Lindner on Corona’s measurements: “Don’t over-dramatize”


A curfew like in France would be disproportionate in Germany, according to FDP chief Lindner Berlin report. Politicians should not overly dramatize the situation. Big celebrations and massive drinking, however, are taboo.

FDP President Christian Lindner has called for measures to contain the corona pandemic to be kept proportionate. Currently, the number of new infections is being analyzed, Lindner said in the Report from Berlin. There are experts who say that other parameters must also be taken into account. This includes the situation in medical practices and hospital care.

In addition, you have to ask who is infected, demanded the head of the FDP. The main sources of infection are mass events and parties, and younger people in particular are infected.

A curfew would be disproportionate

“It would be a red alert if people in senior care facilities were affected first, they are especially in need of protection.” He advises caution, says Lindner, “but we shouldn’t over-dramatize either.” A curfew like the current one in France would be “completely disproportionate” and should be discarded. “And by the way, I think it is disproportionate if the police suddenly ring the bell for a small private party for ten people because the neighbors suddenly acted as whistleblowers.”

Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister of the Economy, who together with Lindner at the Berlin report was a guest, did not answer the question of whether a curfew was imminent if corona cases in Germany continue to rise significantly. “I’m not saying what threatens if, I’m just saying: if the numbers don’t go down, we would have much bigger problems for our economy, for our society, for young people and their future prospects.”

Appeal to Celebrants

It is important to break the current infection dynamics. That was also successful in April and May, said the CDU politician. “Back then we had even less experience of where the actual sources of infection were.” Today we know that it is mainly parties and private celebrations. “We have to call on everyone to put that in the background for a few weeks or months so that we can control the health situation.” Schools and kindergartens could remain open for this, as well as shops. There are almost no infections there.

Lindner also stated that some activities should be taboo at this time due to the crown situation, for example “massive binges on the Berlin party scene” and wild club nights. “It lives in close proximity, it lives in a dense atmosphere, and that is exactly what is not possible in times of pandemic.”

ARD reported on this issue on the Berlin Report program on October 18, 2020 at 6:05 pm
