Lawsuit in court: Trump calls for a new vote in Georgia


Outgoing US President Trump continues with unfounded accusations of fraud in the country’s courts. Now his team is calling for a new vote in the state of Georgia. There, meanwhile, former President Obama joins the Senate election campaign.

The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, wants to achieve a full re-election in the presidential elections in Georgia in the courts. A corresponding application has been filed with a court in the state, according to Trump’s campaign team. It claims, among other things, that thousands of votes were cast illegally in the elections due to “considerable systematic misconduct, fraud and other irregularities.”

It’s one of many attempts by Trump and his Republican allies to tilt state election results in their favor. Courts have dismissed numerous lawsuits, including in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada. A second recount is underway in Georgia given the adjusted result. Those responsible for the election do not assume that this will change anything in the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the state.

Obama intervenes in the Senate second round elections

He vigorously promoted Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, for the election of the two Democratic candidates in Georgia for the United States Senate. “You have to understand that this is not just about Georgia,” Obama said at a Democratic online event in the state. “It’s about America and it’s about the world.”

The second round elections for the two Senate seats in Georgia are of the utmost importance because they determine the majority in the powerful United States Senate. The two Republican incumbents, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, will face Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the two second-round elections on January 5.

Trump travels to Georgia today (7:00 pm local time; Sunday 1:00 am CET) to campaign for the two senators from his Republican Party.

So far, current President Donald Trump’s Republicans hold a slim majority of 52 of the 100 seats in the Senate. If the Democrats succeed in winning both seats in Georgia, there will be a deadlock in this House of Parliament. Then Vice President-elect Kamala Harris would have the last word in the event of a tie, and Democrats would effectively have the majority.
