Katja Wildermuth becomes BR’s new director


Secret election in the Broadcasting Council

One of the most important tasks of the Broadcasting Council is the election of the top management of the station, that is, the director. Broadcasting councils were able to make suggestions for this position, you cannot apply.

In the private meeting a secret ballot is used; a simple majority of the votes cast is sufficient. If necessary, a second round will also be necessary. Artistic directors are elected for five years; reelection is allowed. Term begins on February 1, 2021.

The composition of the Broadcasting Council

The 50 women and men that make up the BR Broadcasting Council represent socially relevant groups: it includes unions, churches, sports and youth associations, cultural organizations and chambers of commerce, but also parties; the latter, however, cannot have the majority in the body. to form. They are also represented on the Broadcasting Council in proportion to the distribution of seats in the Bavarian State Parliament. There are currently twelve politicians, plus the Bavarian media minister. The president of the Broadcasting Council is Lorenz Wolf, representative of the Catholic Church.
