Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 06:58 SPD in the north complains about anti-vaccination campaigns +++


+++ 06:58 SPD in the north complains about anti-vaccination campaigns +++

The Schleswig-Holstein SPD state parliamentary group and the SPD state executive want to get vaccinated against the crown as soon as a vaccine is approved and available in Germany. “For us this is a matter of course, because ultimately it is not just about self-protection, but about protecting all people,” said State President Serpil Midyatli. He massively criticized the anti-vaccination campaigns. “The current campaigns by self-proclaimed anti-vaccination activists, mixing old myths with gross nonsense, are dangerous misinformation.”

+++ 06:12 experts recommend federal immunization law +++
According to an assessment by the Scientific Services of the Bundestag, the federal government should not simply regulate vaccination against Covid-19 by ordinance, but by law. In an elaboration it says: “The prevailing vision should be accepted according to which the prioritization of certain population groups for access to vaccines requires a formal law that regulates at least the essential criteria for the distribution of a scarce vaccine. The decision on which population groups should be initially preferred for distribution thus shows “a high level of general relevance to fundamental rights”, according to the draft requested by the vice president of the FDP parliamentary group, Stephan Thomae.

+++ 05:00 Turkey imposes curfew on weekends +++
For people in Turkey, nationwide curfews are applied immediately on weekends because of the crown. On Saturdays and Sundays, people can only leave the door between 10 am and 5 pm to go shopping at the nearest store. The curfew is in effect until Monday morning at 5 am local time. Tourists and other travelers, among others, are excluded from the curfew. Stricter rules apply for people under 20 and over 65. You are not allowed to go out the door during curfew.

+++ 03:54 Head of IMK: A third of “lateral thinkers” are right-wing extremists +++
According to the president of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK), Georg Maier, a high proportion of right-wing extremists are involved in demonstrations of the “lateral thinking” movement against the Corona measures. “From my point of view, it seems plausible that a third of the participants in such demonstrations belong to the extreme right scene. It can be seen by the symbols and flags that appear there,” said the Thuringian minister of the SPD of the ” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung “. There are also opponents of vaccination and conspiracy theorists, where the gray zone of right-wing extremism begins. Maier demands that the protection of the constitution must review the protagonists of the “lateral thinking” movement.

+++ 03:12 Association of Towns and Municipalities: Night curfews are not always the right way +++
The German Association of Cities and Municipalities has spoken out against general nighttime curfews to contain the corona virus. “Curfews are another clear restriction for people. In any case, they must be proportionate, which means adequate and necessary,” CEO Gerd Landsberg told the Funke media group newspapers. This comes into consideration if the infection process cannot be assigned to specific sources. Curfews are not automatically a suitable means for all areas with a high incidence value. After all, wedding celebrations or nursing home outbreaks could also be the reason for the rapidly increasing number of infections.

+++ 02:16 Bay Area experiences “bleak Covid winter” +++
For millions of Californians in the San Francisco metropolitan area, more stringent requirements will apply starting Sunday due to the increased crown number. In five boroughs, including the cities of San Francisco and Berkeley, residents are urged not to leave their homes. “The grim Covid winter that we feared has come to the Bay Area,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, from the Contra Costa district health department, in a joint statement with colleagues from other districts. You have to act fast to save lives. The region is entering a partial lockdown faster than expected. California Governor Gavin Newsom announced tougher measures in the fight against the pandemic on Thursday.

+++ 01:31 Giffey fears increased domestic violence at Christmas +++
Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey fears more domestic violence against women at Christmas due to Corona restrictions. During the restricted contact period in spring, calls to the Violence Against Women Helpline “increased by about 25 percent compared to 2019, and it was noticeable around Easter holidays,” Giffey told the newspapers from the Funke media group. There are currently up to 480 telephone inquiries a week on domestic violence. Giffey takes on a large number of unreported cases. The “Violence Against Women” Helpline is a nationwide counseling service for women who have experienced or continue to experience violence. Those affected receive assistance on 08000 116 016 and through online advice, anonymously and free of charge.

+++ 00:52 318 million euros Grants paid in November +++
So far, the federal government has disbursed around 318 million euros as part of the November aid to companies in the hospitality or leisure sector affected by the closures. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Economy announced that it was the first installment payment for sales deficit that began last Friday. So far, around 120,000 requests for assistance have been submitted, almost 33,000 directly from freelancers and almost 87,000 third parties authorized to audit, such as tax advisers.

+++ 23:58 Portugal extends state of emergency +++
Portugal has extended its Corona emergency by two weeks until December 23. Parliament approved a request from President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to this effect. As part of the state of emergency, the second-highest level of emergency, there have been strict exit and curfew restrictions in much of the country since November 9, including in the capital Lisbon and the northern metropolis of Porto. Compared to other European countries, Portugal weathered the corona pandemic relatively well in spring and summer. In autumn, the situation suddenly got worse. According to the latest figures from the EU agency ECDC, 628 people per 100,000 inhabitants were infected with the virus in 14 days. At the end of October it was just under 350. Few countries in Europe currently have worse scores than Portugal.

+++ 23:02 the term for simplified tax deferral is extended +++
The Federal Ministry of Finance is expanding options for tax deferral. Simplified requests for deferrals can now also be made for the period until June 30, 2021, the ministry announced on Twitter. Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2021. The Ministry of Finance intends to announce more details in the course of December.

+++ 22:29 Italy has only one red zone from Sunday +++
In many parts of Italy, the crown situation is gradually improving and the pressure on hospitals is diminishing. That is why the government of Rome has announced that it will greatly reduce the number of red zones with strict exit restrictions. As of Sunday, only the Abruzzo region in central Italy will be a red zone, as the Adnkronos news agency reports. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, wants to give the orders shortly. On Friday, the authorities of the Mediterranean country registered some 24,000 new infections in 24 hours. That was about 4,000 less than Friday a week ago. However, the number of deaths remained high. 814 people died in connection with Covid-19 in Italy in one day.

+++ 22:10 100 days with a mask: Biden plans to attract Americans +++
President-elect Joe Biden wants to ask Americans to wear masks in public for 100 days to contain the pandemic when he takes office. In addition, it will order that the mask be used in buildings of federal authorities as well as in means of transportation such as airplanes, Biden told the television station CNN. A president of the United States can only order the wearing of masks in certain situations, such decisions largely rest with individual states.

+++ 21:56 Nine federal states report four-digit growth +++
Most federal states have new infections in the four-digit range. Most were recorded with 4,670 North Rhine-Westphalia, followed by Bavaria with 4,402. Saxony reports more than 2,000 new cases and, for the first time, Thuringia also surpasses the 1,000 mark with 1,035.

+++ 21:35 Current data status in Germany: 23,785 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,143,394. As can be seen from information from state authorities evaluated by, 23,785 new infections were added in 24 hours. This is the highest daily profit of the week. Significantly more new infections were also reported than on Friday a week ago (Nov 27: 22,800), but less than two weeks (Nov 20: 23,856). The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 476 to 18,341. Currently, some 306,800 people are infected. It was the fourth day in a row that more than 400 deaths were reported.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.00 (previous day: 0.83). This means that, on average, an infected person infects another with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.04 (previous day: 0.94). According to the Divi Register, 4,011 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2,388 of whom are ventilated. Around 5033 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

Read the news of the day before here.
