Lauterbach considers one age group to be particularly at risk


SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach warns of the third wave, which in his opinion can no longer be prevented. A certain age group is particularly at risk.

The SPD member of the Bundestag and university professor Karl Lauterbach considers the hasty relaxation of the crown measures dangerous. A third wave would come our way and relaxation would have to be suspended. Lauterbach told WDR: “The third wave cannot be prevented under any circumstances. It is just a question of how big it will be. The bigger the third wave, the more people will die in the third wave of people aged 50 to 80 years.”

This group is still too young for vaccination, but too old for an easy course. This group must be protected “to the best of our ability.” How you react now is crucial, the doctor wrote on Twitter. “Consistent application of the ’emergency brake’ is imperative. Anyone loosening up now accepts many difficult and fatal roads.”

Lauterbach sees the great danger that intensive capacities, with a delay, will fill up and the number of corona cases will increase. Y: Because the mutant B.1.1.7. spread so fast and get to know the students, these antigen tests need. Then the R-value of school classes and parents could be lowered through group quarantine and thus weaken the third wave. If this is not successful, the schools should be closed again.
