Karl Lauterbach is in favor of a longer shutdown


Before the exchange conference between prime ministers and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach spoke out against easing the crown conditions imposed for November. “I assume that we will have to extend the closure of the breakwater because the effect is weaker than calculated,” said the SPD politician in the newspapers of the Funke media group. “Other than schools, a probable cause is very few restrictions on private contacts.”

New infections are too high, Lauterbach said. “There is no reason to relax.” New studies have confirmed the enormous importance of restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels and fitness rooms for the spread of the coronavirus. “This is exactly where superprocessor events occur,” Lauterbach said. “If we reopen these places like we did before closing, we’ll be back where we were in no time – with exponential growth.”

Chancellor Merkel wants to take stock on Monday, two weeks after the start of the last national contact restrictions scheduled for November. The federal government has already made clear that in light of the rising numbers, it currently sees no reason to relax.

Risk of school operation: better to share classes

Lauterbach spoke out in favor of keeping schools open in any event, but cautioned against continuing school operations. “We are entering a situation in which the operation of schools is becoming a high risk for children, teachers, parents and grandparents,” said the politician. He advised dividing the school classes and teaching them “in winter all the time with a mask.” Children between the ages of 10 and 19 are just as contagious as adults.

The SPD politician urgently warned against New Year’s Eve celebrations. “Parties beyond the narrower circle are not valid this year. That would immediately result in a new wave of infections.” Germany is also far from being a normal Christmas. “Everyone who visits your family should know that you can put yourself in danger.”

The load limit was soon exceeded in many clinics

Meanwhile, German doctors are asking federal states with many corona cases to halt postponed interventions in hospitals. In a statement, the Marburger Bund medical organization and intensive care medical societies criticize the fact that hospitals have not focused their capacities on Covid 19 patients for reasons of turnover.

“Politicians should promptly request hospitals in highly polluted regions to reduce or suspend planned and postponed hospital interventions depending on the exposure situation,” the doctors demand. “Only then is it possible to deploy additional staff on short notice to care for acutely and critically ill patients.” Without this additional support, the load limit would soon be exceeded, especially in many intensive care units.

At the moment, those responsible for the finances in the clinics are not willing to postpone interventions that can be postponed, the doctors criticized. That is why politicians must counteract the loss of revenue that would occur if postponement treatments were cut back.

“Make an important effort”

In view of the high number of infections, the leader of the Union parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus, expects more difficult weeks. So that much stricter measures such as curfews, business closures and mass tests are not necessary, as is the case with European neighbors, “we must make a considerable effort in the coming weeks,” wrote the CDU politician in a letter to the members of the parliamentary group of the Union. After two weeks of partial lockdown, they noted: “Unfortunately, the Corona trend has not yet broken.”

The goal is “to come down from the high numbers, not just weaken the dynamics of the rise,” Brinkhaus emphasized in the letter. However, the situation must also be classified. “In a European comparison, we are still doing relatively well.” Only a few countries like Norway and Finland are better, but they also have significantly lower population density. When it comes to the crown measures taken in Germany, some things are also put into perspective when looking at the sometimes much stricter measures in neighboring countries.

Icon: The mirror
