Large events are prohibited until August 31.


In the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, the important measures seem to remain intact. There are now reports of a decision on important events. All information on the news blog.

Worldwide, more than 1.9 million people are infected with the corona virus, and more than 125,000 people have died. Today, the prime ministers will discuss whether and in what form the restrictions in Germany will continue from April 20.

Report: major events banned until the end of August

The main events will be banned until August 31 due to the crown pandemic: soccer games are also affected. Federal state prime ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) agreed on this prohibition principle at an exchange conference on Wednesday, according to information from the German Press Agency.

Federal states must establish specific regulations, such as the size of events.

Federal and state governments want to “strongly” recommend protective masks in retail

In the fight against the coronavirus, the federal and state governments want to “strongly” recommend wearing everyday masks on local public transportation and retail. However, there should not be a general mask requirement at the national level, as the German Press Agency learned from the Prime Ministers’ discussions with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in Berlin.

Record value: two million people infected with a crown worldwide

According to figures from the American Johns Hopkins University, there are currently more than two million people worldwide who have been infected with the coronavirus. On Wednesday afternoon, the number increased to 2,000,984 people who were infected with the Covid-19 pathogen globally. Germany has 132,321 infected people. Read more about this here.

New York reaches 10,000 crown deaths

In the crown pandemic in the New York metropolis, many more people could have died than previously thought. The city of the east coast of the EE. USA He added 3,778 “probable” Covid-19 deaths to his death toll Tuesday (local time), bringing the total death toll in New York City to more than 10,000.

Additional numbers include, but are not limited to, sick people who died in the emergency room, at home or in a care facility but who did not officially test positive for the virus. According to media reports, local authorities attribute the assumption that the dead suffered from Covid-19 to its symptoms. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore initially counted far less than 10,000 for New York City with more than 7,900 crown deaths. In total, approximately 128,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the United States.

Bavarian infection control law questioned by the Bundestag

A report from the Bundestag scientific service doubts the legality of the Bavarian Infection Protection Law to contain the crown pandemic. Specifically, the criticism of the five-page report available to the German Press Agency relates to the regulated possibilities in state law to confiscate medical supplies and compel medical and nursing personnel for certain work.

To use these powers, the government must first declare a health emergency. On March 25, the Bavarian state parliament passed the Infection Protection Law. Since seizures are also regulated in the Federal Infection Protection Law (IfSG), experts see a direct consequence for Bavarian law. They assume that one of the paragraphs of the law has a blocking effect with respect to the regulations for the supply of medical and sanitary material to the population, he says. The obligation option for doctors and nurses is interpreted even more critically. Federal law does not contain such regulation, although it was originally intended.

International Monetary Fund warns of “new protests”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned about the social unrest due to the coronavirus pandemic. In some countries, there could be “new protests” if measures to ease the Covid 19 crisis were deemed inadequate, the IMF wrote in a reported report. There may also be unrest if the impression arises that aid will “unfairly” benefit big business rather than the population.

The IMF warned that the risk was particularly high in countries where there was already “widespread corruption,” lack of transparency in government measures, and poor public services. The report points to social unrest in recent years stemming from discontent with economic policy measures, for example in Ecuador, Chile, Haiti, Iran and France with the “yellow vest” movement.

Gerd Müller: “Germany will increase funds for WHO”

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, received criticism worldwide with his payment freeze for the World Health Organization (WHO). German Development Minister Gerd Müller is one of the critics. “The WHO needs to strengthen now, not weaken. Reducing funds amid the pandemic is the wrong way,” he told Reuters. “Germany will increase its funding for the WHO,” he announced. Because Corona will not be the last pandemic. “Experts have already identified 40 other viruses that have the potential to trigger pandemics.”

Crisis cabinet: stores up to 800 square meters should reopen soon

The federal government wants to make it possible to reopen stores with a sales area of ​​up to 800 square meters. The Reuters news agency is said to already have a draft of the draft Crown Cabinet resolution in which this is emerging. Therefore, the tough contact restrictions that have been in place for several weeks will run until May 3. Read more about this here.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert: reported on the Corona crisis cabinet meeting. (Source: imago images / IPON)Government spokesman Steffen Seibert: reported on the Corona crisis cabinet meeting. (Source: IPON / imago images)

US Retail Sales USA They reached all-time lows

American retailers contracted at a record pace in March due to the Corona crisis. They fell 8.7 percent from the previous month, the Washington Department of Commerce said. This is the biggest decline since statistics began in 1992. Economists surveyed by Reuters news agency had assumed an eight percent drop. In February, revenue had only fallen 0.2 percent. Due to the crown pandemic, millions of Americans lost their jobs in a short period of time last month, while numerous companies had to remain closed.

BER has to postpone test execution

The operators of the new airport of the capital city, BER, postponed the first test with extras planned for the end of April until the summer due to the crown crisis. Industry portal Aviationnetonline had previously reported. Lütke Daldrup stressed that the airport’s opening date, which is scheduled for the end of October, is not in jeopardy. Extras must participate in a fire protection and evacuation exercise in the main terminal and at the airport station that day. Other additional tests, in which the BER processes will be practiced, are scheduled for June and July.

Government: “Avoid all good humor, negligence”

The Federal Government urges caution in the event of a gradual relaxation of tough restrictions due to the Corona crisis. “So the path we have to take in the coming weeks is a narrow line between careful and gradual relief and preserving our progress in fighting the epidemic,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert after a meeting of the Chancellor Angela Merkel with the Crown Cabinet. A motion for a resolution had been drawn up with which Merkel plans to hold talks with the prime ministers of federal states in the afternoon about the possible relaxation.

Seibert said the federal government is “aware that we have all accomplished something together in the fight against the virus, the people of Germany, the citizens and the state, but that we must now avoid any arrogance or neglect so as not to jeopardize this achievement ” “This is to avoid falling into an uncontrolled exponential spread of the virus.

Border controls must be applied for another 20 days.

According to the will of the Federal Interior Ministry, the controls at the German borders introduced in the Corona crisis should be applied for another 20 days, security circles say. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wanted to speak to the Prime Minister about the details. Controls were introduced a month ago. Since then, the borders with Austria, France, Luxembourg, Denmark and Switzerland have been monitored. However, there is no control at crossings to Belgium and the Netherlands.

In principle, third country entry into the EU is only allowed in selected cases. Since April 10, with some exceptions, all returnees have had to be quarantined for two weeks after spending several days abroad.

EU launches online fundraiser for Corona vaccine

To raise money worldwide for the development and production of a Covid-19 vaccine, the EU Commission is hosting an online donor conference on May 4. This will help to close immediate funding gaps, said Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels. Together with the President of the EU Council, Charles Michel, he proposed the conference in a videoconference of the G20 countries in late March.

The coronavirus can only be defeated through international cooperation, von der Leyen said. This includes speeding up the work of diagnosis, treatment and vaccines. As soon as there was a vaccine, it had to be available worldwide. This is the best way to beat the virus, said the CDU politician. He hoped that organizations and countries around the world would respond to this call.

The federal government proposes that states limit their contact before May 3

The federal government wants to propose to the federal states that existing contact restrictions for citizens should be maintained until at least May 3. This stems from the minutes of the Chancellery’s exchange conference with the heads of state chancellor of the federal states on Tuesday, which is available on Read more on the subject here.

Disability officer requires professional protective masks

The Federal Government Commissioner for the Disabled, Jürgen Dusel, speaks in the debate on the relaxation of Corona’s measures to equip certain risk groups with professional protection masks. “People who are at particular risk of infection should receive the appropriate FFP2 masks as soon as possible so that they, too, have the opportunity to move freely in public space when necessary, for example, to shop or go to work,” he said. .

Jürgen Dusel, Federal Government Commissioner for People with Disabilities Affairs (Source: dpa / Soeren Stache)Jürgen Dusel, Federal Government Commissioner for People with Disabilities Affairs (Source: Soeren Stache / dpa)

It is “a risk-free but self-determined life for all people,” Dusel said, “also in the pandemic.” In general, simple mouth and nose protection is recommended “in individual areas of public space.”

The number of short-term registrations increased to more than 700,000

The number of companies in Germany that have registered short-term jobs has increased to 725,000. This was announced by the Federal Employment Agency on Wednesday in Nuremberg. As of April 13, the number had grown twelve percent compared to the previous week. A week earlier, 650,000 companies had registered short-term jobs. The Federal Agency’s special assessment does not record how many people are affected. This number can only be determined after the factories have settled. At the Federal Agency, according to the information, 8,000 employees now work short-term jobs, ten times more than in normal times.

Federal government: economy in recession since March

The federal government expects the economy to contract as a result of the Corona crisis in early summer. “The German economy has been in recession since March. This is expected to continue until the middle of the year,” says the monthly report recently released by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The “shutdown”, to be applied from mid-March, is likely to cause gross domestic product to drop “significantly” during the first quarter. Negative development is likely to intensify in April. “Even if the first protection measures could be loosened a little later, the economy will continue to be very moderate and will only recover gradually,” the ministry said.

Teachers Association: Schools Need Preparation Time

The president of the German Teachers Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, has spoken again against a comprehensive start to school just after the Easter holidays. “No, definitely not,” Meidinger said Wednesday at the ARD “Morgenmagazin” when asked if he thought he would be responsible if the students returned to their classrooms next Monday. Schools should be given time to prepare, for example, hygiene measures and distance rules, and to furnish the classrooms accordingly, he emphasized. “It will take us a week to do everything.”

If the closure were facilitated, one would have to consider how schools could “gradually reopen,” Meidinger said, referring to discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime minister in the afternoon. “This can certainly only happen for individual grades, because we have to form smaller groups.”

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (Source: imago images / Martin Müller)Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (Source: Martin Müller / imago images)

Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke also spoke against opening the school next week. “Perhaps we can start with smaller groups of students in a few weeks,” he said. “There are different ideas.” About a third of students could go to schools. Experts also see it that way. A reopening should start sensibly and with distance and strict hygiene rules. Otherwise it would not be possible.

Suspension of US payments to WHO criticized by Maas

Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas criticized the suspension of payments by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to the World Health Organization (WHO). “One of the best investments in the fight against the pandemic is to strengthen the United Nations, especially the World Health Organization with insufficient funds, for example in the development and distribution of tests and vaccines,” said the SPD politician in the dpa news agency. There must be close international cooperation in the fight against the crown pandemic. “Mutual blame does not help in the crown crisis,” Maas emphasized. The virus knows no borders. Read more about this here

Giffey calls for nurseries to gradually open

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey has called for the nurseries to be gradually opened. The Leopoldina National Academy proposal to keep the facilities largely closed until the summer holidays “is not a good way,” Giffey said in the ARD “Morgenmagazin”. “We have to gradually get back to normal here.” You can read the calendar with recommendations for Leopoldin relief here.

Giffey referred, among other things, to the attention problems of single parents. It should also be noted that older kindergarten children must be prepared to move to elementary school. And there are children who lived “in quite a difficult situation” at home.

Ramelow: no major long-term events

According to a media report, Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) argues that some editions of Corona will continue for a long time. “For example, major events where people sit or stay together will no longer be possible in the long term,” the head of government said in an interview with the “General of Thuringia.”

Until a vaccine was available in large quantities, people would have to face a new reality. According to Ramelow, “there was no going back” to the social situation before the pandemic broke out. However, new ways would have to be found quickly, as services might become possible in the future.

More than 2,200 crown deaths in the United States in 24 hours.

According to a university in the United States, more people have died from a new coronavirus infection in 24 hours than ever. By Tuesday afternoon (local time), experts from Johns Hopkins University in the United States had recorded 2,228 deaths. The previous maximum was reached last Friday with 2,108 deaths. According to the university, nearly 26,000 people in the United States have died from an infection since the epidemic began.

Doctors on the US Navy hospital ship. USA In California: The numbers of deaths and infections continue to rise rapidly in the United States. (Source: AP / dpa / Second Class Mass Communication Specialist Erwin Jacob Miciano / US Navy / File Image)Doctors on the US Navy hospital ship. USA In California: The number of deaths and infections continues to rise rapidly in the United States. (Source: Second Class Mass Communication Specialist Erwin Jacob Miciano / U.S. Navy / File Image / AP / dpa)

The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world. Nationwide, according to Johns Hopkins University numbers, more than 605,000 people have tested positive for the coronavirus.

Trump is considering relaxing before May 1

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is about to finalize a government plan to reopen the American economy. “We think some states will be in very good shape to open even before the end of April,” Trump said Tuesday. Others, on the other hand, would need more time to control the virus first. Trump said he would not pressure states to reopen. He “authorizes” state governors to implement the plan at the appropriate time. Read more here.

United States President Donald Trump: feel the wind against the governors in the crown crisis. (Source: Reuters / Yuri Gripas)United States President Donald Trump: feel the wind against the governors in the crown crisis. (Source: Yuri Gripas / Reuters)

Comeback action before graduation

More than 225,000 Germans stranded abroad due to the Corona crisis are home four weeks after the Federal Government’s return campaign began. As the dpa news agency learned from the Federal Foreign Office, now only an “average four-digit number” of travelers should be sent, most of them from South Africa, Argentina and Peru.

The largest return campaign in the history of the Federal Republic is likely to be completed in a few days. After that, the embassies will continue to deal with individual cases.

Denmark is partially opening schools and kindergartens

In Denmark, tens of thousands of children can return to kindergarten, kindergarten or school starting on Wednesday. After advancing in the fight against the pandemic, the Scandinavian country is opening its schools and nurseries for children up to the fifth grade. This is intended to relieve parents who previously had to care for their younger children, in addition to working at home in the virus crisis.

Parent representatives against daycare closing until summer break.

The national closure of day care centers presents many parents with the problem of combining daily work or the home office with day care. Therefore, many are concerned with the anxious question: how long will this last? The representation of federal daycare parents has now harshly criticized the scientists’ proposal not to send younger children to daycare until the summer holidays.

“He misses the reality of the lives of millions of people,” Ulrike Grosse-Röthig, a federal spokesman for the parents’ representative, told newspapers in the Funke media group. No one expects daycare centers to fully open overnight. But 3.7 million children who stay home would mean 3.7 million parents who couldn’t do their jobs.

Arizona is testing health workers across the country for antibodies

The US state of Arizona wants to provide antibody tests to 250,000 health and first aid workers. Blood tests would show who was exposed to the new coronavirus and had successfully developed immunity, Dr. Michael Dake, Vice President of the University of Arizona. The university will produce and run the tests.

South Korea is voting: amid the crown pandemic

Amid the crown pandemic, a new parliament will be elected in South Korea on Wednesday. More than 40 million people are called to vote under the strictest distance rules and hygiene measures. Among other things, all voters must wear protective masks and there must be temperature measuring stations at polling stations.

Almost 44 million voters were called for the general elections. Authorities advised people to wear plastic gloves and breathing masks and to stay at least a meter away from other voters. According to a poll by the Gallup Polling Institute last week, 72 percent of those eligible to vote were not afraid to vote despite the pandemic.

General elections in South Korea: A woman wears a mask due to the new corona virus and casts her vote at a polling station. (Source: Ahn Young-Joon / AP / dpa)General elections in South Korea: A woman wears a mask due to the new corona virus and casts her vote at a polling station. (Source: Ahn Young-Joon / AP / dpa)

The Textile Association calls the production of masks “herculean task”

Producing adequate protective masks against the virus is a “herculean task,” according to the German fashion and textile industry association. For the production of protective equipment and mouth masks, supply chains will be rebuilt, the capabilities of non-woven manufacturers will be increased and entire production lines will be converted, said managing director Uwe Mazura of the “Rheinische Post”. “These are supply chains that have not been in demand in Europe for decades; missing machines are sourced in many places.”

The industry is working hard to rebuild supply chains and help produce medical and personal protective equipment, but also everyday masks. “In view of the tremendous dynamics, we are currently unable to quantify the order of magnitude for mask production in Germany,” said Mazura.

Trump administration sets up $ 1 billion program for airlines

The United States government will support national airlines with a multi-million dollar rescue package. Ten airlines, including Delta, United, JetBlue and American Airlines, wanted to accept government support, the United States Treasury Department said Tuesday night (local time). With the help, a mix of grants and loans, employees’ wages must be paid primarily to avoid layoffs. According to media reports, the total is around $ 25 billion.

SPD MP: State should temporarily join Condor

The SPD requests that the state temporarily participate in the Condor vacation plane. “Condor is a major airline, the state should help,” said Bundestag SPD member and Hesse-SPD vice president Timon Gremmels, the German press agency. “The Economic Stabilization Fund is intended precisely for such cases. If Condor submits an application and the criteria are met, the state could temporarily participate in the airline.”

Söder refuses to open schools immediately

Unlike some federal states, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder refuses to open schools immediately after the Easter holidays due to the crown pandemic. “I am very reluctant to go to schools,” the CSU chief said Tuesday night in the ZDF “heute-journal”. He is also skeptical that elementary schools open first. “I have a fundamentally different vision.” So Söder distances himself from the North Rhine-Westphalia announcement that he wants to open the schools step by step after the end of the Easter holidays on April 19, and from a recommendation by the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina to open primary schools first. Read more here.

Disagreement: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder does not share the demands of some CDU colleagues. (Source: imago images / Overstreet)Disagreement: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder does not share the demands of some CDU colleagues. (Source: Overstreet / imago images)

Maas: exit strategy must carefully consider all risks

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned ahead of federal and state deliberations of possible easing of restrictions in the crown crisis to carefully consider all risks. “A look across our borders, where, unfortunately, there are new bitter deaths every day in some countries, shows that every day contacts are closed too soon can have dramatic consequences for the health of many people,” said the politician. from the SPD of “Rheinische”. To post “.

In the event of a sharp increase in infections, Germany could be forced to take even more drastic measures than before. “We have to do everything possible to avoid that scenario. We need an exit strategy that carefully weighs all the risks.”

Satellite images show a decrease in pollution.

In Germany, the pollution caused by the corona crisis has decreased. As reported by the “Wirtschaftswoche” on Tuesday after evaluating data from the European Earth observation satellite Sentinal-5P, less extreme values ​​of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere have been measured over central Europe since early April. Almost no big cloud of pollutants can be seen in satellite images over German metropolitan areas, the magazine writes.

The director of Earth observation programs at the European Space Agency, Josef Aschbacher, told the “Wirtschaftswoche” that the decrease in nitrogen dioxide pollution in Germany can be seen in the Ruhr area and on the border with Belgium and the Netherlands. The decline is even more noticeable in the cities of southern Europe. A 65 percent reduction was measured in Barcelona.

Governor of Rio de Janeiro infected with coronavirus

Rio de Janeiro state governor Wilson Witzel tested positive for the coronavirus. Witzel announced this on Tuesday (local time). “I haven’t felt well since Friday, I had a fever, a sore throat, I lost my sense of smell and took the test,” the 52-year-old said in a video on Twitter. “Today I got the result.”

Now he felt better and wanted to continue working. While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the virus and dismissed recommendations for social detachment, Witzel, along with João Doria de São Paulo, is one of the governors in Brazil who has implemented restrictive measures to combat the crown pandemic. and has been harshly criticized by Bolsonaro. .

New York City Counts Suspicious Cases: 10,000 Deaths

New York City now counts suspected death cases among the responsible authorities. According to the Metropolitan Health Service, there are 3,700 people who have never been tested with Covid-19, but are likely to have died from the disease caused by the coronavirus. With them, the death toll in New York City since March 11 has now reached more than 10,000.

US Governors Oppose Trump

In the United States, an open fight broke out between President Donald Trump and the governors for a possible relaxation of strict anti-crown measures. El presidente reclamó poderes absolutos en la pregunta e inmediatamente recibió la oposición de los gobernadores. “No tenemos rey, tenemos un presidente electo”, dijo el gobernador de Nueva York, Andrew Cuomo. Lea más sobre esta disputa aquí.

Izquierda: suspender parcialmente los impuestos a las pensiones

El líder de la facción de izquierda, Dietmar Bartsch, ha pedido que se suspendan los impuestos a las pensiones para algunos pensionistas en la crisis de Corona. “Wir sollten in diesem Jahr für Menschen, die in einem hohen Alter sind und ausschließlich die gesetzliche Rente beziehen, die Rentenbesteuerung aussetzen”, sagte Bartsch der “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung”. Die Steuererklärung sei eine große Sorge für viele Rentner im hohen Alter. “Und in Zeiten von Corona ist die Situation für diejenigen, die auf Hilfe Dritter angewiesen sind, noch viel schwieriger.”

Zahl der Infektionen in der Türkei steigt weiter stark

In der Türkei ist die Zahl der bekannten Coronavirus-Infektionen in den vergangenen 24 Stunden um 4.062 auf 65.111 gestiegen, wie das Gesundheitsministerium am Abend mitteilt. Im selben Zeitraum seien 107 Menschen im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 gestorben, womit die Zahl der Todesopfer auf 1.403 gestiegen sei. Insgesamt sind demnach inzwischen fast 4.800 Patienten wieder genesen.

Telefonat zwischen First Ladies

Elke Büdenbender, die Frau des Bundespräsidenten Frank-Walter Steinmeier, hat mit der First Lady der USA, Melania Trump, über die Lage in der Corona-Pandemie gesprochen. Melania Trump habe am Dienstag bei Büdenbender angerufen, um sich nach der Situation in Deutschland zu erkundigen, teilte das Bundespräsidialamt der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit. “Elke Büdenbender bedankte sich bei Melania Trump für diese besondere Geste transatlantischer Freundschaft und übermittelte ihre besten Wünsche: “Ich hoffe sehr, dass sich die Situation in Ihrem Land bald bessert und zum Guten wendet.””

Die beiden Präsidentengattinnen hätten sich über die aktuelle Lage und weitere geplante Maßnahmen ausgetauscht und “ihre besondere Solidarität und ihr Mitgefühl mit den Menschen in den USA und Deutschland” erklärt.

Das Weiße Haus teilte mit, die Frau von US-Präsident Donald Trump habe bekräftigt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten Deutschland und dem übrigen Europa im Kampf gegen die Pandemie zur Seite stünden.

To make reading easier and reduce load times, editors start the news blog again at this point. Die bisherigen Entwicklungen in der Corona-Krise können Sie hier nachlesen.
