precaution, despite media reports confirming the coronavirus infection. He will be at his workplace at the White House on Monday, his office said Sunday (local time), according to CNN. Daily corona virus tests were negative for him.

It was announced on Friday that Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller had tested positive for Corona. Three high-ranking members of the White House Crown Task Force, led by Pence, then said, according to US media, that they would isolate themselves at home as a precaution.

All messages from May 10, 2020

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