Lessons Despite the Pandemic: Guidelines Should Allow Safe Schools to Open


Status: 08/02/2021 1:27 am

Fixed groups, staggered lessons, mask requirement: these and other measures are apparently recommended by a guide funded by the Ministry of Education, which is available to the “FAZs”. It should make it possible to open schools again despite the pandemic.

A new guideline with recommendations for action for daily school life during the corona pandemic specifies for the first time the conditions under which schools can reopen. The “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” reported (Monday), that it had received the document in advance.

With funds from the Federal Ministry of Education, 36 specialized societies have evaluated 40 studies on the functioning of schools and developed evidence-based recommendations for action for daily school life in times of pandemic.

Fixed groups, staggered lessons, mask requirement

Schools could be opened safely if all hygiene rules mentioned in the guidelines were strictly followed. As “FAZ” writes, contacts should be limited to a fixed group in case of moderate infection, and interaction with other groups should remain excluded. If there is a high incidence of infection, the lessons should also start in stages, students and teachers should wear an operational mask. If the infection rate is very high, alternate lessons should be held, the classes should be divided in half. There are also recommendations for airing rooms, measures in music lessons, and a clear approach to dealing with students with a cold and suspected cases. Therefore, physical education is advocated because positive health effects predominate, at least under certain conditions.

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) wants to officially present the guide on Monday. It must be constantly updated and adapted in the future.

School openings are controversial

When the schools will open remains a political question, even with recommendations for action. The federal and state governments want to meet Wednesday to discuss how to proceed with the crown crisis. The situation in schools is likely to become a bigger problem.

Several politicians had previously called for children and youth to be prioritized in the event of possible relaxation and for schools and daycare centers to reopen as soon as possible. Others warned of the dangers of a third wave if the lockdown is prematurely relaxed.
