Leader “lateral thinker” with Covid-19 in intensive care


Corona deniers get infected with Corona

A well-known representative of the so-called “lateral thinking” movement is being treated in the intensive care unit of the Leipzig University Hospital for a severe corona infection. This was confirmed by the chief emergency physician, Prof. Dr. Christoph Josten at a press conference. According to the doctor, the man was admitted to hospital with severe corona symptoms just eight days after demonstrating against corona measures in Leipzig and had to be intubated there. We show Josten’s statement in the video.

Senior emergency physician: hospitals are on the brink of collapse

“In this sense, Covid does not take people into account, whoever they are,” said the doctor. He did not comment on the exact state of the patient’s health. But Josten asked people to adhere to the rules of distance and reduce contacts to protect themselves and others. Your clinic has reached the limit of its capacity. If things continue like this, hospitals would have to raise the white flag at Christmas.

The Leipziger Volkszeitung also reported that one of the co-organizers of the “lateral thinking” demonstration in the Saxon city was infected with corona and then had to be treated in the intensive care unit. Since the beginning of December, the denier of the crown has not spoken on social networks. Even in a Telegram group it would be circulated that the self-proclaimed lateral thinker would be treated in Corona’s intensive care unit.
