Kyriakides, EU Health Commissioner: “The risk of further escalation is very real”


foreign countries Coronavirus in Europe

“The risk of further escalation is very real”

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EU Health Commissioner Kyriakides understands that many people “have had enough of the coronavirus routine.” However, he asks to do more. Meanwhile, Austrian Chancellor Kurz surprises with an optimistic forecast.

AIn view of the renewed increase in corona infections in several European Union countries, the EU Commission calls on citizens and politicians to intensify efforts in the fight against the virus: “The risk of further escalation is very real “said EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides WELT. .

“Lack of due diligence is one reason why Covid-19 infections are on the rise again in some parts of Europe,” Kyriakides added. He fully understands that many people have had enough of the “coronavirus grind” and are fed up with restrictions, precautions, and constant concerns. “But we can only win this fight together. There is no place for negligence, no one should be careless, ”added the Cypriot politician.

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There are no easy solutions. But a few simple measures could prevent the virus from spreading further and the reintroduction of even stricter behavioral measures. “We must all obey this simple rule: wash your hands, put on a mask, and keep your distance. These measures can only be effective if we take them all together, ”Kyriakides said.

Wearing a mask as a precaution: EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides

Wearing a mask as a precaution: EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides

Source: dpa / Olivier Hoslet

He called on Member States to ensure sufficient testing and hospital capacity, but also the necessary follow-up of contacts. Also, stricter rules of conduct should be considered as soon as the number of cases increases again. “And citizens must continue to take the necessary precautions,” stressed the EU health commissioner.

He also promised that the EU Commission would do everything possible to “ensure rapid access by Europeans and the world to an effective and safe vaccine to protect us against the coronavirus.” Talks with the pharmaceutical industry will continue.

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On Monday, Kyriakides and the head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, already announced that the EU would support the vaccine alliance led by the World Health Organization (WHO) with 400 million euros. This sum will be made available so that the poorest countries have access to a vaccine. With the so-called Covax initiative, rich countries want to jointly buy a vaccine and then pass it on to the poorest people.

The plan is to jointly buy around two billion units of vaccines from various manufacturers by the end of 2021. It wants to prevent a “vaccine nationalism”. “Global cooperation is the only way to defeat this global pandemic,” von der Leyen said. Kyriakides, for his part, spoke of an “inclusive international approach”. This approach is heavily influenced by humanitarian motives. However, there are also practical reasons: “The EU is only safe if the rest of the world is safe,” says a European Commission document.

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The Commissioner is currently coordinating EU action to ensure the development and supply of vaccines in Europe. A total of around € 2.7 billion is available from what is known as an emergency aid instrument. The money goes, for example, to fund start-up costs for vaccine manufacturers or advance purchase guarantees for successful vaccines.

A little hope that the Crown crisis will end soon: Sebastian Kurz

A little hope that the Crown crisis will end soon: Sebastian Kurz

Source: AP / Johanna Geron

Meanwhile, Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has been cautiously optimistic about the Corona crisis. He sees “light at the end of the tunnel,” said the ÖVP politician. It is very likely that the crisis will not last as long as the experts initially predicted. From today’s point of view, it is very likely that next summer “it can be normal again and, I mean, it should be too.”

This week, the Vienna government wants to decide on new adjustment measures. The goal, according to Kurz, is “to avoid a blockade.” Much more is now known about the virus and therefore “very precise measurements” can be taken.
