Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 03:10 Malta rejects allegations of secret vaccine procurement +++


+++ 03:10 Malta rejects allegations of secret vaccine procurement +++

Malta has rejected allegations of secretly providing additional doses of coronavirus vaccine beyond agreements within the European Union. Health Minister Chris Fearne said in the capital Valletta that the vaccines were obtained through the mechanism that all EU member states and the EU Commission had agreed to. The country responded to the accusations of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Since Vienna it had previously been said that the Foreign Ministry’s investigation had shown that there could be parallel agreements between pharmaceutical companies and individual Member States.

+++ 02:07 Vaccination officer: the goal is self-sufficiency from 2022 +++
Over the next year, the federal government is aiming for Germany to be able to stock up on vaccines. Starting in 2022, “a secure supply for Germany must be ensured through its own production capabilities,” government vaccine commissioner Christoph Krupp told the Funke media group newspapers. To this end, a “working group will create a concept for production capacities in Germany from 2022 in May”. The goal is to expand vaccine production and secure them in the long term.

+++ 00:50 More than 2000 deaths from corona in Brazil +++
In Brazil, more than 2,000 people died from Corona for the third day in a row. The Health Ministry reported 2,216 deaths in 24 hours and 85,663 new infections. In total, more than eleven million people have been infected with Corona in the South American country. Health centers in Brazil warn that hospitals are reaching their limits. Brazil now has 275,105 deaths per crown. In the United States alone, more people died from or with the virus.

+++ 23:29 USA: More than 100 million doses of vaccines administered +++
The vaccination campaign in the US continues at a rapid pace. More than 100 million doses of vaccines have been administered, according to data from the CDC’s health authority. According to this, as of Friday afternoon, 101,128,005 doses had been injected. In the US, more than 530,000 people have died as a result of a corona infection, more than in any other country in the world. In recent weeks, however, the number of new infections and deaths has dropped significantly.

+++ 22:25 Rome and Milan crash +++
Italy’s new prime minister, Mario Draghi, wants to boost the economy suffering from the corona pandemic with additional government funding. Draghi said when he visited a vaccination center that he would propose to parliament to further increase the public deficit and ask in April for the green light for additional spending. In light of the growing number of infections, the Italian Health Ministry has classified other regions and areas as “red”, including the capital Rome and the financial metropolis of Milan. Therefore, stricter crown restrictions will apply from Monday.

Read more about it here.

+++ 22:02 Only one federal state with no increase in incidence +++
In a comparison of federal states, Thuringia still has by far the highest number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and still has the most active infections ahead of Hamburg. Saxony also has more than 200 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The seven-day incidence, which is important for relaxation, is also increasing almost everywhere in Germany: 15 of the 16 federal states report increasing incidence values, the only exception: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

+++ 21:37 Germany reports 13,200 new cases +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 2,551,592. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, 13,202 new cases were added. That’s 3,158 more than the Friday of the previous week. The last Friday was January 22. Relative to every day, this is also the second highest daily increase since the end of January. Yesterday, the dynamic was even higher at 13,928. The number of infection-related deaths increased from 229 to 73,194. In the previous week there were 49 more deaths. Around 132,700 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.09 (previous day: 0.94). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 109 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.11 (previous day: 1.04). The number of Covid 19 intensive care patients in Germany has decreased slightly after the slight increase reported yesterday. In German clinics, 2,754 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care, according to the current Divi intensive care registry. This is a decrease of five patients compared to the previous day. Consequently, 1557 patients have to be ventilated invasively, which is one more than the day before. According to the information, a total of 4493 beds remain free in German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

+++ 21:01 In France, intensive care units are filling up +++
In France, more than four million people have contracted the corona virus. The Ministry of Health reports an increase in new infections in the last 24 hours by 25,229 to a total of 4.01 million. This places the country in sixth place in the world behind Great Britain with 4.24 million infections. Furthermore, intensive care units in France are slowly filling up again. The number of people in intensive care units has increased from 41 to 4,033 in the last 24 hours. This is the highest level since November 26, 2020.

+++ 20:25 Astrazeneca further reduces deliveries in the EU +++
Astrazeneca has announced another drastic cut in its vaccine shipments to the European Union. It intends to deliver 100 million doses to EU countries in the first half of this year, 30 million of them in the first quarter, the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company announced late at night. More recently, the group had taken over 220 million cans by mid-year. “Although they worked tirelessly to speed up deliveries, Astrazeneca unfortunately has to announce a cut in planned deliveries of the crown vaccine to the EU,” it said in a statement.
Read more about it here.

+++ 19:55 hotspot in Brandenburg clings to openings +++
Unlike the federal-state decision, a risk limit in Brandenburg of 200 applies. Now the first district is using the new legal situation: despite a current incidence of 135.5 days in seven days, the district of Elbe -Elster waives restrictions. “If the applicable regulations are observed, no further action is required,” said district administrator Christian Heinrich-Jaschinski, according to the RBB. The district has been one of the regions with the highest levels of infection in Brandenburg for several weeks. The district administrator admitted: “In this sense, we really should act. Currently we have decided otherwise.” Since most infections can be traced back to private meetings and celebrations, other restrictions, such as renewal of business closings, have relatively little influence on the infection process. If the numbers do not decline in a timely manner, however, action will be taken.

Read the developments of the previous day here.
