Karl Lauterbach: “I don’t mean to be intimidated”


Germany Karl Lauterbach

“Don’t pretend to be intimidated”

“I don’t express myself without asking”

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach complains of hostility towards himself. More recently, a statement from Bayern coach Hansi Flick made headlines, speaking of “so-called experts.” Lauterbach calmly counterattacks in the interview.

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“The hatred that is raining down on me right now overshadows everything I have experienced so far,” says Karl Lauterbach, an SPD health expert. He had seen the effect these threats had on his colleagues.

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach wants to remain a vocal part of the Corona debate despite the threats against him. “I don’t mean to be intimidated. These people will not silence me, “Lauterbach told the” Germany publishing network “(RND / Online: Monday).

Previously, he had complained of violent hostility against himself in a “Spiegel” interview. Try to hide that as much as possible. Also, you’ve been in the political business for a long time and it can take a long time. “But I have to say: the hatred that is raining down on me right now overshadows everything I have experienced thus far. This is a new dimension of verbal brutality, a new language that really bothers me, ”said the 57-year-old.

Meanwhile, it had become much quieter, the insults had decreased, Lauterbach continued. Now the hate is back. It has clearly escalated – and it seems to be getting more and more radical. ” Although he does not read everything: he does not make the “shameful and vile statements of these trolls in the forums”.

“Threats and insults almost daily”

In the Corona crisis, crimes against politicians increased significantly. Karl Lauterbach is also affected. How SPD’s health expert deals with hostility, recounts in WELT interview.

“Still, I cannot completely avoid it: I also receive abuse by direct message, by email, by letter.” He had to initiate the necessary reports. “These people want to silence others and me, of course. I know some scientists who are now much more cautious after threats on the Internet, which I can understand. “

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Lauterbach: “I have changed my life”

When asked by RND how he explains the rise in hatred, Lauterbach said: “These people are extremely frustrated and angry. They hoped vaccines and next spring would quickly return life to normal. They see that the slow vaccination begins, they do not understand or do not want to understand why the mutations of the virus are a great danger and prevent them from loosening.

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His family is also threatened. “I don’t want to comment on these private matters,” Lauterbach said. “Of course I am concerned. I have changed my life and seek the advice of security experts ”. It can never be completely ruled out “that some violent person or even a mentally ill person does not violate me or my family.”

“Karl Lauterbach always has something to say”

When asked about criticism of FC Bayern’s trip to Qatar, Hansi Flick reacted with irritation and had a few words to say about Karl Lauterbach in particular.

Quelle: Stats Perform News
