LIVE-TICKER Coronavirus – Sylt: not in the mood for day tourists


Germany continues to loosen

Germany begins the new week with further relaxation. In the first federal states, bars are reopening, schools are gradually filling up with more children, and even visiting the gym is no longer a problem for some places with appropriate rules. Read here what is now valid in your state.

You can read all the information about the corona virus here.

TVNOW documentary: what we learn from the crisis

What lessons can we learn from the biggest post-war crisis so far? We speak to experts. Was the state too inconsistent? Did schools close too quickly? What to do with hamster mayhem? And what is the real reason thousands of tourists are stranded around the world? See the TVNOW documentary: “What we learn from the crisis”.


19:35 – RKI: the reproduction rate is again below 1.0

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rate of virus infection in Germany has fallen below the critical value of 1.0. In its current management report, the RKI estimates the rate at 0.94 (previous day: 1.07). Statistically, each infected person is now less infected than another person. In recent days, the key figure was slightly above 1.0. The RKI report says: “This shows that the decline in the number of new cases we have seen in the past few weeks has flattened out and may have reached a plateau. We do not yet anticipate a new upward trend.” The largest number of new infections is also related to local accumulations, for example, in the vicinity of slaughterhouses. However, the next few days would have to wait “to assess whether there is only a temporary slowdown in the decline.” According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rate of virus infection in Germany is again below the critical value of 1.0 sunk In its current management report, the RKI estimates the rate at 0.94 (previous day: 1.07 ). Statistically, each infected person is now less infected than another person. In recent days, the key figure was slightly above 1.0. The RKI report says: “This shows that the decline in the number of new cases we have seen in the past few weeks has flattened out and may have reached a plateau. We do not yet anticipate a new upward trend.” The largest number of new infections is also related to local accumulations, for example, in the vicinity of slaughterhouses. However, the next few days would have to wait “to assess whether the decline is only slowing down temporarily.”

6:32 pm – At the moment, Sylter doesn’t want any tourist days

The Germans’ favorite island will reopen to visitors on May 18, but daytime tourists shouldn’t be able to go to Sylt just yet. This is what all Sylt Municipalities, Entrepreneurs and Sylt Marketing are demanding in a joint letter to North Frisian District Administrator Florian Lorenzen (CDU), as confirmed by a Press Agency Sylt Marketing spokeswoman on Tuesday. German. The entry ban for day tourists should, if possible, be extended until the beginning of June or better until the middle of the month and should also apply to the islands of Amrum and Föhr.

Signatories are particularly concerned about Ascension and Pentecost weekends, when larger groups generally arrive, “which combine their day trip to the island with increased consumption of alcoholic beverages and will therefore be more difficult to control, “said the letter. The German press agency is present. The trains could also be full again, so it would make sense to ban daily passengers for DB Regio.

5:37 p.m. – Due to relief measures, 118.8 billion less tax revenue

Due to Corona’s relief measures, the federal government, states and municipalities will likely have to settle for € 118.8 billion less tax revenue this year. This arises from data from the Ministry of Finance, which is available to the German press agency. Specifically, at the end of April, the federal budget was expected to be loaded with 59.6 billion euros and the states and municipalities with 59.2 billion euros. The figures include a first interim statement of reduced tax revenues, as well as the effects of deferrals and adjustments to prepayments. A new tax estimate for 2020 and beyond will be released Thursday.

According to the documents, the Ministry of Finance is now anticipating a total crisis cost of € 453.4 billion in 2020 alone. In a comparable document, around € 100 billion less was mentioned in early April.

17:26 – circles: Merkel offers prospects for gradual border openings

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) gave hope in the crown crisis that the borders with neighboring countries would be gradually opened. Changes to border controls should always be made in cooperation with neighbors, Merkel said Tuesday, according to information from the participants’ German press agency, in a virtual meeting of the Union faction in the Bundestag. There will often be a two-step process. It is important to her that the checks do not continue “until the end of the day,” Merkel said.

4:39 p.m. – Roskilde Festival 2021 is already sold out

FILE - 03/07/2014, Denmark, Roskilde: British band The Rolling Stones opens Orange Stage at Roskilde Festival 2014. This year, the music festival in Roskilde is due to be canceled due to the crown crisis: next summer it should be bigger

The subscriptions for the Roskilde 2021 Festival are already sold out

© dpa, David Leth Williams, hk jai sab

This year, the music festival in Roskilde must be canceled due to the crown crisis; However, next summer, the biggest festival in Northern Europe is supposed to take place in front of a full house again. The rest of the 80,000 permanent tickets for the entire festival from June 26 to July 3, 2021 were sold on Tuesday, organizers said. Most 2020 ticket holders had decided to keep their 2021 tickets, the rest had been exhausted in a few hours. One-day tickets for individual festivals are expected to go on sale in the fall.

4:21 pm – Fewer mini-jobs due to the crown crisis

The crown crisis has led to a significant decrease in mini jobs in Germany. At the end of March, just under 6.38 million employees were registered in Germany with jobs of 450 euros, almost 220,000 or 3.3 percent less than in the same month the previous year, Minijob headquarters reported in Bochum on Tuesday.

The decline was particularly pronounced in the hospitality industry: 11.1 percent of employees lost their jobs here. There were 6.3 percent fewer mini-workers in manufacturing than in March 2019. The number only increased in agriculture, forestry, and construction.

4:00 p.m. – Self-employed workers can use 2,000 euros for living expenses

Self-employed people in North Rhine-Westphalia can use 2,000 euros of Corona emergency aid to finance their livelihood. This applies to everyone who submitted a request for emergency aid in March and April, but none to basic security, Economy Minister Andreas Pinkwart said in Düsseldorf on Tuesday. “This trust protection solution should finally give planning security to many,” said the FDP politician.

The federal government had previously rejected an initiative by several federal states that wanted to allow self-employed freelancers to use Corona’s emergency aid not only for operating costs but also for their livelihood. Instead, they should apply for basic security, that is, unemployment benefits, but this is not retroactive. With the special regulation, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia now wants to help those who are self-employed, including many independent artists who have little operating costs but have to pay rent and food purchases, and for whom Emergency aid so far has been of little use.

2:55 pm – Saxony prefers to relax

Saxony wants to bring most of the crown loosening already announced to this Friday. The government announced Tuesday after a cabinet meeting. Under the new protection ordinance, theaters, movie theaters, and outdoor pools must reopen. This was originally planned for next Monday. In exceptional cases, relatives can also be visited in nursing homes and nursing homes. Hygiene concepts are a prerequisite.

Kindergartens and schools only open from Monday. Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) spoke of a “historic day”. It is the greatest relaxation nationwide. Economy Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) called relaxation a “brave step”: “Courage must not become frivolous,” he appealed to reason.

2:44 pm – 260 Westfleisch workers in Coesfeld tested positive for Corona

After the corona outbreak at a meat factory in Coesfeld, the number of workers who tested positive for the virus increased to 260. As of Tuesday afternoon, 1,012 of the approximately 1,200 Westfleisch employees had been evaluated, 571 with one result. negative, as the Coesfeld district said at noon at the request of the German Press Agency. The district had reported 254 infected on Monday.

As a consequence of the Corona outbreak in Westfleisch, the Coesfeld district, in coordination with the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, postponed much of the loosening of the corona requirements that was originally planned across the country from of Monday. Furthermore, up to 20,000 employees from all slaughterhouses in North Rhine-Westphalia will be screened for the Corona virus.

2:36 pm – Bremen pubs open again from May 18

In the state of Bremen, restaurants and pubs can reopen after a mandatory multi-week Corona recess starting May 18, under strict conditions. This includes that guests can only consume drinks and food in the restaurant if they are willing to provide names and contact details. “Guests can only be served if they agree with the documentation,” Economic Affairs Senator Kristina Vogt (left) said Tuesday after a Senate meeting with the appropriate decisions. Restaurants are required to keep the data for three weeks to track down possible infections.

2:35 pm – Spahn wants to strengthen pharmaceutical production in Europe

Health Minister Jens Spahn relies on financial incentives to bring the production of important medicines to Europe. “Europe must become more independent from Asia when it comes to pharmaceuticals again,” the CDU politician said Tuesday after a video conference with other EU countries.

The topic was drug shortages during the crown pandemic. Pharmacists have complained about the shortage of certain drugs for years. The situation worsened during the wave of illness. Most of the important active ingredients are made in Asia. Production and transportation became more difficult during the crisis.

2:19 p.m. – Berlin adopts its own Corona early warning system

In deviation from the latest agreements between the federal government and the state, the state of Berlin is using its own warning system in the crown pandemic. The rate of reproduction, the number of new infections and the occupation of intensive care beds with patients with Covid-19 should play a role, Prime Minister Michael Müller and Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (both SPDs) said Tuesday. If critical levels are reached in two of the indicators, the Senate wants to review the existing easing measures or postpone any other easing measures if necessary.

2:02 p.m. – “Made in Germany” is hardly in demand in the United States

German exporters fear a record drop in business with their largest customer, the United States, due to the crown crisis. “German companies are experiencing a real collapse in demand in the United States,” Volker Treier, head of foreign trade at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), told Reuters on Tuesday. “The decline is much stronger there than in other countries, especially since the social security system there is relatively weak.” In a short time, more than 30 million Americans have been laid off. “There is less demand for ‘Made in Germany,'” Treier explained. Therefore, DIHK expects exports to the US. USA They drop nearly 20 percent in 2020. That would be an “unprecedented decline,” Treier added. “Travel restrictions and restrictive visa issuance also help.”

1:55 p.m. – Thuringia: newly allowed meetings without limit of participants

Demonstrations in Thuringia should be possible again from Wednesday without restrictions on the number of participants. This provides for a regulation that the cabinet has agreed to, as announced by the Ministry of Health in Erfurt on Tuesday.

1:15 pm – Hamburg is also loosening the restrictions

Hamburg is moving in with the Crown loosening. What is already valid in many places is now allowed again in the Hanseatic city. Starting Wednesday, stores with a sales area of ​​more than 800 square meters can reopen. In Hamburg, all outdoor sports are again possible from a distance on Wednesday. That also means that all outdoor sports facilities can be reopened, said Senator in charge of interiors and sports Andy Grote. Starting May 18, visits to nursing homes will be possible again, albeit under strict conditions.

12:52 p.m. – Merkel and Macron plan to relax the border

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Emmanuel Macron have advised a media report on reducing border traffic between Germany and France. According to The Pioneer editor-in-chief Michael Broecker’s “Capital Report” on Tuesday, they are both fighting for a solution that applies to citizens of both countries equally, at best, even beyond. Both would have called each other on Monday night.

For weeks now, only those who can show an important reason can enter Germany. These are, for example, truckers, members of the medical profession, or travelers. There are also stationary border controls at the borders with Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) recently said the federal government had agreed to continue the controls until May 15. The leader of the North Rhine-Westphalia government, Armin Laschet (CDU), for example, had called for easing.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert confirmed on Tuesday that the chancellor and the French president had spoken on Monday about current European tasks.

12:48 p.m. – Fewer new infections in Spain in more than two months

In Spain, the number of new infections has dropped to its lowest level in more than two months. The Ministry of Health reports 594 infections in 24 hours. This increases the number of infections detected with the new corona virus to 228,030. The number of deaths increased by 176, and thus slightly more, to 26,920.

12:39 pm – EU Commission: carefully open borders in Europe

In opening internal borders in Europe, the EU Commission relies on careful and coordinated action by EU countries in the crown crisis. In its recommendations, which it would like to present on Wednesday, the Brussels authority does not call for an immediate return to the Schengen area, which is actually free of control. Instead, a flexible step-by-step plan is proposed, with the aim of gradually lifting controls, according to the document the German Press Agency has drafted. The agency also highlights the importance of free travel for the tourism industry, which has been hit hard by the pandemic.

12:23 p.m. – Corona Survey: Families with young children have more difficulties

According to a survey, families with young children feel more burdened by the crown crisis than other families. As a survey conducted regularly by the University of Erfurt since the beginning of March shows, a good 55 percent of parents with children under the age of 14 currently find their personal situation stressful. For families with older children and childless couples, 45 percent of respondents say so. Couples with younger children are also more likely to report having had minor or major disagreements in the past few weeks than couples without children under the age of 14.

12:04 p.m. – British Minister: improbable summer vacation abroad

According to Health Minister Matt Hancock, the British will have to prepare for vacations in their own country this summer due to the crown pandemic. When asked if the British should accept that overseas vacations will be canceled this summer, Hancock on ITV replies, “I think that will likely be the case.”

12:01 p.m. – The Austrian soccer Bundesliga starts again

The Austrian soccer Bundesliga continues to play ghost games. This was announced by the president of the Austrian Football Association, Leo Windtner, on Tuesday in Vienna. “Yes, it starts again.” It is important that this beginning comes now. “If we don’t start now, we wouldn’t be able to recognize Austria’s football landscape in a year.” The restart is expected to take place in the first week of June.

11:48 am – Australia’s finance minister isolated himself after a coughing fit

    SCOTT MORRISON CORONAVIRUS UPDATE, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg speaks to the media at a press conference in Canberra, Thursday April 23, 2020. ATTENTION: FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO FILE AND NO USE OF BOOKS Canberra ACT AUSTRALIA PUBLIC

Australia’s finance minister Josh Frydenberg must be evaluated in Corona.

© imago images / AAP, MICK TSIKAS via,

Australian Finance Minister Josh Frydenberg had a coughing fit in parliament and was immediately examined for the crown virus. He had “dry mouth and cough” during the presentation of a budget report related to the pandemic, the minister said in a statement Tuesday a few hours after the incident. He had been advised to be tested for the virus, and he did so immediately after leaving Parliament. Until the outcome of the investigation scheduled for Wednesday is available, he will remain isolated, according to Frydenberg.

11:39 am – Online retailers in Germany are feeling the rebound in April

In April, German online retailers were able to offset the drop in sales registered in March. In general, electronic commerce with goods was 17.9 percent higher than in the same month of the previous year and reached 6,820 million euros, reports the Federal Association for Electronic Commerce and Mail Order (bevh). However, not all areas could have compensated for the losses. Taking March and April together, clothing sales are still nearly nine percent lower than the same period last year, with shoes a good eleven percent. In the period, however, food sales doubled and the drug business increased by 87 percent.

11:06 a.m. – 80 newly infected people at the slaughterhouse in Baden-Württemberg

At a slaughterhouse in Birkenfeld near Pforzheim, more than 80 people tested positive for the coronavirus. This increases the number of employees who are or were infected with Covid-19 to around 400, a spokeswoman for the district office in Enzkreis in Baden-Württemberg said Tuesday. That’s almost a quarter of the workforce of around 1,100 employees. The authority released the results Monday night.

Almost 150 employees have recovered. This means that they are allowed to return to work. However, they are still subject to company quarantine and can only move between their home and workplace, the spokesperson explained.

10:55 am – Researchers: the closure of kindergartens and schools affects the virus

According to scientists’ calculations, the closure of schools and kindergartens had the greatest effect in containing the pandemic in Germany. Enzo Weber and Tobias Hartl of the Institute for Employment and Research (IAB) and the University of Regensburg explain that they have reduced the growth rate of confirmed crown infections by 7.9 percentage points. Exit restrictions and cessation of professional and recreational sports would also be very important. On the other hand, closings in the retail trade, the hotel industry or for the hairdressing and cosmetic companies would have had little effect.

10:48 am – Large-scale forgeries: fraud exposed with respiratory masks

Two men from northern Rhineland-Palatinate were arrested for cheating on the sale of respirators. A 23-year-old man and a 49-year-old man were investigated on suspicion of commercial fraud, the Koblenz prosecutor said Tuesday. The men are said to have sold simple mouth-nose protection masks as higher-quality FFP2 masks. The defendants were arrested on May 6 and are in custody. The public prosecutor initially declined to provide further details. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had also reported on the case.

10:25 am – RKI: the contagion rate is not the only decisive factor to assess the situation

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the reproductive factor “R” is not the only decisive factor in the spread of the coronavirus to assess the current situation. The number of new infections in a daily comparison, the number of positive tests and the workload of the healthcare system are also important, says RKI Vice President Lars Schaade in Berlin. In Germany, the R factor is currently just over 1, which means that from a purely mathematical point of view, an infected person infects more than another person.

Furthermore, the RKI considers that the opening of borders in Europe is possible under certain conditions. If there were unanimity and a similar epidemiological situation in neighboring countries, such an opening of the border could be justified, Schaade said.

10:18 am – Dermatologists warn of the consequences of frequent hand washing

ILLUSTRATION - May 11, 2020, Bremen: a woman washes her hands. Hand hygiene is essential to delay the spread of the coronavirus. Frequent hand washing, according to dermatologists, will lead to more

“Soap attacks the skin barrier,” said dermatologist Christoph Skudlik.

© dpa, Sina Schuldt, cul

Frequent handwashing in the crown pandemic, according to dermatologists, will lead to more people developing itchy eczema on the hands. “The soap attacks the skin barrier,” said dermatologist Christoph Skudlik of the German Press Agency. The 52-year-old man is the chief physician at the iDerm Institute based at the University of Osnabrück and the BG Klinikum Hamburg. Anyone who develops skin problems should definitely go to a specialist.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, disinfecting hands with alcoholic preparations is “the means of choice” in healthcare and nursing. Outside of these areas, hands can also be thoroughly washed to inactivate the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen.

10:05 am – Central Bank: France’s economy is breaking out of a stalemate

Despite ongoing containment measures against the crown pandemic, the French central bank economy is gradually unleashing the shock. The second-largest economy in the euro zone after Germany worked 27 percent below normal in April, after less than 32 percent in the second half of March, as announced by the Banque de France on Tuesday. Business activity in the industry was 37 percent lower than usual, after 48 percent in March. Service providers would also have picked up some speed again.

As a result of the recent relaxation, many stores in France were able to reopen on Monday for the first time in about eight weeks. The Bank of France, unlike its survey of 8,500 companies, did not calculate an economic forecast for the quarter due to the crown crisis. The EU Commission predicts that the French economy will shrink 8.2 percent in 2020.

9:56 am – Spain imposes two weeks quarantine on immigrants

The Spanish government ordered a two-week quarantine for all people arriving in the country from May 15. Travelers are only allowed to buy food, go to the doctor, and in the event of a “emergency” at home, he says in an official order. The quarantine applies to all people who come to Spain between 15 and the end of the previously planned state of emergency on May 24.

9:44 am – Steinmeier acknowledges the work of nurses in the crown crisis

ATTENTION: BLOCKING PERIOD APRIL 11, 5:00 PM. BLOCKING PERIOD APRIL 11, 5:00 PM - April 11, 2020, Berlin: ATTENTION Restriction period April 11, 5:00 p.m. - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue Palace during the recording of a television speech at Easter w

Those who care for older people at home and at home “do tremendous things for our country,” Steinmeier said.

© dpa, Jesco Denzel

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has recognized the work of doctors, nurses, and nurses in the Corona crisis as “living solidarity.” He explicitly included those who care for seriously ill family members at home. “They often go beyond their limits,” Steinmeier said in a video message released Tuesday. At the same time, he gave courage to people in nursing homes who had been isolated from their relatives for weeks: “For those who need help, who have suffered loneliness in recent weeks, there is hope: home visits will soon be possible again”.

This and many other relief measures have been achieved together “because the vast majority of people in our country have adhered to the strict rules that have been in place to date,” said Steinmeier, and appealed: “Let’s continue to act in ways responsible and prudent! “

Those who care for older people at home and at home “do tremendous things for our country,” Steinmeier said. “You live what solidarity means. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that! And I would like us to remember what you do for this society even after the crisis.” At the same time, the Federal President emphasized that older people are not on the sidelines, “but among us, at the heart of our society.” No one is replaceable or expendable. “The care and protection of the elderly among us determines the humanity of our entire country.”

9:29 a.m. – Ryanair plans nearly 1,000 daily flights from July 1

FILE - 02/01/2020, Hesse, Frankfurt / Main: A Ryanair plane is reflected on the rain-soaked runway at Frankfurt Airport (FRA). Europe's largest low-cost airline Ryanair wants to significantly increase its flight operations again this summer. Photo

Ryanair plans almost 1,000 daily flights from July 1.

© dpa, Andreas Arnold, arn vco wst gfh

Europe’s largest low-cost airline Ryanair wants to significantly increase its flight operations again this summer. Starting July 1, 40 percent of scheduled flights will be flown again, the company said in Dublin on Tuesday. The prerequisite is that governments relax travel restrictions on flights within the EU and that security measures are introduced at airports to protect health. According to their own statements, Ryanair would offer almost 1,000 daily flights, covering 90 percent of the routes that the airline had operated before the Corona crisis.

At the end of June, the fuselage flight plan applies with only 30 takeoffs per day. Masks are mandatory for passengers and crew on flights. One of the measures that Ryanair wants to take to make flying safe in times of the pandemic is the prohibition of queuing in front of the plane’s toilet. Passengers should contact flight attendants if necessary. You must also complete forms with details of the length and location of your stay. The data will be sent to the EU so that quarantine regulations can be monitored.

9:12 am – Weil warns of conspiracy theories

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) warned of conspiracy theories about the crown crisis. “The crown virus is not a conspiracy, the crown virus is a danger and it persists,” Weil said in a government statement in the state parliament in Hannover on Tuesday. Therefore, prevention and prevention were still necessary, and full protection must be paid to infection protection in the coming months. “The virus and, therefore, the risk are in no way eliminated, but continue to exist in our country.” Images from other parts of the world are not fake news, but reality.

8:53 am – British Minister of Health: the contagion rate is less than one

According to Health Minister Matt Hancock, the rate of virus infection in Britain is now below the critical value of 1.0. It is in the mid range of 0.5 to 0.9. That means that from a purely arithmetic point of view, a person infected with a crown infects less than another person on average.

8:42 am – Police union fears neglect of hungry fans

FILE - 03/11/2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Moenchengladbach: Soccer: Bundesliga, Matchday 11, Borussia Moenchengladbach - 1. FC Cologne at Borussia Park. A Gladbach fan dressed as a ghost faces the match at the stadium. (to dpa-KORR Bundesliga-Cold

During the phantom game between Borussia Mönchengladbach and 1. FC Köln, shortly before the mandatory Crown break, many fans had gathered in front of the stadium.

© dpa, Jonas Güttler, bsc

Lax federal government crown regulations could “lead to inexperienced recklessness among” hungry “soccer fans. Federal vice union vice president Jörg Radek said the” kicker “in reference to the Bundesliga restart on Saturday without Spectator participation, however, he hoped was not the case, he added.

He positively agrees, “that both fan associations and the DFL have already made clear how valuable it is to stay away from the stadium. Of course, the police will take the situation around the stadiums into account. To fans, who it is said: that the teams play and abide by the rules. It is as important as on the court, “said Radek.

During the phantom game between Borussia Mönchengladbach and 1. FC Köln (2-1) shortly before Corona’s mandatory break, many fans had gathered in front of the stadium.

8:31 am – Five crown patients died in a fire at a Russian clinic

According to media reports, five coronavirus patients died in a fire at a Russian hospital that was likely caused by an overloaded ventilator. “The fans are at their limit. According to preliminary data, there was an overload and the machine ignited, causing the fire,” Interfax news agency said.

The Ministry of Civil Protection confirmed the death of patients in an intensive care unit at a clinic in St. Petersburg, but without specifying their number and background. Russia is one of the countries with the most cases of infection. On Tuesday, 10,899 new infections were reported, and the number of infections increased to 232,243. Russia also attributes the large number to many tests. The death toll increased by 107 to 2,116.

8:21 am – Restaurants in Hamburg can open from Wednesday

Restaurants in Hamburg can reopen from Wednesday in compliance with hygiene and authorization regulations. A corresponding report from NDR 90.3 was confirmed Tuesday morning to the dpa news agency of the Senate circles.

8:12 am – The pandemic initially costs Allianz 700 million euros

La pandemia mundial de la corona le ha costado a la aseguradora más grande de Europa, Allianz, alrededor de 700 millones de euros. Los seguros de propiedad y accidentes representaron alrededor de 400 millones de euros, los negocios de vida y salud representaron 300 millones de euros, según una presentación sobre las cifras del primer trimestre del martes. La aseguradora tiene que pagar especialmente por la cancelación de eventos importantes e interrupciones de negocios como resultado de la pandemia. Con esto, la alianza hace que la crisis del virus sea prácticamente la única responsable de la caída del 22 por ciento en las ganancias operativas a alrededor de 2.300 millones de euros en el primer trimestre. El beneficio neto se redujo en un 29 por ciento a 1.400 millones de euros.

07:59 – Cifras actuales de Alemania y el mundo

país Infected dead Recover
United States 1,347,916 80,684 232,733
Spain 227,436 26,744 137,139
Britain 224,332 32,141 1,015
Russia 221,344 2,009 39,801
Italia 219.814 30,739 106,587
Francia 177,547 26,646 56,835
Alemania 172,576 7,661 145,617
En todo el mundo 4,177,687 286,336 1,456,318

7:52 am – La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos amplía el uso de Remdesivir

La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA) ha ampliado sus recomendaciones para el uso limitado del principio activo remdesivir para el tratamiento de infecciones graves por coronavirus. La EMA anunció el lunes que ahora también se puede usar para ciertos pacientes hospitalizados que no dependen de ventiladores. Un ensayo clínico de los Estados Unidos había indicado que la administración a pacientes de Covid podría acortar el tiempo de recuperación en varios días. Sin embargo, según los primeros resultados, el fármaco solo condujo a una tasa de mortalidad ligeramente más baja. Tampoco hay información confiable sobre los efectos secundarios y qué pacientes tienen más probabilidades de beneficiarse del tratamiento.

07:34 – Laschet exige relajación para los retornados en el extranjero

El primer ministro de Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), está presionando para que se aflojen aún más los requisitos estatales para contener el virus de la corona. En el “Rheinische Post” (martes), abogó por relajar el requisito de cuarentena para los retornados de países europeos. He justified the end of the bull run in France, where people have had much more freedom since Monday. At the same time, he reiterated his call for the German borders to be opened quickly.

Anyone entering Germany from abroad must be quarantined for two weeks. Sin embargo, esta obligación no se aplica a las personas que ingresan con un permiso especial, por ejemplo, para quienes viajan diariamente. France relaxed its strict exit restrictions on Monday. Freedom of movement remains limited. If you want to travel more than 100 kilometers from where you live, you need a good reason.

07:25 – Trump pierde los nervios – conferencia de prensa cancelada

El presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, terminó abruptamente una conferencia de prensa en la rosaleda de la Casa Blanca sobre la crisis de la corona después de una batalla verbal con un periodista estadounidense nacido en China. El corresponsal de CBS, Weijia Jiang, le preguntó al presidente por qué comparó las capacidades positivas de prueba de virus con otros países como si fuera una competencia internacional. Darauf antwortete Trump “Nun, die verlieren ihr Leben überall auf der Welt. Aber vielleicht ist das eine Frage, die sie China stellen sollten.” Sie erwiderte: “Warum sagen Sie das gerade mir, dass ich China fragen soll?” Darauf Trump: “Das sage ich zu jedem, der so eine bösartige Frage stellt. Nach der Bemerkung beendete Trump die Pressekonferenz.

Später legte Trump auf Twitter nach und kritisierte das Verhalten der Journalisten. Die “Lamestream-Medien” seien wahrhaft außer Kontrolle. Sie seien der Feind des Volkes.

07:08 Uhr – Weniger Verkehrsunfälle in der Corona-Krise

Während der Einschränkungen in der Corona-Pandemie sind auf Deutschlands Straßen weniger Unfälle passiert. Das zeigen Zahlen von Autoversicherern, Luftrettern und Polizei. Angaben der Allianz-Versicherung zufolge ist ein deutlicher Rückgang der Verkehrsunfälle nach den Corona-Beschränkungen zu sehen, auch die Huk-Coburg-Versicherung berichtet von deutlich weniger Schadenfällen. Bei der R+V-Versicherungsgruppe ging die Zahl der Kfz-Schäden im April im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat um 20 Prozent zurück.

Die ADAC-Luftretter waren von Januar bis Anfang Mai rund 1.300 Mal im Rahmen von Verkehrsunfällen im Einsatz, wie ein Sprecher sagte. Das seien rund 200 Einsätze bei Verkehrsunfällen weniger als im gleichen Zeitraum im Vorjahr – ein Rückgang von fast 15 Prozent. Die DRF-Luftrettung verzeichnete im April ebenfalls einen Rückgang der Notfalleinsätze aufgrund von Verkehrsunfällen: 317 Mal rückten die Retter bundesweit aus.

Insgesamt war auf den Straßen in der Zeit von Mitte März bis Ende April weniger los, wie Daten vom ADAC zeigen. Seit Ende April sind allerdings wieder mehr Fahrzeuge unterwegs: Die Zahl der Staus nahm im Vergleich zu Ende März zu. Während die Experten beispielsweise am letzten Montag im März 467 Staus auf den Autobahnen zählten, waren es am letzten Montag im April 905. Zuvor hatten die Zahl der Staus und auch die jeweilige Länge mit Beginn der Einschränkungen Mitte März deutlich abgenommen.

07:06 Uhr – Abiklausuren starten in NRW

    Bünde, Deutschland 11.05.2020: Feature Abitur in der Coronakrise 2020 Im Jahr 2020 werden die schriftlichen Abiturklausuren am Bünder Gymnasium am Markt in der Sporthalle mit den vorgeschriebenen Hygienerichtlinien geschrieben. Im Bild: Sitzplätze m

Wegen der Pandemie waren die Prüfungen nach hinten verlegt worden.

© imago images/Noah Wedel, Noah Wedel via,

Für die Abiturienten in Nordrhein-Westfalen beginnen am Dienstag die Abschlussprüfungen unter Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen. Bis zum 25. Mai werden die knapp 90.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler ihre Abiklausuren schreiben, dann folgen die mündlichen Prüfungen. Danach stehen – wenn nötig – die Nachschreibetermine an.

Wegen der Pandemie waren die Prüfungen nach hinten verlegt worden. Nach den Schulschließungen zur Eindämmung des Virus in NRW gehörten die Schüler der Abschlussklassen von Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen zu den ersten, die zum tageweisen Unterricht an die Schulen zurückkehren konnten.

Für die Prüflinge im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland gelten für die anstehenden Klausuren dieselben Hygiene-Standards wie für jüngere Schüler und das Lehrpersonal: Die Tische sollen in ausreichend großem Abstand zueinander stehen, Laufwege werden entsprechend markiert, auf Handhygiene soll besonders geachtet werden.

06:50 Uhr – Tourismus auf den ostfriesischen Inseln läuft wieder an

With the Crown declining in Lower Saxony, tourism in the East Frisian Islands is slowly starting again. “You can see there is a little race,” said a spokeswoman for AG Ems, which offers trips to Borkum. According to a shipping company spokesperson, significantly more crossings were also recorded on the first day, after which overnight stays in apartments, houses and campsites were allowed, even after Norderney.

However, the conditions under which tourists can come vary. While in the rest of Lower Saxony it has been valid since Monday that new guests can only come every seven days, the state regulation for the islands stipulates a minimum stay of seven days. At the same time, the regulation also gives local authorities the freedom to decide who can enter the island.

06:46 Uhr – Stars sammeln in Corona-Krise Millionen für Bedürftige in New York

ARCHIV - 12.01.2020, USA, Santa Monica: Schauspielerin Jennifer Lopez kommt zur Verleihung der Critics· Choice Movie Awards. Jennifer Lopez und weitere Stars haben mit einer Benefiz-Aktion in der Corona-Krise Geld für Bedürftige in der von der Pandem

„New York, ich kenne deine Stärke und wir werden das durchstehen“, sagte die Sängerin Jennifer Lopez in einer Videobotschaft.

© dpa, Jordan Strauss, PM DA CV pat

Stars wie Alicia Keys, Billy Joel, Sting und Jennifer Lopez haben mit einer Benefiz-Aktion in der Corona-Krise Geld für Bedürftige in der von der Pandemie besonders hart getroffenen Metropole New York gesammelt. Insgesamt seien 115 Millionen Dollar (etwa 106 Millionen Euro) für die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Robin Hood zusammengekommen, sagte Moderatorin Tina Fey nach der einstündigen und größtenteils vorab aufgezeichneten Show “Rise Up New York!”, die am Montagabend (Ortszeit) im US-Fernsehen gezeigt wurde. “This city needs your help.” Das Geld soll unter anderem New Yorker unterstützen, die in der Krise ihren Job verloren haben.

06:42 Uhr – Krankenkassen fordern Staatshilfe wegen Corona-Krise

Wegen Zusatzausgaben und erwarteten Mindereinnahmen durch Corona-Krise fordern die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen staatliche Unterstützung, um nicht in Finanznöte zu geraten. Nach Angaben des Spitzenverbandes der Krankenkassen wurde darüber am Montag bei einem Gespräch mit Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) beraten. El CEO Doris Pfeiffer habló de una “atmósfera abierta y constructiva”. Man sei sich einig gewesen, “spätestens im Herbst mit dem Bundesfinanzminister über einen höheren Bundesanteil an der Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung zu sprechen sein”, sagte sie.

06:35 Uhr – „Hatte wohl Pech“: Italiener musste dreimal in Quarantäne

HANDOUT - 11.05.2020, Italien, ---: Der italienische Student Lorenzo Di Berardino (undatierte Aufnahme). Dreimal sei er wegen des Corona-Virus mittlerweile isoliert worden, erzählt Lorenzo Di Berardino der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Telefon. (zu dpa

Ausgerechnet in Wuhan hielt sich der Student Anfang des Jahres für ein mehrmonatiges Austauschprogramm auf.

© dpa, Privat, sab

An Italian has involuntarily become a true quarantine professional during the Corona pandemic. Dreimal sei er wegen des Virus mittlerweile isoliert worden, erzählt Lorenzo Di Berardino der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Telefon – zunächst im chinesischen Wuhan, als Rückkehrer in Italien und anschließend in seiner besonders von der Ausbreitung betroffenen Heimat. “I guess I was unlucky somehow,” says the 22-year-old.

Of all the places in Wuhan, from where the Sars-CoV-2 virus spread around the world, the student stayed earlier in the year for an exchange program that lasted several months. The metropolis was cordoned off a few days before its scheduled departure. “Wuhan wurde komplett abgeschottet, mit Armee und Straßensperren. Die Leute nahmen das sehr ernst, viel ernster als hier in Italien, zumindest anfangs”, sagt er. Unaware that something similar was going to happen in their own country, the Italian media interviewed the compatriot in late January about the situation in the restricted area.

In early February, the Italian Air Force brought him and other citizens of the region. As a returnee, he was quarantined for 17 days at the army barracks near Rome. When he returned to his home in the center of the country on February 20, some residents seemed suspicious, Di Berardino says. On the same day, the first locally transmitted crown case in Italy was reported in the city of Codogno. Am 10. März ordnete die Regierung Schließungen und Ausgangssperren für das ganze Land an.

06:31 Uhr – Elon Musk bricht Corona-Regeln – Notfalls will er in Haft

    190107 -- SHANGHAI, Jan. 7, 2019 Xinhua -- Tesla CEO Elon Musk attends the groundbreaking ceremony of Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory in Shanghai, east China, Jan. 7, 2019. U.S. electric carmaker Tesla Inc. on Monday broke ground on its Shanghai factory,

“Falls jemand verhaftet wird, dann bitte ich darum, dass nur ich es bin”, schrieb Musk.

© imago images/Xinhua, via,

Elektroauto-Pionier Elon Musk fährt trotz Corona-Einschränkungen die Produktion in seinem Tesla-Hauptwerk in Kalifornien wieder hoch. Er sei bereit, sich dafür sogar verhaften zu lassen. “Wir freuen uns, wieder an die Arbeit zu gehen und haben sehr detaillierte Pläne implementiert, um eine sichere Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz zu ermöglichen”, hieß es in einer E-Mail des Konzerns am Montag, die der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters vorliegt. Musk verwies auf eine Anordnung des kalifornischen Gouverneurs vom Donnerstag, die es Herstellern erlaube, den Betrieb in Fremont wieder aufzunehmen. Er kündigte an, dass die zuvor beurlaubten Mitarbeiter wieder regulär ihre Arbeit aufnehmen würden. Musk erklärte auf Twitter, dass er sich den Arbeitern am Fließband anschließen werde. “Falls jemand verhaftet wird, dann bitte ich darum, dass nur ich es bin”, schrieb er.

Hintergrund ist der Streit mit dem Bezirk Alameda, in dem das Werk liegt: es dürfe dort noch nicht wieder gearbeitet werden, weil Beschränkungen zur Eindämmung des Corona-Virus noch in Kraft seien, erklärte Alameda. Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien, Gavin Newsom, hatte am Donnerstag zwar gesagt, eine Öffnung von Fabriken in dem Bundesstaat werde wieder erlaubt. Alameda hatte aber zunächst für sich entschieden, dass der “Shutdown” mit Ausnahme von unerlässlichen Betrieben bis Ende Mai bestehen bleiben soll.

23:30 Uhr Tesla startet Produktion in Kalifornien trotz Verbots

Tesla boss Elon Musk wants to get the main plant in California up and running again right away, intensifying his dispute with authorities over crown restrictions. Er werde selbst an der Produktionslinie sein, schrieb Musk am Montag bei Twitter. “If someone is arrested, I will ask that it be just me.”

Im Alameda County, in dem sich das Tesla-Werk in Fremont befindet, gelten weiterhin Ausgehbeschränkungen, die eine Ausbreitung des Coronavirus verhindern sollen. Tesla hatte am Wochenende eine Klage dagegen eingereicht – und Musk hatte gedroht, den Firmensitz des Elektroauto-Herstellers von Kalifornien zum Beispiel nach Texas oder Nevada zu verlegen.

23:00 Uhr – Aktuelle Zahlen aus Deutschland und der Welt

Land Infizierte Tote
Weltweit 4.159.377 284.883
United States 1.344.512 80.087
Spanien 224.350 26.621
Großbritannien 224.328 32.140
Italien 219.814 30.739
Russland 221.344 2.009
Frankreich 177.547 26.646
Alemania 172.295 7.611

22:20 Uhr – Gericht setzt Quarantänepflicht für Einreisende außer Vollzug

Das Niedersächsische Oberverwaltungsgericht hat die grundsätzliche Quarantänepflicht für aus dem Ausland Einreisende außer Vollzug gesetzt. The judicial authority announced Monday night. Das Gericht gab demnach dem Eilantrag des Eigentümers einer Ferienhausimmobilie in Schweden statt.

22:15 Uhr – Maskenpflicht im Weißen Haus – außer für Trump und Pence

05.05.2020, USA, Phoenix: Darius Adamczyk (r), Vorstandsvorsitzender von Honeywell, überreicht Donald Trump, Präsident der USA, eine gerahmte Atemschutzmaske von Typ N95, nach einem Rundgang durch ein Werk von Honeywell International, das Schutzausrü

Donald Trump, Präsident der USA, bekommt von Darius Adamczyk (r), Vorstandsvorsitzender von Honeywell, eine gerahmte Atemschutzmaske von Typ N95 überreicht.

© dpa, Evan Vucci, nwi

Nach dem Bekanntwerden von zwei Corona-Infektionen bei US-Regierungsmitarbeitern ist Medienberichten zufolge das Tragen von Gesichtsmasken nun im Weißen Haus vorgeschrieben. This applies to all public areas of the government headquarters, but not to offices, as reported by several US media on Monday, citing internal instructions. The move is intended to help prevent further spread of the new coronavirus in the White House. Según los informes, el presidente Donald Trump y el vicepresidente Mike Pence no llevan máscaras, como informaron el periódico Washington Post y la cadena ABC, entre otros. Ende vergangener Woche waren zwei Corona-Infektionen im Weißen Haus bekannt geworden.

21:45 Uhr – Arzneiagentur EMA empfiehlt Einsatz von Remdesivir

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends the use of the drug remdesivir from the American company Gilead, which has not yet been approved as a drug, outside of clinical studies (compassionate use). The EMA reports that it can be used in patients who do not depend on ventilators. The drug was originally developed to treat Ebola. Initial studies have shown encouraging results that remdesivir could be used successfully in the treatment of Covid-19 coronavirus-induced lung disease. So far there is no cure or vaccine.

21:00 Uhr – New York will ab Freitag Corona-Beschränkungen lockern

A man walks dogs across a nearly empty 5th Avenue and closed luxury retail stores, during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Manhattan, New York city, New York, U.S., May 11, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Völlige Leere auf der New Yorker berühmten Luxus-Shopping-Meile „5th Avenue“.


Der besonders heftig von der Corona-Pandemie betroffene US-Bundesstaat New York will ab Freitag seine Beschränkungen langsam wieder lockern – allerdings nur in den Regionen, die bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllen. Zu den insgesamt sieben Bedingungen gehörten unter anderem sinkende Infektionszahlen, ausreichend freie Krankenhauskapazitäten und genügend Test- und Nachverfolgungskapazitäten, wie Gouverneur Andrew Cuomo am Montag bei seiner täglichen Pressekonferenz sagte. Wenn eine Region diese Bedingungen alle erfüllt, darf sie in einen Öffnungsprozess mit vier Phasen eintreten, der von einem regionalen Gremium überwacht wird. In der ersten Phase dürfen beispielsweise nicht systemrelevante Bauarbeiten wieder aufgenommen werden. Wenn sich die Zahlen wieder verschlechtern, können Lockerungen auch wieder zurückgenommen werden. Derzeit erfüllten nur drei ländliche Regionen im Norden des Bundesstaates diese Bedingungen, sagte Cuomo.

Die USA sind weltweit das Land mit den meisten Todes- und Infektionsfällen. Los estados de Nueva Jersey y Nueva York son los más afectados, con casi la mitad de las muertes.

20:15 Uhr – Reproduktionsrate von 1.13 auf 1,07 gesunken

Die Virus-Ansteckungsrate in Deutschland liegt nach Angaben des Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) weiter über dem kritischen Wert von “1”. Das RKI teilt in seinem aktuellen Lagebericht mit, die Reproduktionsrate (R) werde aktuell auf 1,07 geschätzt nach 1,13 am Sonntag. Statistically, each infected person infects more than one person, and the number of cases would increase again. RKI-Chef Lothar Wieler hat wiederholt erklärt, eine Rate unter 1,0 sei sehr wichtig.

19:00 Uhr – Abiklausuren unter Corona-Bedingungen beginnen in NRW

Für die Abiturienten in Nordrhein-Westfalen beginnen am Dienstag die Abschlussprüfungen unter Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen. Bis zum 25. Mai werden die knapp 90 000 Schülerinnen und Schüler ihre Abiklausuren schreiben, dann folgen die mündlichen Prüfungen. Danach stehen – wenn nötig – die Nachschreibetermine an. Für die Prüflinge gelten für die anstehenden Klausuren dieselben Hygiene-Standards wie für jüngere Schüler und das Lehrpersonal: Die Tische sollen in ausreichend großem Abstand zueinander stehen, Laufwege werden entsprechend markiert, auf Handhygiene soll besonders geachtet werden.

18:00 Uhr – Covid-19-Klinik in Berlin fertig

23.04.2020, Berlin: Michael Müller (SPD, vorn r), Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister, schaut sich das im Aufbau befindliche Corona-Behandlungszentrum in der Jaffestraße an, links Albrecht Broemme, Projektleiter. Die provisorische Klinik auf dem Messeg

Montagmittag ist die Berliner Corona-Klinik eröffnet worden.

© dpa, Odd Andersen, cul

Auf dem Berliner Messegelände ist innerhalb weniger Wochen ein Corona-Reservekrankenhaus entstanden. Zunächst rund 500 Infizierte und Covid-19-Patienten könnten isoliert und behandelt werden, falls die Berliner Kliniken im Lauf der Pandemie an ihre Grenzen stoßen sollten. “Because images from Italy, Spain and New York showed us that well-positioned hospital systems can be overloaded,” said Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) at the official opening of the new treatment center on Monday. Insgesamt könnten dort bis zu 1.000 Reservebetten entstehen.

Die Klinik geht laut Gesundheitsverwaltung nun in einen Bereitschaftsmodus, Personal stehe auf Abruf bereit. Es bleibe zu wünschen, dass die neuen Räumlichkeiten nicht gebraucht werden, hatte etwa Regierungschef Michael Müller (SPD) kürzlich betont. Tatsächlich ist die Zahl der bestätigten Neuinfektionen in Berlin in den vergangenen Wochen gesunken. Allerdings birgt die Lockerung der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen aus Expertensicht auch das Risiko wieder zunehmender Ansteckungen.

17:03 Uhr – DFB-Pokal soll im Juni fortgesetzt werden – Finale am 4. Juli

Der Spielbetrieb im DFB-Pokal soll in der derzeitigen Corona-Krise im Juni fortgesetzt werden. Vorbehaltlich einer politischen Erlaubnis sind die beiden Halbfinals für den 9. und 10. Juni geplant und das Finale in Berlin für den 4. Juli, wie der Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB) am Montag nach einer Präsidiumssitzung mitteilte. Die Bundesliga der Frauen will der DFB ab dem 29. Mai fortsetzen.

Die 3. Fußball-Liga soll frühestens am 26./27. Mai fortgesetzt werden. Die Saison war aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie Mitte März unterbrochen worden.

16:33 Uhr – England: Maskenpflicht in der U-Bahn

London Underground signage seen outside Tottenham Court Road station in London, Wednesday, October 11, 2006. The 3 million passengers who ride the world's most expensive subway system each day have a litany of complaints: too many people stuffed into

U-Bahn in London

© picture-alliance/ dpa, Graham Barclay 2723423

Zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie sollen Menschen in England künftig in U-Bahnen und Bussen Schutzmasken tragen. Notwendig sei das in allen geschlossenen Räumen, in denen es nicht möglich ist, genügend Abstand zu halten. Dies gelte auch für einige Geschäfte, wie aus einem am Montag in London veröffentlichten, über 50 Seiten umfassenden Regierungsdokument hervorgeht.

Die Menschen sollten aber auf keinen Fall Masken kaufen, die für medizinisches Personal vorgesehen sind, da diese nicht ausreichend vorhanden seien, sagte der medizinische Berater der Regierung, Chris Whitty. Selbstgemachte Masken aus Baumwolle, die Mund und Nase bedecken, sowie Schals und Masken für Heimwerker reichen den Angaben zufolge aus.

16 Uhr – Tausende Corona-Tests in Niedersachsens Schlachthöfen geplant

In Niedersachsens Schlachthöfen sind nach Infektionen in Fleischbetrieben in anderen Bundesländern umfangreiche Corona-Tests geplant. Untersucht werden sollen zunächst alle Mitarbeiter, die Symptome zeigen, und alle, die als Kontaktpersonen in Frage kommen. “So schnell wie möglich wird jetzt mit den Testungen begonnen”, sagte die stellvertretende Leiterin des Corona-Krisenstabs der Landesregierung, Claudia Schröder, am Montag in Hannover. “Das werden insgesamt mehrere Tausend Testungen sein.” Landesweit arbeiten demnach mehr als 20.000 Menschen in 183 fleischverarbeitenden Betrieben. Bisher sind drei Infektionen im Emsland bekannt geworden.

15:55 Uhr – Habeck: Politik muss Corona-Maßnahmen besser erklären

Angesichts der Proteste gegen Einschränkungen in der Corona-Krise hat Grünen-Chef Robert Habeck gefordert, den Bürgern die Gründe für Entscheidungen und die Lage besser zu erklären. Erst mit dem vergangenen Wochenende sei auf der politischen Tagesordnung angekommen, was sich “da möglicherweise wieder zusammenbraut”, sagte Habeck am Montag in Berlin. Schon zuvor hätten Politiker geduldiger erklären müssen, was notwendig ist und warum, und unter welchen Voraussetzungen gelockert werden könne. “Die Politik sollte vielleicht weniger immer nur darüber nachdenken, was im eigenen Bundesland, in welcher Branche, in welchem Bereich noch schnell getan werden muss, und das Große und Ganze damit aus den Augen verlieren.”

15:00 Uhr – Merkel mahnt: weiter aufeinander Rücksicht nehmen

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat eindringlich an die Bürger appelliert, sich an das Abstands- und Maskengebot im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus zu halten. Es werde in der aktuellen neuen Phase der Pandemie notwendig sein, “dass wir bei all den Lockerungen auch wirklich Sicherheit haben, dass die Menschen sich an die Grundgebote halten: Also Abstand, Mundschutz tragen mit Nasenschutz. Aufeinander Rücksicht nehmen”, sagte Merkel am Montag nach einer Videokonferenz mit Vertretern des Gesundheitsamts im Harz. The chancellor added: “This is very important.” Durante el fin de semana, numerosas personas en varias ciudades protestaron sin restricciones y sin protección bucal contra las restricciones en la crisis de la corona. Das ganze Statement der Kanzlerin hören Sie im Videoclip.

Alle Meldungen vom 11. Mai 2020

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