“Just keep your ass at home”: Berliners can buy firecrackers despite the closure in Poland – Brandenburger no – Berlin


While there were queues elsewhere on Monday and Tuesday, it was mostly cars in Frankfurt an der Oder. The Germans used the last days before the national lockdown throughout Germany to stock up on Christmas presents. Meanwhile, the border town of Brandenburg was apparently already thinking more: not only Christmas, but especially the turn of the year were the focus of shopping tourists who, before closing, crossed the city bridge into Polish Slubice, the neighboring city of Frankfurt (Oder).

While the sale of fireworks will be banned in Germany for the first time in 2020 under new federal government resolutions, pyrotechnic products can be purchased year-round in Poland. And so, earlier in the week, Berliners and Brandenburgers flocked to Poland. “The whole parking lot was full, people were in a long line in front of the store,” said a saleswoman at the “Pyromarkt” in Slubice. A large number of people were also registered in front of gas stations and in the sale of cigarettes.

Now it turns out: at least Berliners didn’t have to rush because they can still visit our eastern neighbors for shopping. While the state of Brandenburg heavily restricted so-called “small border traffic” between Poland and Germany with a ten-day quarantine obligation with the strict lockdown beginning on Wednesday, there is a momentous loophole in the current Infection Protection Ordinance. of Berlin.

Poland is considered a risk area by the Robert Koch Institute, but the quarantine obligation is lifted in accordance with Section 22 of the Berlin Covid Containment Ordinance for all those who spend less than 24 hours in a neighboring country. As it is well known that shopping in Poland can be done in a few hours, the stores compete mainly for visitors from Berlin.

The fact that Brandenburgers are only allowed to cross the border as travelers, schoolchildren, students or for a family visit without the obligation to self-quarantine, while Berliners can stock up on fireworks or cheap cigarettes and gasoline from the Polish markets without any consequences, causes great resentment in the market.

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There is a lack of understanding, among other things, in the comment columns of a Facebook post about the “Market Hohenwutzen Poland”, which is used to attract customers from Berlin. Shuttle buses from the capital approach the market several times a day. One user wrote: “Why are Berliners allowed to enter Poland without restrictions and Brandenburgers not? Are the Berliners better than the Brandenburgers? Nothing against Berliners, but I think that’s unfair “and another:” He’s getting crazier and crazier. “

In contrast, there are some Berliners who now seem to have a great chance to hit the fireworks for New Year’s Eve: “Oha, there are firecrackers for New Year’s Eve,” writes a Facebook user. In fact, the importation of pyrotechnics is only allowed according to certain guidelines. The corresponding products must be marked with the so-called “CE mark” and can only belong to class F1 (table fireworks) and F2 (New Year’s fireworks). Categories F3 and F4 (medium and large fireworks) fall under the Explosives Law and require a special permit.

“Then Berliners can bring cigarettes to the Brandenburgers”

In recent years, especially in the weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve, German customs have seized large quantities of banned pyrotechnics. Despite the travel reduction in December 2020, they will of course also be present this year and will control the import of fireworks to the Federal Republic accordingly, says Astrid Pinz, press spokesperson for the Frankfurt (Oder) customs office .

Not only several Facebook users, but also the city of Frankfurt (Oder) are in awe of the Berlin exemption. “We are very irritated that Berliners continue to buy in Poland without any problems, while we have different rules here in Brandenburg,” said city spokesman Uwe Meier. Mainly for reasons of protection against infection, the border city finds it problematic for Berliners to shop to the end, Meier said.

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The Interior Administration of the Senate of the capital referred to the senator’s home for health upon request. This was not initially available for a query on quarantine exceptions. The Greens, who advocate not only a ban on sales but also a ban on private fireworks, want to address the issue in the Senate.

Meanwhile, Facebook reacts to pragmatism: “So Berliners can bring cigarettes for the Brandenburgers,” someone suggests, while a woman is visibly upset by the discussion: “Stay home with your ass.” (with dpa)
