Jusos Declares Young Fatah Extremists as Sister Organization


Germany Federal congress

Jusos Declares Young Fatah Extremists as Sister Organization

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Jessica Rosenthal – “I want a brave SPD”

“We must no longer fail out of our own discouragement,” demanded Jessica Rosenthal, 28, at the Federal Congress of Young Socialists. She is the candidate to succeed Kevin Kühnert at the head of the Jusos.

At their federal congress, the Jusos stood in solidarity with the extremist youth of Fatah. This rejects Israel’s right to exist. Criticism of the decision also comes from the party itself.

reThe Jusos are being criticized, the resistance is also stirring within their own ranks. Over the weekend, the SPD youth organization passed a motion in its virtual federal congress in which it expressed its solidarity with the Palestinian organization Fatah Youth. In the application under the title “Our vision for the Willy Brandt Center Jerusalem” it is stated that Fatah’s youth is a “sister organization”.

Fatah’s youth are classified as extremist by various authorities, including the American Jewish Committee in Berlin. Fatah youth reject Israel’s right to exist, calling for a boycott instead. The organization’s logo is a map of Israel colored in the colors of the Palestinian Authority. During a 2018 Fatah youth rally in the West Bank, members wore fake explosive belts and called for the fight against Israel.

A resolution had already been passed in the Jusos Federal Congress last year, describing Fatah’s youth as a “close partner.” The “sister organization” attribute is new.

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Remko Leemhuis of the American Jewish Committee told WELT: “We are very irritated by this proposal and the fact that it has been accepted.” It is particularly irritating that Jusos’ request emphasizes Israel’s right to security, the Jewish state but at the same time it will be asked to remove the security fence from the West Bank.

“It is thanks to this fence, among other things, that there have been no more serious suicide attacks for years and that the number of terrorist attacks has dropped significantly overall,” Leemhuis said. And furthermore: “It is also noted that this terror of the Palestinian-Islamist groups is not explicitly mentioned. On the contrary, it seems that this terror and Israeli attempts to protect its own people from this terror are equated in the motion. “

Alexander Kudascheff, former editor-in-chief of Deutsche Welle, commented on Twitter: “Unbelievable. The ‘young’ Fatah as an adviser to the Jusos in the Middle East ”. On Twitter, SPD members also harshly criticized the minor group’s decision. Stephan Schorn, first president of the local SPD association, Eppelborn, wrote: “I deeply regret that, as a Social Democrat, I can distance myself from you a maximum of 20,000 km on this planet.”

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At the request of WELT, the federal board of the Jusos declared in writing: “We are convinced: a peaceful solution to the conflict that clearly recognizes the right of Israel to exist and respects the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people can only be achieved through mutual exchange. “. Jusos is a “third party” in the conflict, a mediator. And also: “We want to bring the parties to the conflict, our allies, to a table and support them in building bridges. We are proud of this project and the work it is doing on the site ”. With this, the board referred to the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem, which was founded in 1996.

Kühnert resigns – only Rosenthal candidate

Former President Kevin Kühnert is not running again for the Juso presidency. He wants to focus on his role as Federal Vice President of the SPD and run for the Bundestag. The only candidate for Kühnert’s successor is Professor Jessica Rosenthal from Bonn, 28. In the coming weeks, the Jusos will vote by letter on Kühnert’s successor. The result will be announced in early January.

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Rosenthal assured SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz that they would be “completely united” in goal. It is “to send the CDU to the opposition, precisely because it has no answers for the future.” But the Jusos wanted to see him fight for it. The SPD must be brave and not pretend that there are no alternatives. “We must not continue to fail out of our own discouragement. I want a courageous SPD who stands up for his convictions, who is a powerful lobby for people who, otherwise, too often have no voice, ”said the 28-year-old.

In their congress, the Jusos also decided on several demands that they want to include in the SPD electoral manifesto. These include, for example, a state guarantee for an apprenticeship in an optional occupation and public transportation funded by ticketless contributions. In the health sector, fixed fees will be eliminated and clinics will be returned to the public sector. The Basic Law debt brake will be removed to allow more investment in affordable housing and modern schools.
