The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (59, CDU) performed tonight at the Erzgebirge in front of 2000 guests in a football stadium.
The occasion: Saxony celebrated its 30th anniversary in Aue since it was restored in 1990 with a gala concert. Laschet gave a speech in honor of the Free State and the crowd cheered. Then the Sächsische Staatskapelle played under the direction of star conductor Christian Thielemann (61), formerly comedian Olaf Schubert (52) entertaining the crowd.
However, its appearance has been causing great criticism for days. Because: Laschet-Land NRW remains strict at major events due to crown risk.
BILD was told by the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia: “I don’t care. If the incidence is 0.9 in one country and 20 in the other, it may react differently from region to region. So that’s completely fine here in Saxony. “
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/auch-die-musiker-bei-dem-festkonzert-konnten-viel- Distance-halten-201520482-72762002 / Bild / 6.bild. jpg”/> The visitors stayed on the opposite side of the stadium and therefore only watched the action from a distance.Photo: Pastierovic
► But Laschet also made it clear that it is not “fair if the stadium is filled in the east and not in the west. We need a uniform solution for the Bundesliga very soon so that there is fair competition. “
Since last week, large events with over 1000 people at NRW have only been possible with state approval. There are stricter requirements for events with more than 500 participants, and only 300 people are allowed at sporting events.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-stadion-ist-eigentlich-fuer-16-000-menschen-auslegen-die-meisten-plaetze-blieben-frei-201520483- 72762006 / image / 6.image.jpg”/> The stadium is designed for 16,000 people. Most places remained freePhoto: Pastierovic