Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Key State of Pennsylvania
US court rejects Trump election demand
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, suffers a serious setback in the fight against his electoral defeat. The US Supreme Court in Washington has thrown out a Trump camp case against the election outcome in the key state of Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump’s side suffered another defeat in the legal battle against the lost presidential election, this time in the United States Supreme Court. The Washington Supreme Court rejected a motion for an injunction designed by Republican Trump and his supporters to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania. In the short decision, the court did not comment on the reasons. There were also no votes against the nine judges.
Trump has been claiming since the Nov. 3 election that massive fraud stole his victory. So far, neither he nor his lawyers have been able to provide convincing evidence. Since then, lawsuits have been dismissed in various states in more than three dozen cases. Attorney General William Barr also said last week that he had no evidence of fraud to the extent that it would alter the outcome.
Pennsylvania had already certified the election result on November 23. The applicants wanted the certification revoked. State attorneys had warned the Supreme Court against such a “dramatic” move. They argued: “No court has issued an order invalidating the governor’s confirmation of the results of a presidential election.”