Live: AfD struggling in the Bundestag – politics


The Bundestag debates in a current hour on the processes surrounding the vote on the Infection Protection Act on Wednesday. In the corridors of the Reichstag building, delegates were harassed, filmed and insulted by visitors. This happened among others, the Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier (CDU) and the internal politician of the FDP Konstantin Kuhle. In Altmaier’s case, the rioters filmed the action and posted the video on the Internet.

In the heated debate, the other factions of the AfD made serious accusations. The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Gauland, apologized, but faced strong headwinds.

The parliamentary director of the CDU / CSU parliamentary groupMichael Grosse-Brömer accused the AfD parliamentary group of “smuggling” because they brought visitors to the Reichstag building without permission. The AfD is about to hurt the Bundestag and throw its reputation “through the mud”. That was “nothing less than an attack on the free mandate and an attack on parliamentary democracy,” Grosse-Brömer said, drawing historical parallels. Perhaps the AfD uses the methods of the Weimar period, but democracy is firm and has learned.


Unanimous outrage over the AfD in the Bundestag on Friday

(Photo: dpa)

the AfD Group Leader Alexander Gauland, responded that elected representatives had been harassed, was “uncivilized” and did not belong. “As the leader of the group, I apologize for that.” Something got out of control here, the heated atmosphere outside moved inside. “We should have avoided that and supervised these visitors.”

“We couldn’t expect something like this to happen,” Gauland said. However, the accusation that the incidents were intentional is “infamous.” The visitors had also entered the offices of the AfD members. The guests would no longer be invited. He considers the behavior of the other deputies towards the AfD hypocritical.

Gauland and the AfD tried to divert the debate from the incidents in the Bundestag. He missed “fair play”, both from parliamentarians and journalists. During the demonstration around the Brandenburg Gate, AfD MP Karsten Hilse was arrested, no one is upset about that, Gauland said. Hilse also criticized the actions of police officers against protesters.

What happened on Wednesday was not a random isolated incident, said the Dirk Wiese, Deputy Leader of the SPD Parliamentary Group. Gauland’s justification is “hypocritical.” It is a “deliberate border crossing”.

Marco Buschmann, First Parliamentary Managing Director of the FDP Parliamentary Group, said the AfD aimed to bring a “climate of threat” to the home. “You want to drag the institutions to the ground because you hate them,” Buschmann told the AfD. All existing legal means will be used to defend yourself and if these are not enough, they will be expanded. Gauland shed “crocodile tears” “Our democracy is stronger than their hatred,” Buschmann said in conclusion.

Petra Pau from the left-wing parliamentary group He said that with the advent of the AfD, images of the enemy had received a massive influence in this democratic parliament. Anyone who equates the law to reduce the consequences of the crown with the Enabling Law of the time of National Socialism is downplaying fascism. Some AfD politicians, Pau appointed Thuringia AfD chief Björn Höcke, apparently see themselves as succeeding the National Socialists. Democratic society must “protect the country from the AfD.”

As a “taboo break” he described the First Parliamentary Director of the Greens, Britta Haßelmannthat have favored the incidents. However, the rioter’s strategy failed: Parliament was able to vote correctly. He asked that possible sanctions against the deputies be examined. “The deputies knew exactly who they were inviting.” People were not invited for the first time. Don’t let right-wing extremists dance around you. The AfD strategy must be exposed.

“The enemies of democracy do not only come from outside, the enemies of democracy are also sitting here in this House,” he said. Stefan Müller from CSU. The AfD creates a climate of fear. “We will not allow their attempts to intimidate him.” Last Wednesday’s action was “the official declaration of the AfD of withdrawal of the parliamentary speech.”

“We know there are Nazis in their ranks,” he said. Barbara Hendricks of the SPD and he described how the atmosphere in the Bundestag has changed since 2017. Time and again there are provocations and sometimes also threats from parliamentarians and AfD employees. The AfD reacted with loud boos during the speech. Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble called AfD MP Armin-Paul Hampel to order.

The AfD had unmasked, the “grimace of the undemocrats” had come to light, he said. Patrick Schnieder, Parliamentary Managing Director of the CDU / CSU Parliamentary Group. “We take up the fight against the enemies of our constitution.”

The Bundestag wants to punish visitor disturbances with all available means. The council of elders decided that at its meeting Thursday. The president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), is considering legal measures against those involved. He had asked the administration “to examine all legal possibilities to take action against the perpetrators and those who have given them access to the properties of the Bundestag,” Schaeuble says in a letter to all MPs, the Deutsche Presse-Agentur present.

Schäuble called the events “serious incidents” and wrote: “You have caused many fears and anxieties among colleagues and employees and have created an atmosphere that prevents free and open discussion, this is what the German Bundestag must not allow.”
