Leipzig: Thousands of “lateral thinkers” in the city center – demonstration declared over


Germany No distance and no mask

Thousands of “lateral thinkers” in the center of Leipzig: demonstration declared over

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“Wearing a mask is an incredible disaster”

The number of new infections continues to rise. 23,399 is a new negative record, but they are not taken seriously in Leipzig. Thousands of people gather there to protest the closure measures, no mask of course.

In Leipzig, the initiative demonstrated lateral thinking in the city center. As feared, little of the distance and the masks could be seen. Consequently, the demo was initially discontinued and eventually declared finished.

northAfter numerous violations of the meeting requirements, the city of Leipzig has resolved the demonstration of “lateral thinking” against the policy of the crown. That divided the city Twitter Con. According to the police, the organizers asked about 20,000 participants on Augustusplatz in the city center to do the same. “Now we will leave the stage, the meeting is dissolved,” said the organizers in the afternoon. “Please be peaceful.” In response, the demonstration marched anyway.

Due to the large attendance, the organizers had briefly interrupted the demonstration of “lateral thinking” beforehand. They asked the several thousand participants to make full use of the event space. After about half an hour, the rally continued. The police had previously significantly expanded the assembly area.

The rally registered for 16,000 participants at Augustusplatz was extended to the downtown ring and adjacent streets on Saturday at lunchtime so that the many protesters can keep the minimum distance. Initially, the numerous participants did not do this, almost no one covered their mouth and nose. Also about 400 neo-Nazis participated in the train, arrived at Clashes with the left counter-protesters.

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“The emergency services speak to people without a mask, if they show us a certificate, we compare it with the information on the identity document,” said a police spokeswoman. “But it is difficult to control this amount completely.” The police did not initially provide any official information on the number of participants. Augustusplatz was already packed at the start of the rally at 1pm.

The founder of “lateral thinking” blames the police

“Think outside the box” founder Michael Ballweg blamed the police for the crowd that disrupted the structure of the event on Friday night and Saturday morning. “Despite pending legal proceedings, we were not allowed to settle in,” Ballweg told the German news agency. The city had initially wanted to move the event to the outskirts, and the Bautzen Higher Administrative Court only approved the demonstration in the city on Saturday morning. “We could have installed 19 more loudspeaker towers in the side streets, then the participants could have dispersed,” said Ballweg.

The space between the Gewandhaus and the Leipzig Opera was already full on Saturday afternoon. “Control is almost impossible for us,” said Leipzig Police Department spokesman Olaf Hoppe. According to the police, participants from all over Germany have arrived in Leipzig. Hoppe said he knew from Bavaria and Thuringia that the coaches were traveling to Leipzig. An hour and a half before the start of the morning, thousands of people had gathered at Augustusplatz in the center of the city.

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The city wanted to move the rally to the Nueva Feria parking lot outside the city center, but the Superior Administrative Court allowed the demonstration in the city center. “It is difficult to explain that currently only two households are allowed to meet, but 16,000 people can demonstrate in one place,” Leipzig city spokesman Matthias Hasberg said of the Higher Administrative Court decision.

“Completely confusing who is getting together and what dynamism is needed”

Thousands of people gather in Leipzig for a demonstration of lateral thinking against the crown measures of the federal government. Groups classified as radicals have also signed up for the show. WELT reporter Jens Reupert is on the scene.

Source: WELT / Jens Reupert

Kretschmer: “Incalculable risk”

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) described the demonstration with the expected number of participants in advance as an “incalculable risk”.

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The left-wing extremist group was registered in Leipzig;  the Connewitz district, shown here, is considered the hotspot for the scene.

The city had prescribed demonstration participants to wear mouth and nose protection and to keep the minimum distance. In addition, pyrotechnics and leaflets were not allowed.

The President of the Leipzig District Court, Michael Wolting, had made it clear that the judiciary was ready to crack down on serious misconduct during demonstrations. “The district court is ready with additional investigating judges who will order pretrial detention in case of serious crimes. Police custody can be ordered to prevent major administrative infractions, ”Wolting emphasized.

The night before, a smaller group had already demonstrated in Leipzig and summoned the National Socialist Hermann Göring.

“Hooligans, we need you!”

At a demonstration against Crown policy in Leipzig, a speaker quoted Nazi war criminal Hermann Göring. He also asked “hooligans, gangs and clans” for support in the streets. Our reporter saw many movements for peace.

Source: WELT / Martin Heller
