Kremlin Navalny critic: so it is with him now – foreign policy


Following his resignation from the Berlin Charité, Russian opposition politician Alexej Navalny (44) published a photo of him on Wednesday.

On his Instagram page, the 44-year-old is sitting on a bench in a green area with a serious expression. He also describes his emotional time in the hospital with a dash of humor.

He writes: “The first time they took me to the mirror, after 24 days in the intensive care unit (16 days of which in a coma). A character from the movie The Lord of the Rings looked at me from the mirror. And believe me, he was not an elf. I was very sad: I thought they would never release me. “

In his very personal position, Navalny praised the doctors at the Berlin Charité. Because they “performed” “more miracles” during this time: “Once again, many thanks to the entire Charité medical team and to Professor Eckardt himself.”

Navalny trained with a physical therapist, ate, tried to sleep a lot: “In recent days they even allowed me to go to the shared balcony twice for five minutes a day. But the balcony was even more depressing: the weather is great, the sun is shining, there are some parks and trees below, and I am in the room. “

On their wedding day, he and his wife Julija had posted a photo of that same balcony.

Alexej Navalny with his wife Julija on the balcony of the Berlin hospital

Alexej Navalny with his wife Julija on a balcony of the Charité in Berlin

After 32 days, the long-awaited discharge followed Tuesday, for which Navalny found a word: “Yes!”

Now she says, “Go for a walk, spend time with my family. Get into the routine of daily life. And now, wow, I’m hobbling around the park in my pants that are three sizes up.

Navalny wrote about the photo that she will now go to physical therapy every day and possibly visit a rehab center. Her goals: “Stand on one leg. I regain full control of my toes. Keep your balance. Her left hand is still partially paralyzed.

But obviously Navalny won’t let the fun go to waste. At the end of his post, he reports: “Yesterday a neuropsychologist came to do tests and see if I had become more stupid. I ask: What should I do to come back faster not only physically but also mentally? I liked the answer: read more, write on social networks. Playing video games. ”

Putin’s critic collapsed on August 20 on an intra-Russian flight. After an unscheduled emergency landing at the Siberian Omsk, he was treated for the first time at the local clinic. On August 22, he was flown to Berlin for treatment at the Charité. In Germany, according to the federal government, it was established “beyond any doubt” that Navalny had been poisoned with a chemical warfare agent from the Novitschok group. The substance was developed in the Soviet Union and belongs to the category of prohibited chemical weapons.
