Kasia Lenhardt: bodily injury – investigation against ex Boateng



Investigations against Jérôme Boateng resume

You can imagine a contract extension at Bayern again: Jérôme Boateng.

You can imagine a contract extension at Bayern again: Jérôme Boateng.

Photo: dpa

After the alleged suicide of his ex-girlfriend, an investigation against Jérôme Boateng will now be restarted.

Berlin / Munich.

  • Model Kasia Lenhardt was found dead in her Berlin apartment on February 9
  • Shortly before, his separation from professional footballer Jérôme Boateng made news
  • An investigation against Boateng is now resuming: it refers to the accusation of intentional bodily harm against Kasia since October 2019

The model became on February 9, 2021, her son’s sixth birthday. Kasia lenhardt Found dead in an apartment in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin. The week before, 25-year-old soccer player Jérôme Boateng made headlines with his separation.

Now it becomes a Preliminary investigation against the 32-year-old FC Bayern player. This is confirmed by the Munich I prosecutor’s office at the request of this editorial team. First, the “Zeit” reported. “On December 20, 2019, the process for intentional bodily harm (crime of October 3, 2019) by the defendant Boateng to the detriment of the injured Kasia L. began,” said the prosecutor.

Read also: Kasia Lenhardt – Boateng with a black belt in the field

Boateng: Preliminary proceedings against him initially suspended

Therefore, the personal injury proceedings were temporarily suspended in June 2020. According to the prosecution, the main reason was that Kasia Lenhardt no longer wanted to comment on the matter.

Now the procedure was in Feb. 10 It was resumed “because we received new information in the course of the investigation into Berlin’s death, which could give indications of a possible continuation of the process,” the prosecutor said. The investigation has not yet been completed.

However, the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office announced on Twitter that an autopsy at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Charité Berlin had not revealed any evidence of third party fault.

The process against the mother of his children is ongoing

It is not the first case against Boateng of its kind. In February 2019, prosecutors had already charged Boateng before the Munich District Court, among other things for assault. At the time, the ad referred to his Former fiancee Sherin S., the mother of his twin daughters. Currently, the procedures are not being negotiated due to the corona pandemic.

Read here: Kasia Lenhardt’s mother: “Our pain is infinite”

Following the separation of Boateng and Lenhardt in December 2020, a media battle began between them. In a “Bild” interview, Boateng said he broke up “for my own safety and that of my family. The truth is, I never wanted him to start that kind of relationship with Kasia.” The footballer accused her of lies and massive drinking problems. Also that Kasia threatened to “destroy” him by accusing him of “beating her”.

“She knew very well that the mother of my children accused me of the same thing and that we would have a lawsuit for it,” Boateng said. A few days after “Bild’s” interview with Boateng was published, Kasia Lenhardt committed suicide.

Berlin lawyer considers “Bild” interview “illegal”

Well-known press lawyer Christian Schertz considers the “Bild” interview to be a “violation of a taboo” and “illegal”. In an interview with the “Berliner Zeitung” he says: “‘Bild'” allows a super celebrity to reveal the most intimate details of another person’s private life in a completely one-sided way. Also, it is not entirely clear whether his allegations were true. “And hopefully that will be determined by the investigation.

Editor’s Note: Due to the large number of copycats, we generally do not report suicides or suicide attempts unless the circumstances pay special attention to them. If you have mood swings, depression or suicidal thoughts, or if you know someone who has them, you can get help with telephone counseling. You can reach them by phone at 0800 / 111-0-111 and 0800 / 111-0-222 or on the Internet at www.telefonseelsorge.de. The consultation is anonymous and free, calls are not recorded on the phone bill.

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