Kamchatka: Animal death in a natural paradise | tagesschau.de


The Kamchatka Peninsula is known for its rugged beauty. The low level of development allows nature to spread out halfway without being disturbed. But they are currently experiencing a bewildering animal death.

By Stephan Laack, ARD Studio Moscow, currently. Suburb

It is one of the last natural paradises in the world: the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka in the North Pacific. A landscape formed by countless geysers, snow-capped volcanoes. Sparsely populated, hardly any industry. Shipbuilding and fishing are of particular importance here in the Russian Far East.

And the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kamchatka is attracting more and more tourists who, for example, want to see bears fish for salmon in crystal-clear rivers.

The water has changed color

Others come here to surf the cold ocean waves off the coast of the peninsula. Surfers were also the first to notice that something was wrong here: “I had cutting pains and streaks in my eyes after getting out of the water. Then I went to the doctor and he found me burned,” he said. a surfer.

Three weeks ago, the first surfers in Kamchatka had complained of eye pain, short-term vision loss, vomiting and coughing. They had also observed that the water had changed color and tasted strange.

A week ago, dead animals were washed ashore in large numbers. Seals, octopuses and fish: the environmental protection organization Greenpeace speaks of an ecological catastrophe. In the first samples that were taken, a higher concentration of petroleum derivatives and phenol was found.

Toxic substances as the cause?

Russian authorities now also want to get to the bottom of the matter after they released a video of clean beaches over the weekend. At first, they speculated that a storm might have been the cause.

The responsible governor, Vladimir Solodov, no longer considers it impossible for toxic substances to have entered the water: “One version is that of technical pollution as a result of human activities, that is, the leakage of any toxic substance. Scientists too they are investigating another possibility that could possibly be related to natural phenomena such as algae. Seismic activity and volcanic phenomena are also being discussed. But now we have no basis to speak of a concrete version. We are awaiting the extended results of the samples. “

Samples from Kamchatka are examined

250 kilograms of samples containing water, sand and microorganisms were brought to Moscow for analysis. Vasilj Jablokow of Greenpeace Russia hopes the results will now be released quickly because there is an urgent need for action.

He does not believe that the volcanic activity or the algae are responsible for the phenomenon: “There have been testimonies that the beaches were covered with dead animals that appeared to have been cooked. It does not go through oil contamination. Apparently here it is There is a chemical substance present Unfortunately, there is hardly any conclusions to be drawn at this time. The analyzes must be done as quickly as possible to understand how to treat it further and neutralize the negative effect. “

The results of the investigation could be published very soon, authorities said. In Russia, there is always serious pollution, often in remote regions, so damage is sometimes noticed late.

Inforadio reported on this issue on October 5, 2020 at 1:52 p.m.
