Lawyer rebukes Corona policy: “I will not let Markus Söder lock me at home”


STephan Vielmeier, a lawyer at the Munich law firm Vielmeier Rieble, feels challenged to “fight for freedom” in times of the pandemic. It has already carried out several successful proceedings against the crown ordinances.

WORLD: Mr Vielmeier, as a lawyer, do you consider that your arguments are duly taken into account in the public debate?

Vielmeier: Not at all. It seems to me that the talk show debate is often made up of alarmist epidemiologists and crown deniers. The moderate and critical words of those who remind us that according to our value system we always have to weigh things are missing. According to the Basic Law, it is not about the maximum protection against infection, but the best possible protection against infection and at the same time protecting other legal interests, such as the right of children to education.

WORLD: This week, the chancellor and the prime minister decided on a wide range of additional restrictions. New orders for your law firm?
