Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 03:19 Guterres: 2021 will be the “year of healing” +++


+++ 03:19 Guterres: 2021 will be the “year of healing” +++

In the face of the climate crisis and the corona pandemic, the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, called in his New Year’s speech to make 2021 the “year of healing.” “Both climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic are crises that can only be addressed by everyone together, as part of a transition to an inclusive and sustainable future,” Guterres said in a video.

+++ 02:33 Crown “like fire accelerator” for discrimination +++
The corona pandemic has led to a significant increase in discrimination cases in Germany. The pandemic “acted as a fiery accelerator for the discrimination of individual groups,” said the head of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Bernhard Franke, of Germany’s publishing network. In terms of racial profiling, there was an increase of more than 70 percent in October, Franke said. First of all, people with Asian appearance were discriminated against, abused and sometimes violently attacked. Even the Sinti and Roma, “whose houses have been cordoned off from the public,” were affected by discrimination in connection with the corona pandemic, Franke continued. People of Turkish or Arab origin felt under general suspicion “because individual wedding celebrations had caused outbreaks of infection.”

+++ 01:42 Hospitals will soon no longer be able to pay salaries +++
The German Hospital Society is sounding the alarm in light of crown-related operational restrictions: “If the federal government does not significantly increase aid, national clinics will no longer be able to pay their employees’ salaries in the first quarter of 2021 “said the president of the Society of Hospitals, Gerald Gaß, the publishing network of Germany. “The money for standard care is missing.” The hospitals had limited financial resources. In mid-December, the federal government put in place a new rescue package for hospitals. According to the concept of the Ministry of Health, they receive compensatory payments in areas particularly exposed to the crown if they forego interventions that can be postponed and thus keep free beds. Of this, however, only 25 percent of clinics are registered, Gaß explained.

+++ 01:01 GroKo wants to ban special rights for vaccinated people +++
The grand coalition is considering a legal ban on special rights for citizens with corona vaccination. The SPD parliamentary group is examining legal measures “how unequal treatment of unvaccinated and vaccinated people by the private sector could be excluded,” said “Welt” spokesman for the legal political group Johannes Fechner. The SPD politician warned that it is unacceptable that airlines only take vaccinated people with them or that restaurants deny access to unvaccinated people. Such preferential treatment for vaccinated people “would lead to divisions in society.”

+++ 00:34 Already vaccinated about 21,500 people in Germany +++
The Robert Koch Institute has published the number of people already vaccinated in Germany. The statistics now also include vaccinated people from Hessen. This means that 21,566 people have already received a dose of the Biontech Pfizer vaccine. Here’s an overview by federal state:

+++ 00:16 Promising vaccine candidate begins phase 3 study +++
Clinical trials have begun with the corona vaccine from the US company Novavax in the United States and Mexico. A total of around 30,000 volunteers will participate in the so-called phase 3 study in both countries, as announced by the US medical research agency NIH. Clinical trials of the vaccine are already underway in the UK with 15,000 subjects. The active ingredient called NVX-CoV2373 is already the fifth corona vaccine candidate to be tested for effectiveness and safety in a phase 3 study in the United States, said American virologist Anthony Fauci. The Novavax vaccine can be stored at temperatures between two and eight degrees Celsius, which would make it much easier to transport compared to other vaccines.

+++ 23:06 the court confirms the ban on the sale of fireworks +++
The Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg confirms: The ban on nationwide sales of New Year’s Eve fireworks remains. The reason given was: After many years of general experience, improper use of New Years Eve fireworks was to be expected to result in injuries requiring acute treatment. Treatment of the injured would also affect the hospital staff, which is currently heavily used, and potentially affect the treatment of the many corona patients. The Berlin Administrative Court had rejected requests from pyrotechnic manufacturers and distributors to temporarily suspend the ban. The lower court judges argued that the ban seriously interfered with their freedom to practice their profession. But the overriding goal is to counteract any additional stress in the tense health care situation, especially in hospitals.

+++ 22:18 intensive care doctor Janssens advises to be patient with vaccines +++

The head of the intensive medicine association DIVI, Uwe Janssens, asked for more patience with the implementation of the vaccines. “We have to be patient now. We can’t break anything now. We really have a vaccine on the market in a short time that really works. It’s sensational,” said the president of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. (DIVI), the RTL “Nachtjournal”. “Let’s not let that be spoiled by politics, which thinks it should go even faster now. I am really super satisfied that it is now. We are looking forward to 2021, but it will take time for the effect to fully hit through. “. He noted that it is not yet clear whether the virus can still be transmitted after vaccination. “That has yet to be definitively clarified. That is why the following applies for the next few months: keep your distance, wear a mouth and nose cover … even if you are vaccinated.”

+++ 21:56 alcohol ban and mask requirement: South Africa tighter measures +++
In view of the growing number of cases, South Africa is issuing stricter regulations, such as a ban on the sale of alcohol, a requirement for masks in public and a longer curfew. A new, more contagious variant of the virus called 501.V2 has been detected in the country. The number of cases has increased rapidly since the end of November, most recently more than a million infections and almost 27,000 deaths.

+++ 21:31 South African planes can no longer land in Austria +++
Due to the mutated corona virus, South African planes can no longer land in Austria as of Wednesday. The measure is initially valid until January 10, according to a published amendment to the regulation. In addition, the ban on landing planes from Great Britain imposed a few days ago will be extended until 10 January. The stopping of flights from South Africa, where the new Corona variant has been rolled out, is plugging a legal vacuum for German travelers. As reported by “Spiegel Online”, South African passengers are said to have returned to their homeland via Vienna in recent days due to the earlier landing ban in Germany.

+++ 21:05 New virus variant: WHO expects clarity soon +++
Investigations into the new variant of the coronavirus are still ongoing. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects the results of corresponding studies from Great Britain and South Africa in the coming days or weeks, said WHO expert Maria Van Kerkhove in Geneva. Such investigations would take time. “Change is normal, change was expected, and the more there is the virus, the more opportunities it has to change,” Van Kerkhove said. One of the important questions is whether the vaccines are also effective with the new variant. A year after the first signs of the new virus in China, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for lessons to be learned from the pandemic. Awareness of this challenge has increased. But there is still time to really prepare for other similar crises. “The virus made clear the problems we have.” This includes the degree of inequality, poverty and exclusion.

+++ 20:37 Current data situation in Germany: around 11,500 new infections +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has increased 1,663,535 went up. As can be seen from the information from state authorities evaluated by, 11,615 new cases were added. The number of infection-related deaths increased from 540 to 30,625. Around 366,060 people are currently infected. In a weekly comparison, it is clear to what extent the numbers are still influenced by the effects of the weekend and holidays: there were 21,803 new infections on Monday a week ago (10,208 more than today).

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.71 (previous day: 0.82). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 71 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 0.74 (previous day: 0.83). According to the Divi Register, 5,597 Covid 19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 3,017 of whom are ventilated. Around 5033 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

Read more news from the day before here.
