Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 06:30 Kim Jong-un from North Korea vaccinated with Chinese vaccine +++


According to a media report, North Korean head of state Kim Jong Un and his family have already been vaccinated against Corona. “Kim Jong Un and several other senior officials in Kim’s family and leadership have been vaccinated against coronavirus in the past two to three weeks thanks to a vaccine candidate provided by the Chinese government,” writes Harry Kazianis, Korea expert. of the North for the Center of National Interest. in Washington in an article on the 19FortyFive website. He quotes two Japanese intelligence agents who are familiar with the matter. It is not clear which experimental vaccine the head of state and his immediate surroundings received and whether it has been shown to be safe.

+++ 06:05 RKI reports 13,604 new infections +++
German health authorities reported 13,604 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours. In the previous week there was a similar number of 13,554 cases, as can be seen from the RKI figures. The previous high was reached on Friday a week ago (November 20) with 23,648 reported cases. Additionally, 388 new deaths were reported in one day. This is the fourth highest value since the beginning of the pandemic.

+++ 05:32 GEW in NRW also asks for quarantine for teachers +++
GEW NRW State President Maike Finnern demands that teachers be automatically quarantined in case of infection. “Teachers should be able to go into quarantine too,” says GEW State President Maike Finnern of the “Rheinische Post.” They also carry a realistic risk of infection. They should at least be tested if they have taught in a class with an infection, said the teacher union representative. NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann of the CDU had previously announced that the quarantine regulations of the Prime Minister’s Conference should also apply in NRW.

+++ 05:00 Dehoga rejects the redistribution of costs of the Corona aid +++
The general manager of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), Ingrid Hartges, criticizes the dispute between the federal government and the states over cost sharing for Corona’s new aid packages. “I look forward to uniform and clear rules across the country. It cannot be that aid ultimately fragments under federalism because individual federal states cannot pay the payments and companies there go bankrupt through no fault of their own,” Hartges told newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. She calls on the federal and state governments to “bounce back.”

+++ 04:15 The president of Algeria is about to return home after therapy in Germany +++
Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who was treated for a corona infection in Germany, wants to return to his homeland soon. The 75-year-old man left the hospital and will fly to Algeria “in the next few days,” the presidency said. Tebboune is “on the road to recovery.” The head of state was taken to a clinic in Germany for medical examinations at the end of October after several of his employees suspected coronavirus. A few days later, his office announced that the president had been infected.

+++ 03:42 Prime Minister of Croatia tested positive +++
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic tested positive for the corona virus. Announced a spokesperson. “He feels good and will continue to do his work from home,” he says. Plenkovic was already in quarantine at the time of his diagnosis because his wife had a positive test result over the weekend.

+++ 03:03 Turkey tightened crown measures +++ due to increasing number of infections
Turkey is reacting to the dramatically rising crown number with strict exit restrictions: As announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after a cabinet meeting, a night curfew will be enforced from Tuesday. Therefore, a full blackout should be applied that includes exit restrictions on the day during the weekend.

+++ 02:22 California is considering more drastic corona measures +++
Due to the threat of overcrowding in intensive care units in the next two weeks, California could further toughen measures to contain the corona pandemic. With the rise in hospital admissions and the need for intensive care beds, Governor Gavin Newsom warns: “If these trends continue, we will have to take more drastic, possibly drastic measures.” In parts of the state, such as at the beginning of the pandemic, there could be a stay-at-home order again, albeit in a modified form, Newsom said.

California is the most populous state in the United States. In the past 14 days, an average of around 13,000 new infections were recorded there per day. In total, more than 1.2 million infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have been detected there since inception. On Monday, stricter requirements went into effect for the Los Angeles district’s roughly 10 million residents, which are meant to contain the spread of the virus. Among other things, all public and private gatherings with people from another household are prohibited.

+++ 01:36 Economic methods: countries should pay half the aid +++
The head of economic practices, Lars Feld, asks that the federal states participate more in the special aid crown. “The federal and state governments should share these burdens in half,” Feld told the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. At the same time, he asked for a reduction in aid. “You should not reimburse 75 percent of sales for the same month last year, but rather be based on fixed costs.” Feld strictly rejects tax increases for funding. These are forbidden in the crisis. “If the consolidation of public budgets after the crisis is to be ensured mainly through growth, then tax increases are prohibited in the medium term.”

+++ 00:57 City Council warns of a billion dollar financial hole +++
According to the director general of the German Association of Cities, Helmut Dedy, municipalities are threatened with a deficit of a good ten billion euros next year due to the crown crisis. The partial lockdown could even widen the gap, quoted Dedy “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “That worries us a lot in the cities.” He urged the federal and state report to provide funding in 2021 and 2022 to stabilize municipalities. They should continue to offset the tax losses of municipal companies in the next two years. Otherwise, cities would be forced to make drastic cuts in investment. “That would be a poison for the economy.”

+++ 00:12 Fed Chief: US Faces Challenging Months +++
According to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, the US still has a few “challenging” months ahead of the worsening corona pandemic. The increase in the number of cases in the United States and abroad is concerning, Powell says. In the medium term, the latest news “from the vaccination front” is very positive. Today, however, there are still considerable challenges and uncertainties, for example with regard to timing, production and distribution, as well as efficiency. It remains difficult to assess the timing and extent of the economic impact of these events.

The fate of the economy depends on the success of immunizing the population. Until then, the pandemic will continue to affect the economy. Women, minorities and the service sector would be particularly affected.

+++ 23:38 Moderna requests emergency approval for corona vaccine in the US +++
American biotech group Moderna has applied for an emergency approval of its corona vaccine in the US after the positive results of the study. This is announced by the group. According to previous information, Moderna also wanted to apply for a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) shortly. According to an analysis of the pivotal study, the vaccine was 94.1 percent effective against Covid-19. According to the company, it was possible to prevent severe progression of the disease and no serious side effects were found. Moderna’s vaccine could become the second in the US to receive emergency approval there.

+++ 23:01 Latvian leaders agree new restrictions +++
In view of the increasing number of infections, the Latvian government is agreeing to new restrictions. The government intends to extend the state of emergency imposed in early November until January 11, says Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins after a meeting with President Egils Levits and the Speaker of Parliament, Inara Murniece. This is intended to contain the uncontrolled spread of the corona virus in the Baltic country of the EU. “The basic principle we strive for is: two people, two meters. You don’t visit, he doesn’t stay anymore, ”says Karins. To this end, the current requirement for indoor masks will be expanded, the Christmas holidays for school children will be extended and “active border controls” will be introduced.

+++ 22:13 The WHO ensures the investigation into the origin of the coronavirus +++
The World Health Organization (WHO) ensures extensive research on the origin of the coronavirus. “We have to know the origin of the virus because it can help us prevent future epidemics,” says WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Faced with criticism that the WHO would leave the investigation in the hands of China, he calls for an end to the “politicization” of the issue. The WHO position on this issue is “very, very clear,” Tedros said. “We want to know the origin and we will do everything possible to find out.” Outgoing US President Donald Trump had accused the organization of hiding information related to the crown crisis. In early July, Trump initiated the United States’ departure from the WHO.

Read the news of the day before here.
