Lauterbach expects “the worst three months”


reSPD health specialist Karl Lauterbach expects a large number of infections and deaths in the first quarter, but is confident that 2021 will be significantly better overall than 2020. “Now we are going to have the worst three months of the entire pandemic. with a large number of infections and deaths ahead of us, “he tells the” Rheinische Post “.” Then you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is hoped that the combination of more available vaccines and a better climate will alleviate the situation from April. Due to the current shortage of vaccines, he is pushing for the drug from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford to be approved by the European Medicines Agency more quickly. “In an emergency, a solo German effort would even be justifiable in case of delays.”

Despite the number of infections, Lauterbach advocates reopening nurseries and elementary schools that were closed due to the corona pandemic since the second half of January. “The prerequisite would be for all other grade levels to split up and receive alternate classroom and digital lessons. Or face-to-face teaching is suspended entirely. “If all schools reopen as before the holidays, we run the risk that we will not even reach the incidence value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week despite the closures,” he warned. “So that would be a big mistake.”

It is scientifically proven that children from the age of twelve are as contagious as adults. The new infection value of 50 is the target agreed upon by the federal and state governments. Below that, the pandemic is considered manageable. The national average is currently above 140. State prime ministers want to discuss with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on January 5 how the national shutdown will continue after January 10. Before that, the education ministers will discuss the situation in schools on Monday.
